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ITB Pain


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as previous hubbers stated you need to have this assessed by a proper specialist. I started DC training last year and I had excruciating pain doing some of my rides; I then rested and went to a physio all of which just costed me 3 weeks of training. I then went to see Dr Jeroen Swart and he did an assessment and it turned out to be a number of things, the main one being that the person who did my initial ergofit had my measurements wrong. The other issues were things like muscle imbalances, weak hip abductors, differences in my femur etc.


After he did the setup again about 90% of the pain was eliminated. I still get a bit of pain but that's my own fault for not stretching the muscle and continuing with my muscle strengthening exercises.


I have checked the setup a couple of times. Everyone said Jeroen Swart is the best, but how do u get in by him?

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Thanx Guys, i have treid all of the above and it is going better. Went to a physio and said rest, so i rested 3 weeks, but with no cure, did setup again, but pain still exsists no as much anymore but i can still feel it.

Getting a roller this weekend quick.

Wants to get in at Jeroen Swart but how?

I prob overtrained it for Transbaviaans, and now is paying for it.

i fell 6 weeks before Trans and hurt my inside muscle(around the knee) but went for physio and injections and kept training. After Trans the inside muscles is ok, but now outside is a problem. So now physio said i must go for injections again, maybe it will sort it out.

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Thanx man, doing that strecth everyday now, will c how it goes.


That's more of a stretch for glutes than for ITB. And there are better ones for that, like the yoga stretch below - you get much deeper into the stretch this way.


But if you do have ITBS, just stretching won't really get you far. A strained and tight ITB will mean you've probably got quite a bit of adhesions, including adhesions between the ITB and the vastus lateralis. And besides going to a physio, the only way to work those adhesions out is with a foam roller.


Here's an article that sums things up quite nicely, and it also has pics of the stretch that targets ITB the best:



Get a foam roller!



glute stretch:


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Thanx Guys, i have treid all of the above and it is going better. Went to a physio and said rest, so i rested 3 weeks, but with no cure, did setup again, but pain still exsists no as much anymore but i can still feel it.

Getting a roller this weekend quick.

Wants to get in at Jeroen Swart but how?

I prob overtrained it for Transbaviaans, and now is paying for it.

i fell 6 weeks before Trans and hurt my inside muscle(around the knee) but went for physio and injections and kept training. After Trans the inside muscles is ok, but now outside is a problem. So now physio said i must go for injections again, maybe it will sort it out.


I'm sorry to hear about your problem especialy at this time of the year, summer approaching and all...


DId u check the links i posted, try the bunkie tests and train the weak muscles and / or get someone to release the tight muscles?

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Thanx Guys, i have treid all of the above and it is going better. Went to a physio and said rest, so i rested 3 weeks, but with no cure, did setup again, but pain still exsists no as much anymore but i can still feel it.

Getting a roller this weekend quick.

Wants to get in at Jeroen Swart but how?

I prob overtrained it for Transbaviaans, and now is paying for it.

i fell 6 weeks before Trans and hurt my inside muscle(around the knee) but went for physio and injections and kept training. After Trans the inside muscles is ok, but now outside is a problem. So now physio said i must go for injections again, maybe it will sort it out.


Your physio just said to rest for 3 weeks?


Did your physio do basic strength tests on areas like your glutes and VMO? Did he/she go into detail about the relationship between muscle imbalances and a strained ITB? Did the physio put together a strengthening program for you to use in the gym to get those muscle groups strong? What's the state of your hip flexors at the moment - has she given you the right stretch for those as well, and the stretches you need to do for your glutes too. Is she focusing only on trigger point release for your ITB or is she working out all the kinks in your glutes, vastus lateralis and TFL as well? All these are 100% linked - they're part of one system. You can't treat just the ITB without giving the same amount of attention to the other areas. A good physio would send you away with a whole stretching and gym strengthening program for all these areas of the leg - at least a couple of pages worth.


What injections are you getting - cortizone? That sounds worrying to me.

Edited by tombeej
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  • 2 weeks later...

I think ITB has become my worst enemy...


So true what everybody said, get help soon!!! the sooner you treat it, correctly, the better your chances of sorting it out before it gets beyond the point of repair. Also invest in a foam roller, best invention ever for ITB.


I agree with going to a physio who is cycling related.


I am now one week post op mellow.png, started swimming last night as i cannot cycle or run, and it went ok. I am looking after this thing as much as possible, they say the reason why most ops fail is because people don't do rehab correctly afterwards and start training too early.

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I think ITB has become my worst enemy...


So true what everybody said, get help soon!!! the sooner you treat it, correctly, the better your chances of sorting it out before it gets beyond the point of repair. Also invest in a foam roller, best invention ever for ITB.


I agree with going to a physio who is cycling related.


I am now one week post op mellow.png, started swimming last night as i cannot cycle or run, and it went ok. I am looking after this thing as much as possible, they say the reason why most ops fail is because people don't do rehab correctly afterwards and start training too early.


Sjoe, sorry to hear that - I hope you recover soon.

What do the specialists say is the success rate for ITB surgery?

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I think that depends who your surgeon is. I went to Daan du Plessis and he has a name to keep up, so his success rate is pretty good.


I don't think it's the surgery itself that goes wrong, its post op rehab. One has to start physio and exercises immediately(obviously only to the level your legs permit), and not train too hard too fast. Has to be gradual introduction back into training for a rather long period. Otherwise you'll end up back where you were as result of overtraining.


I'll be the guinea pig as so many people told me not to do the surgery whilst others said it was better to do it. I must add that i did try almost everything else before opted to do the surgery. I had physio, rest(3 months no exercise), strengthen glutes, legs, core etc, got innersoles from podiatrist, BG Fit done, foam roller, cortison injections, only thing i didn't try was lynotherapy.

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