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Jonkershoek Trails


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Got up bright and early on Sunday in great anticipation. We were going to Jonkershoek, one of my favourite MTB areas. We were the first guys in the parking lot. :clap:


We debated what route to follow and it was a hard choice as there are so many brilliant options to take. We chose to turn left behind the tea house and head up the reverse way to the top of Canary. Along this route you can drop down into the old downhill course. We have nick named this route little Switzerland as the track and scenery remind a mate of ours of the Alps.


As we hit Canary we started to play, its about 4 km of technical, rocky yet flowing downhill single track. The entire time you are under the pines. G-Man was on a mission to play and he certainly did. We were in awe as even with dodgy soft rear brakes we still could not catch him.


When we hit the bottom we were again left with various choices of were to go. We headed up past the dam into the avenue of oak trees. Here we found the middle single track that is in the base of the valley. The route was incredibly scenic as the area was awash with flowers. I described the track as rocky and tight. Well both of my mates found out how tight it was the hard way, they kissed the ground. No blood only bruised egos. The route did not disappoint as it was challenging yet highly enjoyable.


We then headed up towards the block house it was at this point that one of the guys said "do I have to, can’t I just meet you at the other side." Well as all good mates would have down we encouraged him whilst he showed us his middle finger yet dutifully followed us up a Bitch of a climb from the jeep track to the base of the block house. After a short time we took a well deserved break refreshing ourselves in a cold mountain stream.


Bodies and camelback refreshed we continued to one of the scariest switch backs yet. I have yet to see anyone even attempt to ride this monster. From the back of the quarry we hit a flowing single track that is again under a canopy of pines. This has got to be one of the most fun filled single tracks around as it is fast with scary yet rideable switch backs, jumps and all the other good stuff. This single track links in perfectly with the existing single track on the right side of the valley closest to the tea house.


We arrived at the parking lot grinning like idiots have done an enjoyable 30km ride.


Jonkers is a great place to ride as it offers a technical yet rewarding ride. There are loads of options jeep track, single track, rocky, flowing routes and very little sand.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Edited by DMD 1
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Ja, Jonkers has pretty much everything of everything. The hard climbs rewarded with lekker single track.


Been there once or twice after the fire, scenery probably changed a hang of a lot since then.

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I had my outing at Jonkers on Saturday. Did the Singletrack section on the right (rode up the s/t), took the contours on the southern side to the s/t section (where the trees were felled a while ago), took the newbies back to the entrance as one had a bit of a fall and wasn't feeling too fresh anymore, took the loop up to the middle canaries and down to the entrance again - bzzz- out of time! man time flies when you are having fun. Even with the fall, the newbies seemed to have fun in general too.

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I do miss living in Stllenbosch :(



as well. all those saturday mornings spent snoozing off a rough terrace/tollies/de lapa/springboks were well wasted. (sigh). i blame matieland for my cycling problem

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here is our easy-loop for the newbies.


Did you take any video of the route. I know you have a helmet cam

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I dont want to be nasty, but my girlfriend rides that switchback trail.


You're post just reminded me where I want to ride saturday. Awesome write up.

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I dont want to be nasty, but my girlfriend rides that switchback trail.


You're post just reminded me where I want to ride saturday. Awesome write up.


I am talking about the switch back trail above the Quary. you might be taking anout the one below it. It has only been completed in the past few months. If it is the same one then resepect to the girlfriend :clap: . Look in the pic posted by Morewoodmad. You can see a scare in the lands scape on the left hand side just into the pine trees. The new single track starts here.

Edited by DMD 1
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Helmetcam is my partner's and he is at CPT this week, I'm also looking at getting a helmetcam so that we can double up on the footage. Will make for better viewing.

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hey. I only know of the Upper, middle and lower Canary, andother downhill just done recently and the Taeda,. The rest burnt away.


WHere is the QUARRY??? and the blockhouse since i've never been there but it sounds good.


:blink: :huh:

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hey. I only know of the Upper, middle and lower Canary, andother downhill just done recently and the Taeda,. The rest burnt away.


WHere is the QUARRY??? and the blockhouse since i've never been there but it sounds good.


:blink: :huh:


If you go on the right side of jonkers from the gate. Take the jeep track up to the hairpin bend were the hiking trail starts that most us us ride down. If you look up you will see the block house. From the jeep track there is a nasty uphill single track. Carry on along the single track untill you hit the pines. You will know you are there when you see the first switch back that is almost impossiable to ride. After this the fun starts

post-5200-082901200 1287424491.jpg

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