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Tygerberg MTB Funride APOLOGY


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Just a word of thanks to all the riders who supported the Tygerberg MTB club today by doing the funride through Majic Forest and the nature reserve.   But also a HUGE apology for the mess at the start and our negligence as organisers to identify before the start of the ride that there was a vital sign missing. 

<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


I personally came out of <?: prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Majic Forest at 8.30 pm yesterday after spending hours rectifying destroyed or changed route markers ? the work of either some young hooligans or MTB riders who juts did not care a hoot.   The worst example was someone ?closing? up the first wooden bridge (the one consisting just of planks) with candy tape and creating a false chute next to it that would have taken all the riders into the ditch.  I went up there this morning at 5.30 am again to check if it was still OK.   So, we unfortunately had our problems, but this still is not an excuse for not checking all vital markers before then race.  This problem however went unnoticed to all of us ? so again, sorry about that.


I hoped you have enjoyed the rest of the ride despite the heat.  We as organisers would like to get your view on the route ? too much singletrack?, only one lap through Majic Forest?, not going  through Majic Forest at all?  was the reserve worth all the sweat?, etc. (From the guy in the red shirt and Springbok hat at the first water point)

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<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


I personally came out of <?: prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Majic Forest at 8.30 pm yesterday after spending hours rectifying destroyed or changed route markers ? the work of either some young hooligans or MTB riders who juts did not care a hoot.   The worst example was someone ?closing? up the first wooden bridge (the one consisting just of planks) with candy tape and creating a false chute next to it that would have taken all the riders into the ditch.  




i think this is absolutely disgusting and it seems as this was a concerted effort by someone to sabotage your ride.
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Thanks for an awesome ride guys. ?It was tough, loads of fun and I really enjoyed it. ?Majic forest twice was fun - having not ridden here for ages.??It was?a?nice fun filled finish?at?the end?as?well- it made up for that hike a bike up the hill bit....


The views from Tygerberg reserve were amazing and the riding really fun and technical. ?Definitely worth it!! ?


It was nice doing an event that was tough and technical - there need to be more of these.


PS - the compulsory warm up was an interesting twist on the route :-) ?but ?the rest of the ride more than made up for it.



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just a shame that it was ons the same day as the Track thing otherwise I would have been there. Next year!

FanieFiets2008-12-17 06:47:47

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Thanks for a fantastic ride.  There was too much jeep track if you ask me ;-)


I thought the singletrack was great.  For me a ride is not complete if you don't have a couple of close calls and / or falls.  I managed not to fall, which I think had a lot to do with me having the perfect bike for it, but I certainly had a few close calls. 


The turnout was good considering it is the middle of summer! 


I now can't wait to get back to Majik forest now that I know the track a bit.  I enjoyed doing it twice because you get to go faster once you know whats coming.

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