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River Rat

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Everything posted by River Rat

  1. I need to explain what happened to this thread, you see I got a PM from a Hubber who works for a company that owns a property very much in line with the hypothetical business being discussed here. He wanted me to chat to his boss (the owner) who was at his wits end trying to keep the business afloat because of the impact of COVID. After a brief Zoom meeting it was decided that we would enter into a Non Disclosure Agreement to see if I could assist with the a strategy for the company, the owner was particularly concerned that my inputs here could disclose the strategic thinking and the direction the company was taking so there was a blanket ban from posting on this thread. Not an unreasonable request when seen from his point of view whilst from my perspective it was a business opportunity and easy to agree to. For the record I am a very bad consultant in that I hate making recommendations that aren't followed, so my approach is simple I will help you create a strategy going forward and if I co-invest there's no charge if I don't it's a small fee to cover my costs. So as of yesterday I have a small equity stake in a shopping center within a highly competitive but opportunity filled environment and now I am the one that doesn't want to disclose whats transpired or the strategy going forward. Apologies but that's business! I guess if there's interest we could tackle another hypothetical business case if someone want's to propose one.
  2. I think the mods could save themselves a whole lot of PT if they employ this rule https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Tachy%20Goes%20To%20Coventry
  3. I am a frequent poster on off topic threads I also use Chit Chat to post some of my stories which are not always cycling related.I do both because I find there are a lot of like minded people who find the same topics of interest as I do. However, I guess if there's no place for off topic threads then it would follow that I should not post non-cycling related stories either. It would be a pity for me but perhaps welcomed by others depending whether you enjoy what I write or not. I have often thought about creating a blog of my own to air my stories so this might just nudge me in that direction, but the thought of being an administrator of sorts is rather off putting. So, I do respect that Admin has an unenviable task when it comes to moderating heated discussions and I am sure that when it's a non cycling related topic it feels like a waste of time. But it comes down to what is the metric that drives revenue, I am unfamiliar with the business model but I would guess that it's traffic and what would that be if it is cycling related only. I have no idea if the moderation of off topic threads is worth the traffic gain or not, but in the end that's going to be the call that Admin has to make. Good luck.
  4. I solved my post race cramping by taking electrolytes (Rehidrate) immediately afterwards and I found that on really long rides I can almost eliminate cramps by taking it after 3 hours and then every 2 hours after that. I have a bottle in the cage with only the powder and I mix it at the water point and I carry some sachets for the rest of the way. I also have a back problem for which I use a muscle relaxant to sort out back spasms, I use Besemax (Besenol) which is not severe on the kidneys which also removes the cramps. Personally I prefer the electrolyte option for cramps.
  5. Every year I wonder what emotions are playing out as you are approaching the finish with 20kms to go. Especially if your body is starting to breakdown and you are riding with one leg only.
  6. Agreed it doesn't look like we are in for any photo finishes this year.
  7. Three riders up against the clock needing to finish the last 70 to 80 km at an average of 15kph JM , CS and TR.
  8. Huge kudos for give it a go and not just throwing in the towel. Sometimes you have to realise that it is just not your day and the best you can do is make sure that there is another day to make up for it. So rest up, get over the ailments and disappointment then start thinking about Munga 2021!
  9. Outdoorwarehouse had the Garmin Inreach Se+ for R6.5k on a special.
  10. I shudder to think what would happen if a rider has an emergency and tries to activate the SOS function on a malfunctioning tracker. I had a similar incident when my wife had a fall on the Isimangaliso race 4 years ago, we activated the tracker with no response. I eventually climbed to a spot where I could get cellphone signal and called the emergency number. "Press the SOS button" they said, anyway I moved around pressing it until it registered on their side. The bakkie that was sent out ended up 4 kms off our position, I eventually coordinated the whole thing using my mobile and WhatsApp location. Now take the mobile out of the equation and we would have a disaster, with my wife having deep cut with blood everywhere in a big 5 reserve.
  11. An interesting aside from the human endeavour I was in the market for a satellite tracking and messaging device for my overlanding adventurs. The requirementsare quite simple to keep friends and family informed as to my whereabouts and to be able seek and coordinate assistance should a life threatening problem arise. There are two options the Spot X and the Garmin Inreach https://xcmag.com/paraglider-reviews/spot-x-bluetooth-vs-garmin-inreach/#:~:text=Unlike%20the%20inReach%2C%20the%20Spot,and%20Start%2FStop%20tracking%20buttons. The former uses the same infrastructure used to track the riders on this race, based on the poor performance in past races of the Spot system I chose to go with Garmin albeit more expensive. Patting yourself on the back for saving R3k is little comfort when you are stuck in the middle of the Kgalagadi desert running out of water with a device thats incapable of finding the help you need. Watching the number of dots on this race that were either totally incommunicado or inaccurate I feel my decision was justified.
  12. The private security companies are doing an excellent job in making the area safe so please give them a wave and a thank you as you pass through, they're doing this as a community service and don't get paid a cent.
  13. The only problem with the calc is that her moving average is only 12.6 kph so that would mean she will take 58 hours to finish the route. That means she has roughly 14 hours of stopping time and she has needed 16 hours stopping time for the first third completed. Theoretically possible but highly unlikely.
  14. Seems like Pierre Oosthuizen has caught a lift with the Ambo to De Aar which makes Patsy our last rider on the route but she's 5 hours behind the cut.
  15. The curious case of Stuart Johnston, last night I saw his tracker showing that he was being transported by ambo from point 426km back to Britstown where he was stationary for 5 hours only to be transported back to 426km and his race continues. Was this a case of a medical precaution which turned out to be a false alarm?
  16. If his tracker is not the blink his race is effectively run and your synopsis makes sense.
  17. Hansie has effectively created a 4-5 hour cushion so he could have a 4 hour nap at Sutherland and be fresh when either BB or Benky get there.
  18. And he is on the move.
  19. Hannele is one tough cookie so I expect she'll take it in her stride.
  20. If Benky's status is correct this could be game over if he doesn't get moving soon.
  21. Looks Hannele and PG have realised their error and have turned around.
  22. Depends where you are but up here in Gauteng the cheapest price is Solomon's Cycles. I used to run Eggbeaters and they were fantastic but they simply wear too quickly and I switched to Shimano.
  23. SJ in an ambo on the R384 at 60kph, it's all happening out there.
  24. Hannele Steyn currently off route, I remember her adding close to 200km extra in the inaugural Munga as she headed off to Beaufort West this time she's off in the opposite direction with PG for company.
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