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Muscle Stiffness

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What do you guys do to prevent, or lessen muscle stiffness after training. I usually don't get that stiff after I ride my bike, but when I go for a nice long run I can barely walk for 2/3 days. Any home remedies?


I've been running since 19voertsak and have never found an effective remedy for stiff muscles (DOMS), as far as I'm concerned you can stretch, not stretch, cool, heat, massage, foam roll, eat, drink, cycle, swim or [insert your remedy] till you blue in the face and it wont really help. You just have to face fact that you are the cause of your suffering due to doing something beyond what you have trained for.


Sometimes taking a pilletjie post event will ease the pain, this is relative and depends on how much you overstepped the boundary.


A lot of what has been suggested will aid recovery, but take away the pain of DOMS...uh uh ;)

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Recovery drink

Recovery ride (ride more offen)

Lots of Water

Cramp Blocker


and to me the most important factor

Lots of Rest

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