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Dome2Dome Race Review


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Dome2Dome Race review: It is the worst race ever, the organizers showed a complete lack of regard for some riders, and their safety.


I would just like to point out to the dome2dome organizers that back-markers are people as well.

On Sunday whoever was supposed to indicate that last right turn towards Silverstar decided to leave early.

A group of us (at least 20) missed the last turn due to no marshal or sign being available,

We cycled up all the way to Noordheuwel before realizing our mistake.

This is ridiculous as we were still well within the 12h30 cut-off. (well meaning with at least 5 to 10 minutes to spare :) ).


Next I tried to call the emergency number printed on my race number, to get some directions and perhaps air some of my views.

No answer. Twice. No call returned. Ever.


I think it is unprofessional, ridiculous, and people like this should not be allowed to organize races.


I will never ride this race again, and would advise anybody else the same.

People like this should not be supported.

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Sad to hear your tale agter-ryer.

Please let us know what the feedback from the organisers is.

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Eish not good, usually there is a vehicle riding behind the last rider and only once they have passed the marshal they then pack pack up.

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shoo that is not great - we were a pair of guys walking riding that last hill and I must say though that come closer to 12 that hill must have been littered with people so cannot understand how they missed a group of 20 riders - unless you guys were not the last group afterall - not great - personally thumbs up for the marchalling and having the sweeper vehicle on the hill cleaning it up with riders giving up was great - generally the guys ned to wait till afetr 12h30 - great work marshalls thank you - the hill finish instead of @ the bottom seriously that was cool...well done

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That Metro cop at the last right turn seemed a bit clueless (although enthuiastic). She almost got taken out when we were going through the turn. I don't think she had realised yet, by the time we got there, how a bike takes that turn. She was standing on the outside of the corner and then, just before we started turning in, she ran to the middle of the corner, straight into the best line through the corner.

I think she thought the bikes on the outside were going straight for her and she evaded in the wrong direction. Either that, or Metro cops just have an inate instinct to jump into the path of any fast-moving vehicle they see.


I also heard there was an incident where the leaders of the VA bunch were directed the wrong way and, as a result, probably lost the race.


These incidents aside the race was, for me at least, safe and well a marshalled. Hopefully Agter-ryer is able to get some worthwhile feedback from the organisers.

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I enjoyed the race I just wish the shorter distance riders can finish on their own I don't understand how the longer distance riders and shorter distance riders finish the same as on that last major climb the shorter distance riders clogged up the climb and didn't want to move over so the faster bunches can come through , even people stopping and dismantling to push their bikes on the right side of the road no chance of passing for the faster guys ... messing up the chances of a good finishing time a bit but :angry: otherwise lekke tough race.

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I thought it was a good race and the organisation seemed quite good.


I really enjoyed the uphill finish, something different and not much seen in SA races.


Ultimately, and it is stated in numerous places, that it is the rider's responsibility to know the route. The marshalls just assist and make it easier as well as prevent cheating and short cuts but each rider should know the route.

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I was also one of the 20+ riders that missed that last crucial turn. Surely the marshalls should only withdraw AFTER the sweeper vehicle has passed with the last rider. I don't think so many of us would have missed the turn if the marshall was still there. In addition there was also no direction boards to indicate where to go. So the rocket scientist marshall decided to take those with him/her when they Pi$$#d off.


To the organisers, I think it was shocking!!. You should take responsability to ensure that every last rider is safe and accounted for at the end of the event. It appears you are only concerned withe the elite athletes, did we not pay as well??

Pity such a nice route was spoilt by such pathetic organisation!!!!!!!

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I suppose the first race of a new season is always the tester...but what I can't understand...is the fact that the organizers know how many enterants there are !!! Then do not have the capacity to work out how many vehicles will arrive at the venue for parking..." Not to clever Nigel"

The second part ...non road closure routes...organizers have to get closed events...even if we have to travel further out..It's a matter of time..before major deaths occur..

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Not cool! I would like to hear what the organisers have to say. There was a similar incident (mentioned on the Hub) with the 94.7 (can't remember if last year or the year before).

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I was also one of the 20+ riders that missed that last crucial turn. Surely the marshalls should only withdraw AFTER the sweeper vehicle has passed with the last rider. I don't think so many of us would have missed the turn if the marshall was still there. In addition there was also no direction boards to indicate where to go. So the rocket scientist marshall decided to take those with him/her when they Pi$$#d off.


To the organisers, I think it was shocking!!. You should take responsability to ensure that every last rider is safe and accounted for at the end of the event. It appears you are only concerned withe the elite athletes, did we not pay as well??

Pity such a nice route was spoilt by such pathetic organisation!!!!!!!

Nope - I reckon YOU should take responsibility. The maps were published well before hand and I made sure I was familiar with the route. I love one of Andrew Mclean's favourite sayings that he reckons pulling on a shammy is like pulling on a nappy. It's the best way to revert a group of adults to a bunch of helpless children.


I found the organisation to be good and the marshals helpful and friendly.


However, I do agree with the sweeper vehicle comments. The guys at the back also pay, and the organisers need to take cognisance of that.


Phone or email the organisers and give them POSITIVE criticism (i.e. where did they go wrong and how do you think they can do it better next time). I have always found that when I approach the organisers this way, they are almost always grateful for the feedback.


Or else you can sit in a corner b*ching and whining...

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Next I tried to call the emergency number printed on my race number, to get some directions and perhaps air some of my views.

No answer. Twice. No call returned. Ever.



this i agree with, one of my team mates fell (about 20min into the race) and was unconsious, i tried to phone that emergency number a few times and no one answered, only when a car stopped they phoned the race organisers to send help.which pitched up about 30min after the accident.

not everyone has the organisers number. and if it is emergency number someone should answer the phone.

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