Hi Mark, 1st let me say what an excellent job you are doing – 32gi aside – your info and knowledge on the subject is fantastic and I see a lot of guys and gals are learning a lot about the subject! OK, so I have a few additional questions: my focus on MTB endurance racing i.e. The Cape Epic and Ultra Marathon events, past life I raced Ironman and Olympic distance Tri’s. Weight = +/- 70Kg, race weight +/- 67Kg – height 1,79m 1) I sweat!! (A LOT!) Which I consider a good thing as it keeps me cool Due to this I consume a bottle (600-750ml) at least in 1h20min, basically I stick to the plan of 250ml every ½ hour. So If I go out for a 3 hour ride I pack 2 bottles filled to the top with my current mixture, this gives me +/- 50-60g of carbs per full serving. a. If 32GI is good for 2 ½ hours does this mean that 1 full serving of 32GI is good enough, but because we need to hydrate – water is then used to substitute? Thus 1 bottle 32Gi and 1 with water only? Alternate the drinking between the 2? b. I cannot see from your website the Carbs per serving – there is some rough guidance in this needed, as nutrition books I have provides some calculation to what is good for you. i.e. I have experimented during training for The Cape Epic with some alternative drinks (Low GI breakfast as always) and you get some like GU Brew that has ½ the Carbs thus needing a GU top-up to get additional carbs loaded – just using the drink left me flat. Others used as is was good hours, just kept filling and carry the top-up bags! 2) Foodie – So I’m also a foodie, I like a banana on rides, raisons and also pack an energy bar. On events like The Cape Epic eating is a must – some advise here as energy bars are considered the easy option 3) Amino Acids – Some products contain amino acids and things like L-Glutamine – I do notice your FAQ section saying adding your owns additional products (i.e. I will add PeptPro to mine). What is included what why and how do these really benefit an athlete? 4) Does your serving and formula take weight into consideration? Relates to Q 1 above. 5) Running vs Riding – Having done my fair share of both, with marathon running I always felt that I can do with less intake – leaves the stomach lighter too, riding a bike I get hungry and need a lot more than running, noted a lot of runners on your site. Fat stores is good to tap into, but does having a very low fat or body mass index make this slightly more skew, or does the process help storing the cells with energy rather than storing it to fat – Mmm hope you understand what I’m trying to ask… :-/ Thank you in advance!