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How forked is my fork?

Craig Armstrong

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Hey guys,


So I just started pulling apart my 2013 Rockshox Reba off a second hand bike I bought recently.

I figured it'd be safe to service it, since I don't know when last/if it was serviced.


I opened it up to find whats in the pictures.


So.. I know its not as bad as it could be.. but how bad is it?

I presume there's nothing I can really do about it aside from ride it until it dies. How worried should I be though?


Also, does that bushing look normal? I've never opened a fork so I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was a bit surprised by the green dots. Is this how Rockshox bushings look or are they perhaps after market?






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From the pics it doesn't look much like wear but more like some sort of discoloration. I've seen it before just not to that extend.

When you run your finger over it, can you feel roughness or changes to the surface?

I'd say continue with the service.

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From the pics it doesn't look much like wear but more like some sort of discoloration. I've seen it before just not to that extend.

When you run your finger over it, can you feel roughness or changes to the surface?

I'd say continue with the service.


Can't feel a thing. Boy, is that good to hear :clap:

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Just don't be tempted to use emery paper on it !!! (even a 2000)

Los dit.


Those bushings might need replacing though.

Get pro advice.

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Hahah definitely won't be sanding anything away on my fork. I'm stopping passed Stoke Suspension to get some grease tomorrow, so I'll mention the bushings to them and see what they say.


My next (and hopefully last question) is what's the difference between the damper head seals for aluminium vs steel dampers. The service kit I got came with 2 different seals. The one that came out my Reba is black, but according to their labels the black one is for Sid and their white one is for Reba. Can anyone advise?PGZSMWE.jpg

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You've got a steel shaft, so you need the white seal head assembly.


Also - nothing to worry about with those stanchions and bushings, you caught it in time. Finish up the service and go ride your bike.

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