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Posts posted by dalem44

  1. I feel it's only courteous to greet a fellow rider after he has greeted you. I have been out in the middle of nowhere and greeted a fellow cyclist and I didn't even get the finger lift or the nod. I then chased him down and kept greeting him until he greeted me. Maybe I was having a k@k day but I cannot stand stuck up a-holes with no manners.


    Have some respect for your fellow riders, they are also out on their bikes just like you!

  2. Thanks for the responses.

    Its the front derailleur and its pretty new so I don't think that is the problem. It almost seems that it wont stretch out far enough to move the chain onto the big ring. The chain doesn't even touch the big ring

  3. I am having a serious problem, I cannot shift into my big ring! I have tried all the possible adjustments and limit screws but it just won't shift. It used to work but all of a sudden it doesn't even look like it will reach the big ring. What can I do to check if everything is right?



  4. Sorry to bring up posts that are 5 years old but I thought that it's easier than starting a new topic.

    My question is this: my mtb gets terrible chain slap when riding over bumpy terrain! Could this be that the chain is too long? How do I check?

  5. sounds much cheaper than a derailer in the spokes and a wrecked frame... you should be thanking your lucky stars they had one.


    rememebr to carry it with you every day... much easier than converting to a singlespeed mid race.

    Thanks for the advice... I went the singlespeed route once out on the trail but it kept slipping gears so I ended up running the bike home!

  6. I was going through my Sani2c checklist and noticed that I hadn't got a spare derailleur hanger for my new frame. So off I went to the shops and had a look around, I couldn't get the hanger from my LBS since it was not a bike that they kept so I had to go elsewhere. I went to a chain that I am not too fond of since their prices are not the best unless you haggle your way through to what you want to pay. The only problem is, that I don't know what a derailleur hanger costs!


    I ended up buying the hanger and walked out the shop feeling as though I had dropped the soap in a prison shower!


    Can anyone enlighten me as to what a hanger should costs?

  7. I am having the same problem with tires not seating properly. I had the tires on an old ghetto tubeless wheel set and they ran perfectly true. Now I have moved them onto a Stan's conversion wheel set and my tires are no where near seated straight.

    Why would they sit straight on one wheel set and not on another?

  8. Simple solution...

    Ride in single file and be considerate

    Take that " I own the road and all motorists owe me something attitude" and chuck it in the bin.

    Enjoy your ride



    If we all did this, there would be no problems


  9. Yes, There are awesome rides out there.

    MTB Rides:

    Hop onto the main road towards P.E turn left towards Cannon Rocks, At the stop street, take a right and ride and ride and ride...

    The ride takes you through sections of Addo Elephant Reserve with awesome scenery and some nice climbs. You will eventually reach Alexandra where you can either turn around or or go head back on the road for a bit and then head back on the next sand road.


    Let me know if you want me to do a google map for you.



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