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Posts posted by ZakAttak

  1. Has any body had any good or bad experiences with the ac 350 sprint wheels? Im 82 kgs and like to call myself competitive. Are they worth it?


    Love my 350 sprints as well and I weigh in at 80kg's average.... :blink: Got them for a couple of months and loves how it just rolls..... Nice climbing wheels as well, very light and stiff.... :thumbup:

  2. Oh Snap.... Business models are different in all walks of life and the reason why they are different is because no 2 people think along the same lines, unless the first one is being copied of course.... CWC's Business model is working for them because there blinkers have been removed and can now see a better part of the horizon.... While, the "other" guys seem to be trying to hard without putting in the effort....

  3. The extra 3hrs I got sleep yesterday was so worth it :clap: .... Sick baby keeping you up :thumbdown: , not all that great, but worth the time spent with her....


    See you guys in the new year, will definitely be joining the next ride.... Keep me posted... :thumbup:

  4. In industry, tests are performed as these companies are bound by country laws and international standards as well. Your more well reputable companies would need to abide by these laws otherwise they will fail to sell goods to the international community. With these laws comes very important and very strict testing especially in R&D. This will ultimately prove what works and what doesn't, my earlier comment to bring it to the manufacturers attention is for them to tighten on testing of completed equipment, not only for there safety when it comes to laws which control them but also for the international community at large. Once a reputable company is badmouthed (which they surely do not want) it is difficult to regain the confidence of the community out there. The only way they will improve is if the consumer reports issues that they might have missed.... My opinion....

  5. Bars, stems seatposts Frames, etc are all mass produced mostly.... These various components are extruded and bent to form the desired shape (Bars, Seatposts)... During extrusion, if the aluminium is to hot, it will cause a bubbling effect between particles causing the material to be weaker at various points....Cracks are also formed when the material in not properly cooled down or by rapid cooling.... These issues are protected by Quality Assurance before made good for sale, but sometimes during Non destrucive testing (NDT), these issues pass, but the testing inevitably makes that particular component a bit weaker in lifespan.... Hence companies offer your various warrantees and guarantees on components... I say, if something like that did happen to you with whatever manufacturer, bring it to there attention as they would appreciate the feedback and find ways on improving on their NDT...

  6. The only wait you have with CRC and Royal Mail, is when it gets to SA Customs, SA's service delivery is extremely poor not only when it comes to Postal Service but all other services in general in SA.... The delay is within SA and not with the Royal Mail.... Very, very sad..... Cry

    Buzzman2010-01-12 08:18:09
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