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  1. it depends how chuck norris is feeling on that day
  2. This morning ~ 6am. My Dad & I were hit by a car. Luckily, Not serious. But the events were as follows: In Durban, Essenwood road. An oncoming old white Toyota Camry sped up, did a U turn right in front of us and then slammed on brakes. My Dad went into the back & I bounced off the side. Stopped in front of his car to assess any damage & injuries. SHouted at him to "wake up" and ask him "what ARE you doing". At this point he revved his car and started straight for us. I thought he was going to hit us now standing on the side of the road. He wound down the window and started screaming " F@#$ you F@#$ off " and sped off. The number plate is NPN 49702 And he appeared to drop someone off in Essenwood Road. I would like to take this further and make an example if possible as this pig headedness cannot be tolerated. I am making statement at the police station later. I am also doing a name & shame campaign next week. Would be much appreciated if anyone has legal advise on my/ cyclists rights??
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