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Chopper Jr

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Posts posted by Chopper Jr

  1. I also think, the A bunch has the potential to put down a faster time than all the other groups, maybe even the Elites. Haven't ridden there but from what I've heard up front its about racing and position, in the groups its all about the time.... IMO

    Age Groupers ride together like friends whereas Elite and Vets race each other constantly trying to burn each other out. A's would be your best bet considering you don't get dropped by the main group.


    2005 | 240 | Group A | 14.6%

    2006 | 800 | Group F | 16.8%

    2007 | 1,300 | Group G | 18.4%

    2008 | 1,700 | Group I | 22.4%

    2009 | 150 | Only Elites | 10.8%

    2010 | 130 | Only Elites | 12.5%

    2011 | 1,000 | Group F | 18.4%

    2012 | 570 | Group C | 15.3%

    2013 | 450 | Group B | 12.5%


    I imagine weather plays the greatest role on the day. This year the weather was pretty good and only 450 made it.

    2007/8 must have been proper tail winds.


    Average seeding required of 15.7% for Argus, of which would have been a time of 2hr 30min for 94.7 last year.

  3. My first race with the Vets, VB... and not exactly in race condition!


    Holy *&^%!! In 2nd gear until the 47km and then all hell broke loose! Got spat out after the third surge and limped home with 2 other guys in that forsaken wind!! Did 3:07 surprisingly because it felt like we were going backwards in that wind!

  4. That road race was hairy to say the least! I think A group was particularly big and fast - I would have been happier if the group that broke away up the hill stayed ahead but alas the entire group came together again. Fortunately no incidents in our group.


    Bloody speed bumps! We must have hit some of them at 40km/h... try bunny hopping in a tight bunch! Plenty of roadkill to savour and the odd veld fire. Idiot driver overtook us on the gravel on the left... idiot cyclists riding into oncoming traffic a number of times.


    Nonetheless the sprint was for the taking! Damn, I always go too early! :cursing:


    Enjoyable race! Even better weekend at Vacation Club!

  5. We live in the Wild West. Laws aren't upheld even by our police...


    The Netherlands is like a common-sense Utopia compared to SA.


    You have trams, bicycles, pedestrians, taxis and cars all sharing the same urban roads - it can be quite daunting walking the streets in Amsterdam. If we tried that here it would be absolute carnage.

  6. I'm on a compact! Makes perfect sense for heavier riders 90kg+


    I'm sure there are a couple buffels out there who aren't scared to grind a standard crank up the hills but a compact with a good cadence makes it so much easier.


    I don't feel like I'm losing out on the other end either, 50-11 at 60km/h is just fine on the flat fast races.

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