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Where to get Carbon bike parts re clear coated


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Excuse my ignorance but what is 2k clearcoat? Is it a brand name and if not can you supply one?



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bloody hell........ asked a question, started a bar fight............. didn't see that coming LOL


Thanks for all the advice and direction posted - hope no long lasting damage was done amongst hubbers in answering the post.... Ouch


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Sorry about doing in your thread PPWTF - that wasn't the intention.  I suppose it doesn't always seem as if we are all adults given the childish emotion often shown here, but al we sometimes need is to sleep on it, and then we are (often) friends again the next morning!Clown

Getting back to your sticker issue;


My advice is that you drop TokenFreak a PM.  He knows what he is on about, and I'm sure he'll sort you out right!
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Excuse my ignorance but what is 2k clearcoat? Is it a brand name and if not can you supply one?




Frog, 2K is a paint type that uses a hardner to work otherwise it never dries. You get it is all brands.




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Experiment from the Bornman Labs*.<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Purpose: To disprove the notion that canned spraypaint will somehow damage the structure of carbon fibre bicycle components and render them either unsafe or unsightly. It is believed that the acetone used as solvent in the paint will attack the resin in the carbon fibre matrix.


1)      5l bottle of commercially pure Acetone, brand name Ilex.

2)      Carbon fibre rod. Salvaged from old fishing rod. Lightly sanded to remove any protective coating such as clear lacquer.

3)      Rag.

4)      Watch and/or calendar.

5)      Magnifying glass


1)      At first the carbon rod of average diameter 3mm was wiped using an acetone-soaked rag in order to see if any resin is immediately dissolved on quick contact, mimicking an application of spraypaint where the acetone mist quickly dissolves, leaving behind the cellulose lacquer.

2)      Thereafter the rod was made to stand in the bottle of acetone, using the rag to plug the hole, preventing the noxious fumes to overwhelm the lab technicians. The rod was left in the acetone for a period of six hours and only removed at the end of the period.

3)      Spray Dulux Duco directy onto the carbon fibre rod to see if it somehow impairs the integrity of the rod.



1)      No visual evidence of any residue was wiped off onto the clean rag. Upon inspection the rod appeared to have undergone no change. Testing its integrity by flexing it did not produce any obvious weakness in the rod.

2)      After six hours of soaking in the bottle of acetone, the rod was removed and again wiped with a clean rag. No apparent residue was released. The rod appeard intact and a surface examination using a magnifying glass revealed no obvious structural change. The rod also passed the flex test as well as a shatter test in which it was rapped onto a workbench, again with no disastrous effects.

3)      A layer of clear lacquer sprayed onto the rod produced to ill effects either.



Commercially pure acetone used as a solvent in paint or as a cleaning fluid for pre-paint preparation of carbon fibre poses no danger to the structural integrity of carbon fibre.

However, the Dulux Duco Clear Lacquer data sheet obtained from the Dulux Customer Care Line (0860330111) stated that the solvent in that particular can was ?modified keytone?. Although Acetone is the simplest of the keytone family, other keytones may or may not dissolve the resin used in carbon fibre matrix. Further tests will have to be conducted on these solvents. It is clear that one or more applications of Ducu does no harm to carbon fibre but it needs to be established whether soaking the carbon fibre rod in other keytones may damage the rod.

Futher experiements will now be performed using a) a thinner rod (in fact, a tube, to produce maximum surface area and minimum volume) and a variety of known paint and other solvents including Mineral Turpentine, Lacquer Thinner, Toluene and an unknown thinner branded by Hammerite.

Useful Citations.

From: <?: prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas:contacts" /><?: prefix = st2 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />http://www.remote-control-rc-hobby.com/carbon-fiber-rods.htmlonNAME>

How to Work with Carbon Fiber Here's a handy tip: did you know that CA or "Krazy Glue" debonder (acetone) dissolves CA glues but does no damage to carbon fiber rods? This means that you can re-use old rods and tubes by soaking the part in acetone for a couple of hours and then wiping it off!

From: http://www.des.state.nh.us/factsheets/ehp/ard-ehp-7.htm


n a drinking water exposure animal study, effects on the blood in rats indicating an anemic condition were reported at doses of 1,700 mg/kg/day.

Carcinogenic (cancer producing) Effects

The one study conducted to investigate potential carcinogenic effects from inhalation exposure to acetone by workers did not find any excess cancer incidence. There is no data regarding the carcinogenicity of acetone in any animal studies. Chemicals similar to acetone have not been found to be carcinogenic to humans. Acetone has been categorized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a Group D carcinogen (inadequate evidence to classify).



Damon RinardonNAME> describes using Acetone as a cleaning agent for carbon fibre between lay-ups.






 * A garage in the suburbs




Johan Bornman2008-07-25 09:55:44
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Just my few cents....


When Gert built his carbon fiber frame he used one or the other regular clear coat, and his bike is still fine 2 years later. Just spoke to him and he said the clear coat didn't last well so I assume it's a cheap one..


He said for his next project he'd thin carbon resin and spray it on as a final coat...


Here's a pic...



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Experiment from the Bornman Lab:


Aim: To prove that if you wash your carbon-fibre bike with Acetone it will dissolve.


Method: Wash only the downtube and right fork leg with Acetone. In a control experiment, wash the rest of the bike with water.


Result: See photo.


Johan Bornman2008-07-25 07:52:27
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  • 2 weeks later...

It has now been ten days since I started soaking a carbon fibre rod in a bottle of acetone in order to determine whether or not acetone is potentially harmful to carbon fibre bicycle components.


The experiment is fully described above.  Today I've had enough of the ripe fruit smell of the acetone in my garage and called off the experiment. I examined the rod and found no apparent damage to it. It still flexes like before and survives a sharp rap on a table, just like before.


Here are some photos: The first just shows the bottle and rod, the second is a close-up of the rod, showing no damage. I'll now keep the rod submerged in a bottle of thinners. Lets see if that eats it for breakfast.



Johan Bornman2008-08-04 00:44:07
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