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Everything posted by jacko

  1. From: Ian Jones [mailto:ianj@sysspec.co.za] Sent: Monday, January 25, 2010 12:31 PM To: 'Giovanni. Mottalini' Subject: Cyclist in Hit and Run 24/1/2010<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Hi Giovanni The following report was posted on the Hub yesterday by Trevor, Garth has asked for our assistance in tracing the cyclist involved to get more details as they believe they may have a registration number of the vehicle. Can you ask your people to send out a request to the clubs to contact CGC if they know who was involved in the incident. Can you then please pass the information onto Garth if anyone comes forward. It is a positive move on the part of the Cradle residents and I think we should support them. Thanks Ian Report: News Flash: Our 24/7 National Incident Centre (NIC) received a report by 2way radio this morning from a Cradle Resident who Reported: At 09h25 Sunday 24/01/2010 whilst travelling south on the Beyers Naude Drive close to Zwartkops, a Silver 240 e Merc passed some Cyclists riding single file. A cyclists was seen going down in what seemed to be a 'Hit and Run'. Our Eye witness saw the cyclist fall, get bachk on their feet and move to the side of the road. Unfortunately our Cradle Resident could not stop to gather further info, however made our office aware of the incident. In the interests of ensuring the safety of all road users, we The Cradle Residents are keen to find out who the cyclist is, and their state of health, and possibly assisting in supplying accurate information to address this incident. We also request, that positive intervention and comment flow from this posting. We look forward to engaging with 'Organised Cycling' on this matter, and hope all who access the Cradle area will be equally proactive Regards Trevor Link to Hub thread: https://www.bikehub.co.za/forum_posts.asp?TID=74295&PN=1
  2. Dealz- glad you enjoyed it, and hope to see you at the next one,the interclub series will be back next year, from April, this time round we will be having 6 events, so will keep you posted on it, any suggestions regarding it, is welcome, as the last one was to see how things would work, so we are far from getting it right, so guys suggestions are welcome, will send it on to the committee for interclub next year Mornedn - thanks as well, and hope to see you at the next series, the interclub was great fun, enjoyed by all, and i personally enjoyed meeting all of you, as being behind the scenes, i never to to see the people, so that is my opportunity to meet all, and a huge thanks to all that partook in it, i have made certificates for all the participants of interclub, so please get your clubs to collect them from me, or you can collect them from me. a big thanks to all
  3. thanks Firefox, i am all for the cyclists, and yes i have been very quiet and keeping in the background, but this time around i thought twice about it, and put my thoughts here, as am tired of the nasty comments, i go out of my way to help all, and love what i am doing
  4. pretorium- have followed it up for you, yes it will be included in the awards along wth the downhill series, will keep you posted, but sorry on my website, www.cgcycling.co.za, and will inform the clubs of the names to receive awards for it, chilli Pepper- only a pleassure to solve the problems that i can
  5. Captain Slow- send me any suggestions you have, and we can discuss, we are focussing on safety, and all imput is appreciated
  6. so guys does nobody have anything better to do, than to trash us on this site, will tell you from one of these comments, i actually solved a problem, by the person emailing me directly, and yes it has been sorted out, so my opinion ,all just like to be on here to complain, why not use this site for more positive things, than always complaining, the event is over, come and gone, nothing can be done about it, some enjoyed it, some did not, those that were getting awards, and was not there, look on the cgc website, if your name is there, contact me, and you can collect it, but please leave this subject alone, it's finished, been there worn the t-shirt
  7. mampara- firstly, we dont get the licence money, that goes to CSA, secondly which 5 dinners are you suggesting,we booked the complete venue for the evening, and yes it was costly, but i can bet you, no matter where we have it, the turn out will be the same faithfuls, thanks to all of you that do support it Shifter - thanks for your comments, appreciate them, and will address your suggestion at the next committe meeting Scotty- yes it is costly to fit the full evening, on our own, we never even charged anything extra for the evening, except what barnyard asks for the show, so yes guys we made nothing from this event, thanks
  8. thanks for the comment, you made my day, and thanks to all that attended the awards evening, it was great having you all there, even though i don't know you all, personally, i tried to make it a stunning event, and the show afterwards was great, congratulations as well to all that received awards
  9. which club do you belong to, have you checked on the website, is you email for your club correct, maybe thats the first step, to solving the problem, and then, maybe contact me, and i can give you a date for meetings, we dont have club meetings monthly only committee meetings, but am sure if you want to join, you can let me know, and you can attend, i do respond to all emails, they are not ignored, and this is my last comment on this discussion, anyone else want something to say, be man or women enough to phone and say it, or email the office, jackie@cgcycling.co.za, or 011-4659635. as i have better things to do than hang out on this site, was just sms'd to go see the sight, thats why am on it now
  10. the list went out to your club, go and ask your club why they did not inform you
  11. thanks, for that, and was not pointing my thought to you, but for some aftwerwards
  12. CGC informed all the clubs on numerous mails, as well as a list of all receiving awards, we even published the awards evening on face book, and on twiiter, and on our website, as the administrater of CGC, i am tired of cyclists always wanting to point fingers at us, what happened in the past is not now, CGC has come a long way, and yes we informed all about this event, so please if you want to look for fault, maybe you should all look on your own doorsteps first, we put lots of effort into this event, i worked till midnight for 2 weeks to make it a success, and every weekend, i never asked for anything in return, but to make it a success for you guys the cyclists, so stop using this site to always run us dowm, if you got something nasty to say, phone or email, and lets sort it out, for once i would love to see a flippin well done CGC, it was a great evening, thanks, just my 2c worth
  13. well done to New Horizons, the event went off well, and was well organised, next year we will be having 6 interclub events starting from April, will keep you all posted
  14. we at CGC are aware of all your concerns, and acknowledge the points raised pro and against cycling, however process needs to be taken through the correct channel and not antagonise each other.first and foremost we need to ensure that we abide by the rules of the road, and in so doing we all possilbly gain the respect of the motorist, this will obviously not pacify all motorists, and this we acknowledge. we all need to co utilise the roads.Riding in groups does infact give the perception of safe riding, and in the instance of antagonising a motorist in the group, the motorist may take it out on the next single cyclist he finds on the route, in conclusion, abiding by the rules of the road is a step in the right direction.
  15. CGC is addressing the problem, quote from Giovanni: I can assure you all, that this matter will be dealt with as it should be by CGC. There is 11 traffic officers out on the roads this saturday for interclub, and they are aware of Ken's statements, and the think-bike marshalls are also aware of situation
  16. Just to give you an update on Jeff and Cynthia?s condition ? Both of them are at home now although Cynthia went back into hospital for an op on her arm earlier this week. They have a nurse aid at home and their children are all flying in from overseas to be with them. Both Cynthia and Jeff are up and about but moving slowly due to the extent of their spinal injuries. Although there was no neurological damage the healing process will be long and I am sure very frustrating for them both. <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
  17. Just to give you an update on Jeff and Cynthia?s condition ? Both of them are at home now although Cynthia went back into hospital for an op on her arm earlier this week. They have a nurse aid at home and their children are all flying in from overseas to be with them. Both Cynthia and Jeff are up and about but moving slowly due to the extent of their spinal injuries. Although there was no neurological damage the healing process will be long and I am sure very frustrating for them both. <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
  18. thanks we are trying everything, now found a cyclist that works for Hyundai, so holding thumbs, we will keep everyone posted as news comes in, but you can also follow it on twitter and face book, very active on those sites
  19. CGC has posted it on all sites, just been put onto hub,been on twitter,since monday on face book in central gauteng group also since monday, in newsletter, so all avenues have been covered
  20. On the morning of Saturday, 5 September 2009 I was driving on my way to the club ride at Broadacres shopping centre. At approximate 05h50 I turned left off <?: prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /> Main Road, Bryanston into Witkoppen Road. Approximately 200m from the corner where there is a clear shoulder and double road I saw a cyclist standing on the side of the road, a security response vehicle with his lights flashing and the wheels of a bicycle lying off the road. As I got closer, I saw 2 cyclists lying motionless approximately 5m off the road in the gutter which was more like a donga at that stage.<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> I came over to identify my friends Jeff & Cynthia Solomons as the injured cyclists. Cynthia at that stage was semi-comatosed and lying on her back. Amazingly however, she opened her eyes and identified me by name. Her husband Jeff was lying next to her on his side but at that stage not conscious. I could identify severe facial injuries and the start of a left peri-orbital haematoma. Fortunately, both of them had a good airway and pulse volume. The two people present had called for ambulance and police and fortunately within 10 minutes we had 2 response cars, three ambulances followed by a fire truck and a tow truck. At that stage the paramedics immobilised Cynthia and Jeff on fracture boards with neck braces and they were transported to the Sunninghill Clinic. I contacted Olly who came and fetched their tandem bicycle which still had its head light on and real tail light flasher but was in several pieces. I followed the ambulances to Sunnighill Clinic where I handed over to the casualty officer and went back a few hours later. Jeff & Cynthia were in the Sunninghill Clinic Intensive Care Unit. They had been seen by Mark Eltringham, Orthopaedic Surgeon and also a club member. Both of them had multiple spinal fractures, fortunately without paralysis. Cynthia had a broken right elbow and their level of consciousness had improved although they still had no recollection of the accident. Except for Cynthia?s case who said that on seeing me there she knew everything would be alright. The tragedy of this whole event is that Jeff & Cynthia had front and rear lights and Cynthia was wearing a new reflective jacket, similar to those worn by our bike marshals. Despite this and the fact that they were within the yellow line, they were knocked off their bike with such force that it ended up in 3 pieces and they were thrown at least 5m from the bike. Brett, the cyclist cycling behind them, noted that the car was a white Hyundai involved in this hit and run incident. In fact, pieces of the car?s headlight and reflector were present at the scene of the accident but unfortunately no number plate. All credit goes to Brett the cyclist who stopped and the security guard in the response vehicle who parked his car with flashing lights to block the lane to prevent any further injuries. Also to the fire department and ambulance services for their rapid response. In a message to the public out there, if your son or daughter or neighbour has a smashed head light on the white Hyundai that cannot be properly explained, PLEASE contact the relevant authorities. The same would apply to anybody involved in Hyundai spares or panelbeating. Signed, DR PETER SCOTT
  21. i agree the cyclists are not blameless, if you are in central gauteng, contact the province via email, and someone will help you sort it out
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