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  1. I also use a bottle for keeping tools.
  2. Great event. First Marathon done and dusted. 4hrs 56min. Will need to train more for those rocky climbs. But overall happy with the results.
  3. Cajees worst place ever. I bought my Ghost there. I did my shopping and got my bike at a good price. But the service is crap there. Took my bike in for its first service which was free, but I'm glad I'm done with them. They replaced my back quick release with another used one. When I asked them why they told me it was cracked???? I'm a noob but I don't think that is possible? Will take my bike to Harry at Metro Cycles in the Vaal next time.
  4. Was my first mtb race and I enjoyed every km of it. Only did the 45km but next year the big 80. Lots of congestion at the beginning and at some uphills and downhills that slowed me down. But overall great event.
  5. I will be doing this one. I'm a noob so I will do the half marathon for now.
  6. Hi there, Is there any group rides for MTB on weekends in mentioned areas or close by? I would like to join you. Thanks
  7. Hi there, Is there any trails for MTB in the mentioned areas? Visiting my parents this weekend and was wondering if there is any. Would like to go out Sunday for a morning ride? Thanks
  8. TV-Takeaways pie sounds good now. There should be a store in JHB.
  9. Hi there all, Got a solution for my problem. I phoned Discovery again and they said they will only cover serious injuries(back and neck ETC) if I'm admitted into hospital. I unfortunately can't change medical aid now. So I took out the best SWEATSAFE for the bills the medical aid doesn't pay. So I hope I don't need it this year.
  10. Thanks for informing me. I first want to get hang of the sport before I start doing things like that. Like I said I'm a rookie. So slow go for me.
  11. I'm new to MTB so I'm not sure what you are talking about. Not familiar with "KOM's".
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