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Posts posted by Polo

  1. I preferred the twinloc on the Scott to the Brain Shock on the Spez (having owned both). That being said you have to take into account the DT swiss rear shock will most probably fail as some stage (don't know if the solved this problem yet). I would go for the Scott and upgrade the wheels to AM or ZTR. The Scott will probably be about 1kg lighter (if not more) with better wheels for the same price.



    I see your point, and raise you a 'it's not a mountain bike if you can buy it at Pick n Pay'. Nor are the folk that ride them mountain bikers. In the UK they call them BSOs, for Bicycle Shaped Objects. I challenge you to smash even a Tokai XC trail on one at a semi decent pace without either making some or other component (most likely the fork, if it's a 'suspension' fork) disintegrate, or being kicked into the bushes.


    I'd say Giant, Silverback, Merida and Scott.


    (Not being a brand snob - those bikes have their place, but it's firmly in the all terrain commuter category, not in the MTB category.)

    We spend our days riding "xc" on those types of bikes in the early 90's. we could only dream of Bridgestones and Gary Fishers. I reckon you if you're light enough you'll be able to do any of the trails at Tokai, excluding jumps and drops on a PnP bike. Would actually be a cool challenge and level the playing field!

  3. Raleigh




    I reckon this is fairly accurate. It may be hard to believe, but the typical Sani2C field probably doesn't represent SA's population and it buying power. If it did we'd rival Sweden in terms of GDP... and be a country of middle aged white men.

  4. Congrats to the winners and runners up and everyone that finished.Damn the winning time was quick!!we were team nr 212 and we finished in position 212 at 15:33.what a great event.My highlight was riding the original route for the first time and the beauty of the whole route and my low was .....their was none.who finished in 23:30?

    A man and woman came in at 9:30 on Sunday morning while we were packing up. They got quite an applause from everyone there!

  5. Stay away from Giro Monaco gloves. They look and fit great, but as soon as they get wet all the dye on the inside leather transfers to your hands. It also stains everything it touches (other cycling gear), so a bit of a mess.

    I wrote Giro a strongly worded mail about it on Sunday afternoon (still with black hands after trying everything to remove the stains!), but they haven't bothered to reply yet.

  6. Don't let the profile fool you, the down hill sections might be slightly longer than the uphill sections, but there is still quite a bit of work to do.

    As far as fun rides go this is my favourite - fantastic vibe at the beginning and end and some great scenery along the way.

    Also more of a sense of achievement at the end because of the point to point format, yet it is achievable for the most people owning a mtb (just depends how long you're prepared to sit on a saddle).

  7. Just buy a machine on Gumtree - there's loads available at a fraction of the price. Espresso machines are one of those items that people buy and end up never using.


    That being said, Lavazza coffee is pretty good, but factor the pod prices into your purchase price decision.

  8. The kit that you get, are you buying on size or do is it custom made?

    I bought on size and it fits perfectly. About the same size as Capestorm/First Accent.

  9. I've got RECM Ftech kit. It is by far the best fitting shirt I own - no elastics on the sleeves and nice grippy elastics at the bottom so it doesnt ride up. I'm tall and skinny and this is the only shirt that fits properly.


    I've got the "6 hour +" bib and the chamois pretty well shaped and comfortable. I havent done a 6 hour ride in it though - I prefer my Indola Enduro bibs because the padding is more substantial - personal preference.


    Its definitely the best corporate kit I've used, but I'm getting some Vermark kit this weekend, so will let you know how they compare.

  10. I'm on my second pair of Giro Monaco full finger gloves. Best fitting gloves I've ever had with the right amount of padding. Quality and price is debatable though...

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