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Everything posted by Caerus

  1. Seems to be problem thats been going on for a very very long time, maybe those "resident hub experts, know it all, expect things to happen overnight" have some ideas that could do with some exploring, just putting it out there thats all
  2. One thing you do also notice, which I can see as an issue here locally is the actual quality of the road surface too, or is this not a real issue?
  3. This is what I just cant get my head around. I just been watching the Womans World champs in OZ on TV, the conditons seemed no differant to South Afican roads for training on. Ive been to Geelond and to Adelaide where they both have ionternationaol events, trust me the roads are no differant ion Adelaide either. Am I missing something completely here?
  4. I agree, complete effing a - holes. Why why why do idiots still continue to have total disregard traffic rules and other road users. If you are to be knocked over, think of the stress that it causees the person driving the vehicle .
  5. Just think its a load of bolloks that it is - Its not what cycling/riding should be about - It was invented for the common man.
  6. Surely it wouldnt take 10 years to see if some one has abiltiy, that could take a few months maybe a year minimum. If you dont make the grade then you dont make the cut its simple. Just give more people a chance, and you may just find a few rough diamonds - who knows you may get more government fuding because if it. It should all be about equal oppurtunity. I totally believe that road cycling is an elitetist sport, I believe that 100%. I think people in this country need to get there heads out the sand on a lot of issues regarding sports & development. Thats my last 2c.
  7. Where do I sign up, I would love to be able to get more involved:). Give me the info and I will take you up on this, I do have a full time job, but if I could help out on any level I would. Just point me in the right direction
  8. Well said - is CSA only interested in road cycling and its development, maybe its should to seperate entities - like RCSA & MTBSA. Also the development of underprivilaged people in the sport - There is that thread about being dropped by guys on old crapped out bikes while youre riding your 60 grand machine. we need to develop those guys not the rich kids whose daddies think their child will be good cause he rides a fancy bike and can afford to send him to all the training camps. Its funny how we all know that " Black Africans" are fantastic at endurance sports, yet there are so few involved in the sport cause they get priced out by the eliteism of road cycling. Just my 2C
  9. Trust me after cycling/commuting in London for 10 years, I have used the finger many many wonderful times & also used some very colourful language as well to get my point across. I think that if a motorist has endangered your life & vice versa by driving like an idiot they should know about it, possibly the cursing part & hand gestures could be toned down:lol: Its just the cycling side by side I even get annoyed with(being a cyclist) or the complete disregard for road rules that grates my cheese. Its when someone has done something wrong then they have no right to peed off when I flick them the bird and tell them there mother does this and that. Why even cycle side by side, youre not there for a chat anyway? Or do you wanna feel like a pro or like the cops from C.H.I.P.S:unsure:
  10. Eish, maybe you should have had the Steers, maybe a Kauai rather?
  11. I've been a cyclist/mtb for 15 years, although ten of those I was living in London. So only not clued up on the administration stuff thats all, It just seems like its always a good excuse to me to blame it on admin. Rather then playing the blame game, lets see what actions are taking place now. So from what Im gathering is that cycling administration in SA has been a bit of a shambles? I would again like to know whats going on from an outsiders point of view as such, as I have a good friend that could become a very good road cyclist, yet all Ive heard are stories of mismanagment and disorganisation. So for the two years Ive been back in SA, Ive not heard many good reports about CSA. I appreciate you taking the time to explain things for me, and hopefully it will clarify a few things.
  12. So in 29 years they still cant get it right? What is the goal & plan? To have them ready in 20 years time:unsure:
  13. So youre telling me that no where in South Africa are there places that have very similar roads/terrain/ etc that they have in Europe. Surley it can be developed here better with the right managers & training? Im ignorant to the world of road racing, so im just wanting to be educated here. Its just seems like a lot of excuses to me, please dont think Im having a go at you directly. It just makes no sense to me Surely it makes sense to have them ready enough to compete overseas before sending them. Its like sending lambs to the slaughter, Again I would have to blame local management & training methods. Im sure by now it could have been sorted out?
  14. So who pays for any promising locals to go race & train in Europe full time, these locals need the International exposure. So if as you say these local riders cant finish a race overseas, is that there fault or down to poor management? I would say poor management - its like any sport , why should cycling be different Why is there not enough proper training locally for these riders to be up to the standard of the rest of the International riders. Are riders from all over the world all also havin to send kids/promosing riders to Europe? Surely CSA should have known already that these riders wouldnt have been good enough before they went to the races If the training/management was good enough surely this could have been avoided?
  15. Im sure we could dope our steaks as well, maybe they could be those 28 day steaks they are advertising for Woolworths that come from Namibia
  16. Hijack on I like to think getting married to my wife was the best, this is up there though. Maybe in the top 5 Hijack off
  17. Its been over 5 weeks now of being non/ex smoker:D - Feel great. Its happy days and plain sailing from here on out I can only hope:unsure:
  18. Bwahh ha ha It was 5 weeks for me on Friday of not being a smoker
  19. Have you ever had 4 ciggies and ridden before? Ive never chundered after doing that, Ive chundered after eating/drinking to much rather. Used to have a ciggie mid ride too, stopped the hunger pangs
  20. Its just so so sad:( Someone needs to take responsibilty for the shambles thats going on, or do they all just play the blame game?
  21. Awesome, I tried to not have one at least on the way to give me lungs at least some chance Coffee is too good to give up - Great to have before a ride a Sat ride;)
  22. LOL - Classic. Also how many ciggies before a ride? I used to have at least 3 before I had done a 7am start.
  23. If you feel like you do need something then make a smoothie, or have a small bowel of porridge, dont eat to much, otherwise you'll be throwing up. Try eat properly the night before you ride especially for a longer weekend ride;) So eat about at least an hour before u ride as well
  24. You may find some things too answer your questions is this thread; https://community.bikehub.co.za/topic/79694-what-to-eat-the-morning-of-a-ride/page__p__1117834__hl__what+to+eat__fromsearch__1?do=findComment&comment=1117834
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