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Posts posted by MariusL

  1. Hey Martie,


    Rather use what you have been training on. Sometimes your stomach might react strangely to things you are not used to. The last thing you want is your stomach cramping, or worse - getting the "squirts" somewhere around Cape Point...


    Personally, I don't use either.


    Enjoy your ride on Sunday!
  2. I always ensure that I am in my small chainring as everest begins to get steep - prevents me from loosing momentum when changing from the middle to the small blade, as it gets steeper i just change up a few gears and spin it out to the top... momentum is key, once you loose that, its a horrible and frustrating walk :)

  3. I have found that the best way to tackle "everest" is to try and keep to the right (this is just after the left turn that takes you along the contour towards the "electric fence way") of the trail leading up (you should see there are less loose stones there), and after about 80m or so you should try and swing across to the left, and then try and keep right and negotiate the bigger rocks at the top... that has worked for me a few times... but it does become a bit easier as you gain strength and fitness...

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