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  1. Thank you, this is useful. From what I can see, I'll simply have to pay for the additional weight (as I'll be over my allocated 20kg) and check the bike in as luggage, as you said.
  2. Thanks. I'll skip on the fancy bike boxes and bags and will have to resort to a bike box from a local bike shop. I'll only need to box the bike once so it makes little sense to spend a lot of money on a hard shell case or bike bag.
  3. Shipping may be slower now due to congestion at Durban harbour. At this rate it may be easier to sell up here and buy a new/second hand bike in Canada. The issue with that is that my bike is old and not really worth selling.
  4. Hi all, I'll be immigrating to Toronto soon and wondered if anyone has experience in taking their bikes with. Ideally, I want to take both my road and mountain bike with me, assume having my indoor trainer packed up is a bit too much. At this point, I am looking at taking both bikes to a bike shop to have them packed up in cardboard bike boxes. My family will only join me early next year, so I don't want to wait for a container, my road bike absolutely has to go with me! Does anyone have any idea on costs? I am assuming I would check my bikes in as additional luggage and pay for the extra weight etc. Please share your experiences if you can..
  5. I'm struggling to understand it as well.. cables are external. The gearing works when it's not on the trainer. I have no idea why it's affected by the tension of the trainer, apparently (seen on another forum when Googling the problem) it's a tension on the chain, not the cable, that's a problem. I'll test the bike on the road tomorrow and see how smoothly the gears change.
  6. I've played around with the tension to the point where I was the only thing becoming tense! Derailleur is set, cable tension is great when there's no resistance from the trainer.
  7. Thanks for the reply. The cables are fairly new, my bike was serviced not too long ago. They might be a little dirty, I store my bike on the wall under the carport and it’s been quite dusty with the wind blowing. I’ll check that out and see what difference it makes.
  8. I'm at a complete loss.. My gears all shift well when my wheel is spinning freely (no tension from the trainer) but as soon as I add tension from the trainer then the front derailleur won't shift, at all.. it moves but it's like there isn't enough movement to shift the chain on to the big ring. If I start with the chain on the big ring then I can't shift down. I'm completely stumped! Any thoughts? I'm using Tiagra shifters, 105 derailleurs, SRAM cassette and Tiagra chain (which are both new). 10 speed set up.
  9. I didn't see much of the actual I-Group... I rode most of the race solo and finished in 3:10. As far as I know that's my best time at the Cycle Challenge.
  10. Err, can I join in on this little group? I'll wear shoes...
  11. Officially my first mountain bike race, though I've done a few off road duathlons and an off road triathlon. Going to be very cold!
  12. Has anyone had a KTM stolen from around the Northgate area? I found it unusual to see this sort of bike at a Cash Converters. KTM, Sella Italia saddle, Elixir brakes, Fox shocks, dual suspension...
  13. No such thing on my machine! I'll try take pics and post them tomorrow, that may help shed some light on the issue.
  14. Yup, traditional drop outs. Thanks for the tips, will have a look-see this arvie when I get home.
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