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Everything posted by patches

  1. hahaha, the guy with the schamncy Festool sander cannot can't cough at my used and abused $81 Festo trademe bargain (yes it is so old it was called Festo back when it was made). But yeah, Men's Shed will hopefully open up under Level 2. As for thicknessers, check out Machinery Warehouse and Carbatec. they have some affordable options that may be better value than a Ryobi from Bunnings. https://www.machineryhouse.co.nz/W812 https://www.carbatec.co.nz/product/36532-carbatec-12-inch-benchtop-thicknesser
  2. Free water for my neighbour! He can thank me later! ???? Just kidding, whilst the roof does slope at a 6.5deg grade towards his driveway, it is still all on my side of the fence. I do have a plan to fabri-cobble a catchment system. A gutter would have to have a very slim profile due to the limited space, so my other 2 plans are: The first idea is a C-shaped channel made from some split pvc piping which I slide/clip on to the end of the sheeting. The troughs in the roof sheeting should allot the water to flow into the split pipe. That pipe can then be perforated to drop water into a gutter below with a fall to one side or the other. My second idea is similar, but in stead of a C-shaped catcher, I have a vertical sheet of acrylic/perspex as a back-stop for the water. That then allows the water to fall down into a gutter. A concept all boys that went to public schools will be familiar with Either way though, my neighbor has a pebble bed on the other side of the fence, and this 3x 1.8m roof at a gentle graded roof shouldn't Vic falls. And if it's raining THAT hard, the water off this little dakkie will be the least of his worries, hahaha
  3. Apart from finishing off the braai dakkie, I got to test the Peanut Jig and work on something I'm making for some friends. A few weeks ago some friends asked if I could make a "shelf" for them to put on top of their white Ikea cupboards to raise their TV slightly. I threw together some designs and this is the one they liked the most. Modelled and rendered in Inventor. Vertical partitions are right angled trapezoids, alternating to create the illusion of leaning. I had a sheet of 18mm ply lying around, so whipped out the track saw and had at it. I forgot how awesome a tool it is! Execially when it comes to sheet goods and cutting crisp bevels. Once all pieces were cut to final size and shape, I routed some dados into the top and bottom for the vertical partitions, and did a test fit For the mitred corners I was going to use the painters tape and glue trick, but in the interim I ordered that Peanut Jig, so thought why not give that a go. This was the result... Small holes in bevelled face from securing the jig in place with screws. Not an issue as they are covered once assembled. Pretty tight mitre, No glue. No clamps. After some paint work, it was time to try another assembly. Pretty darn solid, and fully "flat-packable" without the need for any tools... well maybe a mallet as the peanut joints tighten up a lot when pushed into place. Overall, very impressed with the Peanut jig! Can highly recommend!
  4. After figuring out that my Bunnings (NZ Builder's Warehouse) trade card got me into the store during our Level 3 lockdown, I decided it was time to revamp the braai area. Here's Phase 1 (new roof). Before: Dilapidated "thatch" roof. Great if you want that carribean island feel. Terrible if you hate spiders rain, and cleaning the deck of twigs each time there's a storm. The replacement: Demo begins. Thatch stripped off. Start of framing. Framing nailers FTW! Framing finished, New beams notched to hold frame. Roof sheeting on frame. Tried my hand at folded mitred corners for the flashing. Ready and waiting for the lift into place Done! Next phase is the bench, cabinetry, and maybe some wall cladding.
  5. Nice! I used to work in that Jarden building (back when it was called the Zurich building). 9the floor, initially on the left corner Great views up Queens street. Caught some pictures of the 2017 Americas Cup victory parade. Then I was on the opposite side, watching that monstrous PWC building being constructed. Anyway, enough reminiscing, hope your MIQ stay is treating you well. How many days in are you?
  6. Apologies if this has been posted before. Saw this Deus custom Yamaha Tenere 700. Comments on the post I read were pretty polar. Some loved it as it had some original Dakar nostalgia. Others hated it and thought it was a butchering of an perfectly good bike. I'm still undecided,. I do think it's kinda cool, but a very specific taste. I must say though, I did quite like Deus' Husky FE501 mod (which I know I have posted before, haha)
  7. Sorry, think it's that iPhone HEIC thing again. Fixed now Anyway, I have just printed version 2.0 with a built in 30mm bush to try out the Peanut jig (while I wait for the adapter, bush and 8mm collet for the little Makita router). Here's v2.0 Dropped the height on the tabs. tried to fine tube the PCD too. Left is with integrated 30mm guide bush. Right is adpater to accept universal guide bush set. Here's the result... Think I got the PCD pretty much spot on. Still slightly shallow on on the face of the plate. Tabs are 3.5mm below router base so hopefully I can find some screws that will work. 30mm bush only projects 4mm as the Peanut jigs do have a limit (4mm for main jig. 9mm for mini jig) I won't kid myself that this is perfectly round and to dimension... I just happened to get a lucky measurement ????
  8. Needed a guide bush adaptor for the old Festool router so dusted off the verniers, knocked one up in Fusion 360 and ran a 3D print of version 1. Turned out pretty damn close for a 1st attempt and dimensioning off the tool and not the part. The PCD is slightly off and I'm probably about 1mm shallow. Biggest issue may be trying to centre it with the spindle, so I will probably get rid of the countersunk holes on the tabs, lower the tab height slightly and use wafer/pan head screws. That way I should have some adjustability. Not too fussed though as this is a temp measure while I wait for one of these bad boys... The plan will then be to have a matching recess in a table so that this router base also acts as the mounting plate for a router table.
  9. hahaha, busted! The idea isn't unique... or mine. But yeah, for a start-up with just 20 users (1999), to a business that sold for $750m just 7 years later and is now worth over $2.5bn. Something must work.
  10. I have an idea! An idea on how to allow "comments" but also not give trolls a platform to derail a sale. It's simple. A "Questions and Answers" format on items listed. If a potential buyer has a question/comment, they post it there. ONLY the seller sees that question/comment UNTIL they respond to it. Once they respond the question/comment and answer become visible to all. This allows a seller to have some control over those trying to tank their sale with comments like "I can get a new one for cheaper" etc. All the seller has to do is simply ignore the potential buyer so that any disingenuous remarks never see the light of day. Apologies if such a suggestion has already been hashed out in the Classifieds-Comments thread.
  11. Changing vehicle registration in SA... I don't miss that. I only managed to sell my SA car after I emigrated and it must have taken the better part of a year with the back-and-forth emails and info to finally get it into the buyers name. I can't recall the exact process or what the issues were. When I sold my car here in NZ I simply needed contact details for the buyer. Login to the New Zealand Traffic Authority website. Fill in the details which then "sends" the registration to the buyer. the buyer then "accepts receipt" of the registration. All online. Takes minutes. Costs nothing.
  12. Rode my bike for the first time in ages (probably 6 months) after wintering it. With registration costs being upwards of $400/year here in New Zealand, many riders put their registration on hold over winter to avoid paying the fee for a bike that is not being ridden. I usually forget to do that, this year I remembered. There is a catch though. One has to put it on hold for a minimum of 3 months. So one cant just renew rego's all willy-nilly. Anyway, with Auckland still under lock-down and only essential travel permitted, the freeways are so quiet. It's awesome! Good thing too, as I felt a little rusty, haha
  13. Thanks to the influence of the sponsored Wood-tubers, a Festool Domino is on my dream tools list. In reality I know I will not get nearly enough use out of it to justify the R20k-odd price tag (roughly what they go for new in NZ), but a boy can still dream right?! Anyway, while delving through a YouTube woodworking rabbit hole, I came across the Peanut 2 Mini Jig. Whilst it's not quite as easy to use as a Domino, the concept of strong, self-clamping, and removable joints was very enticing (I know I've posted about the Peanut Mini Jig here before). Well, after much umming and ahing, I finally pulled the trigger and ordered one. Many pre-requisite purchases had to occur in the lead-up (like full-size router, universal base-plate for said router to accept 30mm guide bush, and of course the 30mm guide bush). In the end, I probably could have picked up a 2nd hand Domino for the same cost and less effort... ...but I just tell myself that this option is more flexible (based on the acquisition of the full size router) ???? Anyway, keen for the order to arrive and give it a go. EDIT: so I messed up and ironically the error of my ways is apparent in the second video in this very post (which I hadn't viewed before posting). In the vid they clearly demonstrate using a Makita DRT50 router (which I have) and that is a 1/4" router. Turns out there are 8mm collets available for them. So my whole venture to buy a full size router and kit it out for the jig was unnecessary ???? There was some good news though. The peanut jig can be used to cut donimo style loose tenons, and dowels ????
  14. *read in Comic Sans font... ie. tongue-in-cheek* Are you a middle-to-upper class working professional in your mid 40's? Have your boardroom-buddies stopped playing golf with you to take up mountain biking? Have your neglected golf clubs left a void in your estate mansion garage, next to your 2 German SUVs? Well, have I got the solution for you! It's called the Cape Epic! Not only does this race give one massive bragging rights around any braai, it also helps you re-connect with your boardroom buddies, and gift you with exclusive branded merch to wear every-time you walk into the LBS. Let's not forget the automatic justification to spend a R100k+ on a bike, because let's face it, no one will take you seriously if you do the Epic on a fiets that costs less than your entry! *flame suit on* ????
  15. A little late to the party on this one, but been working my way though Sons of Anarchy. Got about 6 episodes left in the final season. Overall pretty, entertaining for an "adrenalized drama, although the self destruction cycle becomes a little monotonous. What I must say is that between Kurt Sutter (creator and writer) and Katey Segal (actress portraying Gemma Teller-Morrow, the matriarch figure throughout series, and Kurt's real life wife), they have created a character so despisable that my dislike almost spills over into real life. Not since King Joffrey in Game of Thrones have I felt like that ????
  16. They look pretty decent and well priced! Can almost get a set of the ATG 32L panniers for the price of 1 Kriega OS-32.
  17. Maybe an HVLP sprayer. WoodTubers like Marc Spagnuolo (The Wood Whisperer) and Jonathan Katz-Moses find them very useful. He's showing a bigger setup, but one can get al all-in one electric version. I have a little Wagner Flexio 575 which I used to paint a bedroom. With the detailing nozzle it can be used to finish furniture. I see Builders has some Ryobi and Bosch options. https://www.builders.co.za/Paint-&-Adhesives/Paint-Accessories/Paint-Spray-Gun/c/Paint Spray Gun
  18. Possibly posted here before, but pretty amazing to see what some riders can get out of a bike
  19. Despite having previously posted here to drool about the Norden, I will take this opportunity to do it again! Number 2 on my dream bike list and likely more achievable than No. 1 (Husky 450 RR). Along with Mike Horn, it seems like longtime KTM rider, Lyndon Poskitt will be promoting the Norden 901
  20. I was happily on my way to doing a standard JB Weld fix, when in the back of my head I had your post about the forge and casting etc. Realizing that I disappointed you, and hoping to fix my bike and my standing in your books, I changed tack and this was what I came up with. I cut and shaped a thin piece of stainless steel I had lying around, sanded back the brown paint (in the shape of the plate) and JB-welded it to the ignition cover. Hopefully it proves as a decent fix, plus adds some protection in the event of future incidents. As for the steel plate, it was a plastering knife sacrificing itself to the motorcycle gods Hope I've redeemed myself slightly in your eyes O great Hairy one! ????
  21. I actually watched that earlier today! I get all the pro's and cons, and considering those, I think the AEG is one of the best options out there Pros; Tool-less blade change No pin 4deg oscillation angle Horizontal battery Ergonomic sliender grip LED Light Weight at 1.1kg Bonus Pros: Head can be rotated 90 degrees Head interchangeable with other options (angle drill, angle impact driver, jigsaw, recip saw, drywall cutout, meta shears) Cons: Can't do Starlock (although Starlock blades can't be inverted) Variable speed based on trigger control
  22. and deep pockets too! Watched another woodtuber make an alu-extrusion workbench and he even put one of those Festool vacuum vises
  23. Yesterday I was pottering in the garage wondering how to better organize myself and in turn reignited my deal for some sort of mobile workshop/bench. I went and re-watched a bunch of the YouTube vids I had previously drawn inspiration from, and stumbled on a new one... this... More pics here: https://woodwerks-usa.com/products/mobile-werkshop-plans-milwaukee-woodpeckers-armor-tool This guy has gone next level! I'd hate to think what the cost of all that was, especially as he is a hobbyist. So with a far lower budget and limited access to half of the cool things available in the US, I have installed Autodesk Inventor Pro and will commence the design on my take of this, suited to my tools, needs, material availability, and budget. It's been about 6 years since I used Inventor in anger, so some dusting off of the old skills will be part of the process
  24. Only 699 in Strayan shillings! ???? [EDIT/Aside thought]: A few weeks ago my wife and I were discussing the concept of a person's "wider economic impact" and how interesting it would be to graph/map it. Kind like how they illustrate covid infection chains and. 1 person infects 2, they in turn each infect 1, but this infect onwards etc etc. This thought came about as we have a friend who has a passion for fine wining & dining, but also loves to try rope other people into it, so therefore the wider economic impact of their last minute Friday night "let's go out for dinner" could easily be 1000's of dollars. At the time I was quite smug that my wider economic impact as such was pretty low, as I have a very unrefined palate and am happy with takeaway pizza or burgers. However your comment has got me thinking that perhaps I was looking at the wrong metric (food/entertainment) and my tool/gadget buying influences should be what I'm really measuring ???? [Aside thought over]
  25. It's a 2016 FE 450 and OEM version of the OEM version of the part is question is number: 78130002300KA. Based on the bling I've seen in pic of yur shop, you guys probably do a lot of Hinson or Booysen upgrades too. But yeah, PM me the cost of parts and shipping and maybe we can work something out! Cheers Gnarly! NZ level 4 lockdown rules strictly prohibit the building of forges, most other blacksmithing paraphernalia. Jokes aside, I do have my eye on one of these at my local hardware store: My welding skills are limited to watching my grandfather welding (and getting mild arc-eyes) and a few spot welds here and there in the mech workshops at uni. But I'm keen to learn, and the fact that this does MIG TIG and Arc is pretty cool!
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