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Posts posted by MaXiMuM

  1. It depends what you're trying to achieve. Aquaseal is the stuff I use for fixing neoprene feet on waders, but if you want a big tube of it, you need to buy it online. Otherwise, Frontier Fly Fishing, in Peter Place, Bryanston.

  2. I rode it for the first time yesterday, from the Emerentia to William Nicol. I got good Strava times for a first go. Nice ride...

    Learnt that need to figure a different route to the it, or maybe get soft and drive there first.

    Nah, I'll harden up...

  3. 11km, 190m up, first 2km is flatfish, then no break in the up, till right at the office. Home is steep up for 1km, then almost all down...

    I have learnt to pace myself going up, And how to be faster going down, need to keep up with the cars otherwise they push you off the tricky bits. So I go fast enough to fit into the traffic.

  4. I totally agree with you that there are a number of articles available on the web that delve into the benefits and faults of each wheelsize, however you cant put all this information onto a billboard as CycleLab are trying to do.


    As I said in my post - it urkes me that 29er has so much prevalence, but there is no denying it ... it is the most sought after ... having worked in a bike shop you cant miss this fact ...


    Although, as you have indicated a customer SHOULD do their own research prior to a purchase - as you have done ... but many people dont ...


    The fact that 29er has become the most sought after bike in SA is mainly due to the terrain and style of events that we have in SA that cater for the mass market - 40 to 60km on jeep tracks and nice flowy singletrack lends itself to a fast rolling bike - we dont have elevation and lift assited trails like Europe so the light 29er is the obvious choice. Its a pity, but hopefully people will see past this and make good decisions based on their own wants - just like you did.


    I'll have a think and see how to make it more punchy for CL ....


    All though this is not the exact article, sorry I can't find it, but an image is worth, as you know, a lot...


    I really think the images helped.


    I would go along the lines of these images, showing the attack angle, giving the pro's and con's. A simple board, with the correct, unbiased info, and allow the customer to enter into the sales conversion informed.

    It does not have to be a huge thing, but knowing the retail spaces they are looking to put this in, there is an opportunity to have it stand aside and be a feature.

    However, is there an arterial motive, eg, the brands that they retail, do not have the 650b's in their line up? no names mentioned.

    Sorry, retail is a funny thing, often the product you have in stock, is the "best of breed" only because you are out of stock of the other one...


    Anyway, once again, MHO.

  5. I have done event photography, my take is most people want something for free, after all i just push the button........


    I would have the following on me just to take your photos:

    2 camera bodies canon 7d R20K each

    2 low light lenses normally 24-70 mm f2.8 R25K and a 24mm f1.4 R20K

    2 speedlights (flashes) R6K each

    remote triggers R5K

    1 light stand, 4 x 16 gig memory cards, spare batteries camera bag, diffusers for flashes R7K


    Over R100K worth of kit to take your photo. I made more money selling at R100 a photo than R50 or R20 a photo, but no where enough to feed my family.


    Bottom line is to cart all that kit out into the bush, getting it dirty, lying in the mud to take "action pics", spending a day taking photos and 3 days editing was not worth the hassle. Just work out what your time is worth to you

    What he said...

  6. R45 is a very good price, I would expect to pay more. 2 camera set up, even at reduced rates is going to be in the R100k range, body and decent lense, R30k, need 2 at least. Decent PC and software R20k, cards, spare battery, tripods, bags, etc...

    So 2500 odd pics pays for the hardware, then there are travel costs, accommodation, etc...

    And then he has to make a living.

    If it's a good pic, then R100 is about right.

    Anyway, MHO.


    Thanks for that, A really good point - guess I will never know until I try them out :thumbup:


    Hi Nige


    We really love this fantastic copy which is clearly better than our version and adds a lot more intricacy to the explanation. We would like to (with your permission) remove our sign and replace it with your copy. We would also like to send you a R500 gift voucher for helping us create a better information board.


    Please DM me your details and I will send your voucher along and thanks again.


    Kind Regards


    Ok, so I'm new to this, rode lots when things were simple, but catching up fast...


    I like the copy, but I don't think it does the bikes justice. By telling people that the 29'er is the most sought after size is not how I would like to be informed.


    When I was trying to figure this stuff out I was lucky enough to find an online write-up that was very informative and incredibly well layed out.


    It explained everything from roll angle to cornering and what they are good at.

    I bought a 650b, I wanted the performance, and was prepared to forfit some 29'er roll benefits. The 26'er is not for me.


    Anyway. MHO

  8. Yip, agreed.

    Inexpensive helmet and loose strap. Also just checked, that peak doesn't just pop off, my bad.

    He'll be OK, hell most of us grew up in the eara before helmets were the norm, and some of us are OK'ish...

  9. So my first post, been lurking for a week or so.

    Here's my son after a fall.

    He landed literally head first, no hands, his head was the first thing to hit the ground.

    Admittedly, he had loosened his helmet stap slightly, but the peak on the helmet pushed the helmet backwards and here's the result.post-53966-1390751641,0412.jpg


    Can't straighten pic from phone...

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