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Posts posted by Drinks@Brawn

  1. A frightened, shivering dog was rescued after falling into the river and floating at least 75 miles (120 kilometers) on an ice floe down Poland's Vistula River and into the sea.  

     Now his saviors just have to figure out who really owns him.


    Four people have already claimed him, but so far rescuers say there's been no wagging tail of joy from the miracle dog they nicknamed "Baltic."

    The dog's frozen odyssey came as Poland suffers through a winter cold snap, with temperatures dipping to below minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 20 Celsius).

    The thick-furred male dog was found adrift Monday 15 miles (24 kilometers) out in the Baltic Sea by the crew of the Baltica, a Polish ship of ocean scientists carrying out research.

    cytomax2010-01-28 22:22:08
  2. Tesco store bans shoppers in pyjamas

    A branch of Tesco has requested its customers not to shop in pyjamas or bare feet.


    Tim Ireland, PA Wire

    Notices placed in the windows of the store in St Mellons, Cardiff read: "To avoid causing offence or embarrassment we ask that our customers are appropriately dressed.

    "Footwear must be worn at all times and no nightwear is permitted."

    "We're not a nightclub with a strict dress code, and jeans and trainers are of course more than welcome.

    "We do, however, request that customers do not shop in their PJs or nightgowns. This is to avoid causing offence or embarrassment to others."

  3. Driver 'gobsmacked' at R800 fine for blowing nose at wheel.
    A motorist spoke of his disbelief today after he was fined by police, for blowing his nose while at a standstill in traffic.

    Blow me: Police fined a man for blowing his nose at the wheel of a car, when he had the handbrake on, in a traffic jam (picture posed by model)

    Father-of-two Michael Mancini said he put the handbrake on before wiping his nose but was asked to pull over by officers who were standing nearby.

    He was told he was not in control of his vehicle and was handed a R800 fine and three points on his licence.

    The 39-year-old, who runs a furniture restoration business in Ayr, said: "The traffic was nose to tail in the high street and the traffic stopped and I thought that was quite a good time. I stopped the van and put the handbrake on. I saw four police officers nearby.

    "The traffic moved on and I was waved across by an officer.

    "He said I was not in control of the vehicle."Mr Mancini went on: "I was absolutely stunned."I said to the officer 'You're joking, you're having a laugh'.

    "I've never been in trouble with the police. I was just completely gobsmacked. I honestly thought someone was going to run out with a camera."

    AA President Edmund King offers support for Mr Mancini, arguing that his actions were actually quite sensible: 'It is difficult to know the details of an individual case, but we have never ever heard of a driver being fined for blowing his nose at the wheel before.

    'Indeed one could argue it is safer to blow your nose rather than suffer the consequences of not doing so.'

    Mr Mancini, who lives in Prestwick, Ayrshire, was fined on October 26 in the High Street in Ayr but has not paid the penalty.

    His solicitor, Peter Lockhart, said he had written to the procurator fiscal on January 18 but a letter arrived on January 19 stating that if the fine was not paid the case would go to court.

    Mr Lockhart said: "In the letter I said 'It should have been obvious to the officers what was going on and it beggars belief a ticket was issued'."

    "I also wrote 'We cannot see, given the circumstances of this case, that it is in the public interest'."

    Mr Lockhart said he was waiting to hear if a court date has been set.

    "We will be pleading on his (Mr Mancini's) behalf not guilty," he added.

    Mr King believes the case is snot one that should be pursued: "A R800 fine and three penalty points is not a punishment to be sneezed at. If this really is a case of nose blowing at the wheel then the police should take this case, catch it, bin it, kill it.?

  4. Hello Hubbers


    I would like to mention that I will be at Killarney to bring Cytosport products to any cyclists who wish to try it.



    * Terms and Conditions apply.LOL





    Why dont u go to all the races on the weekends and sell some RTD Muscle Milk. Make sure they're ice cold and I'm sure guys will buy them. I know I would :)



    I ride to all the Races, as I do not have Transport.Cry


    Killarney is 15min from my house and I can put the coolerbox in my

  5. @Mrs colonel. What disaster are you talking about?


    Simonsvlei Funride on Sunday 24 January.


    Almost every bunch had a accident in the last 2km of the race, due to narrow road, cars parked on the side of the road either pulling out or just in the way, pedestrians in the road, bunches trying to pass slow riders.


    The list is endless. 
  6. <shamelessplug>
    You could even pop past Bellville tomorrow evening' date=' track cyclists have been known to consume copious amount of alcoholic electrolyte beverages WinkLOLShockedClap
    </shamelessplug> [/quote']



    What is on tomorrow in Bellville? Velladrome?


    Was thinking of going to Killarney for the Tuesday night this week. 
    cytomax2010-01-25 14:53:33
  7. Dear Hubbers


    I would like to mention that I will be Available to bring Cytosport products to Your  Club / Group rides. For your cyclists who wish to try it.


    Please make arrangements a week in advance so I can join your Ride,  Bring Cytomax to your fellow riders.



    * Terms and Conditions apply*

    Any flavour powder from selection for R5.


    I am forming a data base so please specify email or cellphone contact.


    I will have bottles of Cytomax and Muscle Milk for sale.  


    cytomax2010-03-04 17:08:38
  8. Dischem' date=' 1km down the road from me. Happy to pay the extra R20 to avoid the post office. Besides, I have a loyalty card smiley36.gif [/quote']


    Wait till they run out of stock or Do they STOCK the whole range?

    The loyalty card only gives you what R10 to the R1000?


    I have NOT FIXED my price yet.LOLLOL
    cytomax2010-01-20 16:14:15
  9. People were driving like TOTAL spanners yesterday. I had 3 of those incidents in beach road alone yesterday morning. A howtenger ended up with a faceful of cytomax and a wet carseat.

    Same scenario - drivers turned into me without indicating


    I hope you CHARGED them for the (CYTOMAX), it is not cheap.LOL 
  10. Angry

    So they Broke into my garage Sometime between Friday night and Saturday pm.

    Liberated me of my Raleigh RC8000 with Campag record groupset Token C85 rear wheel and Zipp 404 front wheel. AngryAngryAngryAngry

    They also got my set of MTB wheels' date=' Hope hubs with atom lab white spokes and Mavic 717 rims. AngryAngryAngryAngryAngryAngry

    As well as my daughters MTB..........

    And i'm not even gonna mention all the rest.......



    You do not say Where?


    Please post some pics.
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