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Newbie/ Couch Potato - losing weight/getting fit


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My 2 cents, keep it simple for now. Learn to enjoy riding and having fun before killing yourself with a hectic training regime. I found that I got way fitter and lost a lot more weight by just having relaxed rides with the wife, rather than trying to outdo myself everytime with fast and hectic rides. Most importantly, I started enjoying my riding again!


That's the way to go!!!!

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All the best for your training regime.

To assist losing weight I can recommend some reading "Why we get fat..." by Gary Taubes, also you can follow Peter Attia's blog on www.eatingacademy.com,

I've lost 19kg so far, my buddy has lost 29kg since March.

Keep us posted on your progress, not only will it keep you motivated but you may help to motivate others as well thumbup1.gif

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