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Bouts of intense pain in quads


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Been suffering since last week Wednesday with this pain, was at its worst on Thurs and Fri and has subsided somewhat since but still not gone completely.


My training has been great up until last weekend when I did two hard rides with lots of climbing and haven't ridden since. I felt great after the rides and for 2 days after but by Wednesday the pains started.


The pain lasts for a couple of hrs at a time then goes away for few hrs and without warning comes back again, even when I'm sleeping


Was all excited and eager to get back on the bike yesterday (Sunday) and barely 2 minutes into the ride the pain came back and battled to do 5kms before turning back home.


Today (Monday) not much pain, muscles just feeling a bit bruised, but I'm stressing because I'm losing valuable training time and want to try to get back on the bike tomorrow.


I found this article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delayed_onset_muscle_soreness - don't know if its the same condition that I have, the differences being that my pains are not dull but rather acute and occurs even when I am at rest and only started three days after intense exercise.


I've suffered from this before but never this painful, and I would usually just go for an easy ride and the pain would go away.


Tried stretching also but its not helping.


I started taking a Calcium and Magnesium supplement 2 days ago but not sure if this is the solution.


I don't like going to Dr... can someone please help

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Better to go see a professional than asking the interweb.

Is it both legs or just one?


My 2 cent on line diagnosis if its just one leg:

Sounds like chronic muscle tear which can be fixed with some nice cross fiction massaging.

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You would be one unlucky fish to have to undergo 2 x cross frictions per session.


Like I said before it's really not ideal to diagnose over the interweb by a bunch of unqualified peps.

If the pain does not get better after a few days you need to diagnose if its stiff muscle pain from hard training (which should clear up after 2 – 5 days) or an injury pain which will take a bit longer to clear up but may re-occur unless you diagnose and fix the problem.

Don’t procrastinate, go to a sports doc or physio for a pro hands on diagnosis

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Took your advice SV - went to the physio yesterday


I had an unusually delayed and extended period of pain but doesnt seem like there is any major damage thankfully


Seems like a case of bad habits of not warming up and stretching properly pre and post ride


Had laser + ultrasound treatment + massage, went for light spin late yesterday afternoon and this morning and really positive now about recovery

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Ice bath?? Who here actaully does this? I know the merits, but want to know who physically does this?


I haven't yet. Tempted to try one later when I'm done commuting home.

Edited by Tubehunter
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