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Riding the Drakensberg Contour Path (Vid)


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Another good 3 day trip is to do Didima,turn left up Eastman's Ridge,Monks Cowl and down.

Does mean doing a car drop tho


We thought about that but didn't fancy playing logistics!

If I can convince the others to take an extra day and do Keith bush camp and a day trip up Grey's pass I will.

Edited by beanz
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An adventure that started as an experimental ride on the contour path from Champagne Castle to Cathedral Peak ended up being way more than we bargained for.




Any of you guys found good spots for riding ON the berg ?



What you did is totally illegal and irresponsible. Sorry...no way to be nice about this.

You run the risk of being prosecuted and your equipmemt confiscated.

There are only small number of trails in the Drakensberg that can legally be ridden so please dont spoil it for the rest of us. Initiatives that may be under way to open more trails to mtb in these areas will be damaged by selfish illegal cycling and we all lose out.....

Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife takes their conservation mandate very seriously. With the exception of the old forestry jeep tracks between Mikes Pass and the top of Philips Folly no other part of the contour path is permitted for mtb use.


If you want to go and adventure in mountains try the rural areas of Lesotho. They are more rideable (goat and sheep tracks) and as long as you are respectful of the people and avoid ploughed lands and crops, generally quite friendly. You can have huge days out in the highlands of Lesotho.

Edited by JXV
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???????????? thanks for the warning JXV, definitely won't be doing that again (even if it was legal)


Lesotho trip sounds like a must, was reading a thread about that today in fact. Are there not similar restrictions on that side if the border?

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A few years ago I took my bike from Champagne Castle Hotel to the top of the Gatberg Mountain.

Was much more portage than I had anticipated. Took me about 10 hours

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???????????? thanks for the warning JXV, definitely won't be doing that again (even if it was legal)


Lesotho trip sounds like a must, was reading a thread about that today in fact. Are there not similar restrictions on that side if the border?

No..It's not a national reserve. Although it should be..especially in the highlands where you have very susceptible alpine flaura and fauna.

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thanks for the warning JXV, definitely won't be doing that again (even if it was legal)


Lesotho trip sounds like a must, was reading a thread about that today in fact. Are there not similar restrictions on that side if the border?


If you stay out of the Maluti-Drakensberg Transfrontier Park (MDTP) which is a world heritage site and other conservation areas (unless you have permission) there are still vast high wild areas of Lesotho that are on public/tribal land. You can explore and camp almost anywhere but ask permission and be prepared to pay a camping fee (even if no facilities are provided). Even remote villages are linked by footpaths and sometimes sled tracks which provide awesome riding and you still get to spend most of the day on your own in very remote surroundings. Be prepared to portage a lot and carry essential clothing, food, maps/gps and bike spares 'cos there is no rescue service at all.


Be especially careful not to ride though wetlands. Foot prints are less damaging than tyre tracks which cause furrows that can drain a wetland and damage it (I wish the motorbikers would learn this!)



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That kloofing sounds like a proper adventure Kranswurm.


I have done it 3 or 4 times

Big jumps and rocks

You need rope for the packs

If in doubt keep left.

Takes most of a day



Don't try it without an experienced headbanger in your midst

Edited by Kranswurm
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