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94.7 Cycle Challenge.. Need advice


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Hey boys and girls.. Just as the topic suggests, this year will be my first time entering the cycle challenge. I know many of you have done the race and I would really appreciate some good advice so that I don’t learn the hard way.

I have a GT Avalanche 3.0 mtb that I will be using. Some advice I was given was to have my bike serviced good before the race, and also change the tyres to road tyres which will make it lighter etc. Currently I have normal mtb tyres with liners I put in. Do I need to ride with liners? Will it be safer? Or should I just have extra tubes for IF i get a flat during the race?


What else should I kit myself out with for the day? Ito spares, tubes, supplement? Is there anything else I should take off of the bike to make it lighter? Something I should add? I just don’t want to be caught off guard on the day. Where is the best place to take my bike in for a service, what is the rate and what should specifically be checked?



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If you do get your biked serviced do it a few weeks before the race and do a test ride before the day. I once serviced my bike and found that the technician hadn't tightened the handlebars correctly, something that made a fast descent at Suikerbosrand less fun than you would imagine.

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An extra tube should suffice, tyre levers and a small hand pump/CO2 Bombs...

Some nutrition and hydrations is essential yes - although there are very well organised water points with a variety of drinks and eats...


Enjoy - it's a great event, especially on a MTB.

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Guest Travis.

Slicks wouldn't only be slightly lighter, but it would definitely reduce the friction on the road, meaning you would "glide" along the road better. I would leave the tyre liners in as they would add to the protection in the case of a sharp object. The slight weight saving doesn't come close to the ease of mind of having the extra protection.


Always remember that you should do in a race what you do in training. As per mr_stig's advice, don't service it just before a race and don't change to new nutrition on the race. Use what works while you're training. I use 32GI - lots has been said about it, but it works for me. Lasts quite long for me too, as I only use it when my ride is going to be 2hrs+. It's easy on the tummy and also prevents you from getting hungry. I use the endurance during the first half, then switch to the accelerate during the 2nd half of the race (2 bottles). I also have their chews, which I take at about 50%-60% into the race.


I don't carry light, I normally have an extra tube, patch kit, multi-tool, pump, 31GI chews, banana and a gel. I don't always eat the banana or take the gel, as I would use them if I'm really low on energy or hungry. (Scouts motto: always be prepared)


Plus, you're riding a MTB, don't bother worrying too much about weight. Only change I would do is the slicks - they'll make a huge difference and the only one that'll be noticeable.

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Best advice I could give is just relax and enjoy it.


If your bike isn't giving you any problems, then think twice about having someone tinker with it now. If you are concerned about something on it, then rather get that sorted out.


Make sure your chain is well lubed and in a good state. Seen too many guys with broken chains on route before, and if you don't have a chain break you are either going to wait for a good samaritan or walk a long way to a watering point.


Get your nutrition right for the day. Odds are on your first race and on a MTB you gonna ride for 4 or more hours (assumption), so you will need to be eating during that time or you are going to hit the wall.


And then most important advice I hear been given over and over again, and ignored over and over again to their peril, is don't do something different on race day.

Don't eat a different breakfast to what you normally eat.

Don't start using some different drink or energy bars.

Don't wear new kit for the first time......you get the point.

Edited by Ibicam
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Agree - definitely use slicks, but I don't think the tyre liners are necessary. Mtb slicks are pretty tough compared to the road-bike tyres already. I've ridden 94.7 and Argus with a slicked mtb before and it was great. Take an extra tube and you'll be fine.


Practice riding with friends (or with a club ride) on the road so you get an idea of how drafting helps, and how to do it safely. This in case you need it (if energy runs out), and you really don't want to be figuring out how to do it on race day. There's an etiquette to it (e.g. pointing out road hazards) and it's fun to learn how to ride smoothly so you don't accelerate-brake too often, which breaks rhythm and makes it a bit more dangerous. Not a big deal, but it's nice to practice it beforehand.


Enjoy. It's such a jol!

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Thanks for all the advice! Means a great deal, I am quite worried about running out of steam but will see what happens.


I have booked my service and got my tyres, by the end of the week I will take it out for a spin.


What supplements can/should I get for the day?

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biggest tip for for 94.7 - dont go too hard in the beginning , i promise you will pay for it later.


Theres a lot of tension in those starting pens with the long waits and mini races every time the bunch moves forward - and when that gun goes off , better believe the red mist drops and guys give it horns from the start.


Dont fall into that trap! If its your first, you will probably start with a later bunch anyways, so just pace yourself, take it easy and enjoy the day :)

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Thanks for all the advice! Means a great deal, I am quite worried about running out of steam but will see what happens.


I have booked my service and got my tyres, by the end of the week I will take it out for a spin.


What supplements can/should I get for the day?

Try whatever you want to eat or drink on your training rides to see if it agrees with you and get used to it (energy drink, gels etc), don't try anything new on the day.

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Thanks for all the advice! Means a great deal, I am quite worried about running out of steam but will see what happens.


I have booked my service and got my tyres, by the end of the week I will take it out for a spin.


What supplements can/should I get for the day?


There are so many opinions on supplements, have a browse through the nutrition forums. There was a topic recently about what guys are using on race days.


I would suggest whatever you are going to use, start using now on your training rides. Under physical strain some supplements can unsettle the stomach and make your ride rather unpleasant.


Also something as simple as the taste of some may not agree with you when you are hot and botheredwacko.png


Make sure to consume enough water, which implies carrying at least one bottle with you, and having some form of food, be it bananas, bars or sandwiches.

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Another few pointers. Make sure you prepare early - ie not at 11.45pm the night before the race. Get out your racing kit, your sunblock, your bottles, your spare tubes, your cleats (if using), sunglasses etc. Check and DOUBLE check you have all you need (HELMET!!). Then pack what you will wear on race day out somewhere convenient for easy dressing in the morning. Ideally lay it out in the order you will dress (more or less).


Put the rest in a kit bag. Do NOT have 15 things lying around that you will need to remember at 4.45am on race day. Get out your breakfast and have it ready. Put your bike in/on the car. Treble the amount of time you think it might take you to get to the start. There is nothing worse than FREAKING yourself out as you sit in traffic and the start time is 3 minutes away. But if you do miss your start time, relax - you can start later.


On the race, as someone already said, TRY not to push too hard particularly those first 50km. You will SUFFER later if you do that. Hold a bit back. And try to find a bunch that is riding at a comfortable pace to ride with - if you can do that on your first ride you will find it MUCH easier.


Finally, you still have a few weeks - see if you cannot do at least 1 race beforehand. Nothing like a race to iron out the gremlins in your race plan! Good luck!

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some training advice...


i allways do a loop at suikerbosrand the week or so before the 94.7... a SBR loop should be about 2/3 to 3/4 of your 94.7 finishing time, so that should give you a good indication of what to expect on race day

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Thanks guys, this helps a lot.. lol im taking notes on all of this! do you guys wear a bladder or just your water bottles? Do you have a small backpack with all your stuff in? Can someone maybe post a pick of your typical kit bag and what you will have with you?


Can you lot sense the tense nervousness inside?? haha..


I really do appreciate the responses!

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I take 2 bottles, 1 with mix energy and water and 1 plain water, small saddle bag with 1 tube, tyre levers and small multi tool on bike. In my cycle pockets banana, 2 gels and a packet of soft sweets, keys, cellphone and some emergency cash. There are plenty of WP on the way with some having stuff like bar ones and banana's if you want more.


That's me, i know of some that just take plain water while other take a mini load in backpacks.

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There are plenty of WP on the way....


There can only be one WP!!!





edit: please, I can only handle one

Edited by slick
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