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  1. I currently have the Rudy project Rydon, does anybody have any feedback on the Oakley Jawbreakers vs the Rydons.
  2. Hi South Industries I am interested in a set of 29er wheels on tune hubs. Some questions I am hoping you can help me with. 1. What is the weight of the wheelset 2. In terms of impact force strength have you done any testing if so how do the wheels compare to ZTR valor 3. Do the wheels have a rider weight limit? 4. Is the promo price inclusive of delivery. Cheers
  3. They are saying I need to pay for the repairs because the fork is more than a year old, did this happen to your fork in the first year?
  4. I took my bike in for a full service in January the fork and the shock were sent to omnico for a full service. 3 weeks ago I started hearing a clicking and creaking noise coming from the front of the bike. I checked the usual stuff headset,stem, top cap took all off cleaned and reinstalled bolts torqued etc. Noise still there took the bike back to my lbs and they told me it is a common issue on the fox forks and it needs to go back to omnico to be replaced. Is this a common issue and can it be fixed?
  5. What is the weight as pictured?
  6. Where is the best point of entry? I live in Die Boord and would like to ride from home if possible
  7. What is safety like on these trails? Is it safe to ride alone?
  8. I currently have a 2012 TB what is the difference between the 2012 and the TB2?
  9. I am moving to Stellenbosch in August do these night rides still happen. I am looking to join a group/club that rides 3 times per week and on weekends?
  10. Mnr the HI-FI had to give in you can only ride it like you stole it for so long- so respect to you and the hi fi
  11. I had a Tacx flow and I currently have a simple Cylce ops Fluid 2 and IMO the Cycle ops is better built and easier to set up. The killer with a trainer is that is it takes you 10minutes to setup you wont ride it this is why I got rid of the Tacx cause you had to plug in all the wires plug it into a power outlet and connect a PC.
  12. Any people training for the Epic next year keen to form a group in Paarl? Lets see if we can get a group together.
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