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Everything posted by cfish50

  1. Event Name: Freedom Challenge Race to PaarlWhen: 03/07/2024 - 10/07/2024Where: Willowmore, Willowmore, Eastern CapeCategory: Mountain BikeRACE TO PAARL (2024)   The Race To Paarl (RTP) is an unforgettable adventure by bike from Willowmore to Paarl. Riders are allowed a maximum of 6 days to complete the ride.  ​ RTP is a physically and mentally demanding undertaking – to complete this challenge, riders need to be adequately trained, equipped and prepared. Apart from the fitness, riders also need to be proficient at navigation and bike maintenance. ​ Since the route is not marked, riders need to navigate by means of maps, compass and narrative directions.   ​ DATES   Start days on 3-5 July 2024Draft Batches HERE​ ​ BASIC INFORMATION ​ Non-stop event, riders are not required to stop every day/night as in other stage racesThere are 4 Support stations where riders must check-in. Food and basic accommodation is provided at support stations. Bedding and towels providedRiders can pre-pack 4 x 2litre ice-cream tubs with supplies such as maps, trail food, personal medications, spares etc. These are distributed to the 4 Support stationsIn addition to the 4 support stations, there are also 4 interim stops where food and accommodation is providedSolo event and all riders are required to be self-sufficient and carry all their own personal belongings with themNo individual seconding is permitted during the event – this means that no friends, family or other supporters may meet you along the route and offer assistance during the rideCut-off: Riders are allowed a maximum of 6 days to complete the rideRider vehicles can be transferred from Willowmore to Diemersfontein at additional cost ​ Go to Event Page.
  2. Event Name: Freedom Challenge Race to RhodesWhen: 12/06/2024 - 26/06/2024Where: Pietermaritzburg, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-NatalCategory: Mountain BikeRACE TO RHODES (2024)   The Race To Rhodes (RTR) is an unforgettable adventure by bike from Pietermaritzburg to Rhodes (EC).  ​ RTR is a physically and mentally demanding undertaking – to complete this challenge, riders need to be adequately trained, equipped and prepared. Apart from the fitness, riders also need to be proficient at hiking with bike, navigation and bike maintenance. ​ Since the route is not marked, riders need to navigate by means of maps, compass and narrative directions. BASIC INFORMATION ​ Non-stop event, riders are not required to stop every day/night as in other stage racesThere are 5 Support stations where riders must check-in. Food and basic accommodation is provided at support stations. Bedding and towels providedRiders can pre-pack 5 x 2litre ice-cream tubs with supplies such as maps, trail food, personal medications, spares etc. These are distributed to the 5 Support stationsIn addition to the 5 support stations, there are also 4 interim stops where food and accommodation is providedSolo event and all riders are required to be self-sufficient and carry all their own personal belongings with themNo individual seconding is permitted during the event – this means that no friends, family or other supporters may meet you along the route and offer assistance during the rideCut-off: Riders are allowed a maximum of 7 days to complete the rideRider vehicles can be transferred from PMB to Rhodes at additional cost Go to Event Page.
  3. Event Name: Freedom Challenge Race Across South AfricaWhen: 12/06/2024 - 10/07/2024Where: Pietermaritzburg, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-NatalCategory: Mountain BikeRACE ACROSS SOUTH AFRICA (2024)   The Race Across South Africa is an unforgettable adventure by bike which takes riders on 2150km journey to remote parts of South Africa where they will experience the true splendour of the country and the warm hospitality of its people. ​ Race Across South Africa is a physically and mentally demanding undertaking – to complete this challenge, riders need to be adequately trained, equipped and prepared. Apart from the fitness, riders also need to be proficient at navigation, hiking with a bicycle and bike maintenance. ​ Since the route is not marked, riders need to navigate by means of maps, compass and narrative directions – the use of GPS devices during the race is not allowed and will lead to disqualification. BASIC INFORMATION ​ Non-stop self-supported event, riders are not required to stop every day/night as in other stage racesThere are 20 Support stations where riders must check-in. Food and basic accommodation is provided at support stations. Bedding and towels providedRiders can pre-pack 20 x 2litre ice-cream tubs with supplies such as maps, trail food, personal medications, spares etc. These are distributed to the 20 Support stationsIn addition to the 20 support stations, there are also 16 interim stops where food and accommodation is providedSolo event and all riders are required to be self-sufficient and carry all their own personal belongings with themNo individual seconding is permitted during the event – this means that no friends, family or other supporters may meet you along the route and offer assistance during the ride ​ Go to Event Page.
  4. Event Name: Freedom Challenge : Race to CradockWhen: 14/03/2023 - 24/03/2023Where: , Rhodes, Eastern CapeCategory: Mountain BikeThe Race To Cradock (RTC) is an unforgettable adventure by bike from Rhodes to Cradock in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Riders have 6 days to complete the race. ​ RTC is a physically and mentally demanding undertaking – to complete this challenge, riders need to be adequately trained, equipped and prepared. Apart from the fitness, riders also need to be proficient at navigation and bike maintenance. ​ Since the route is not marked, riders need to navigate by means of maps, compass and narrative directions. Visit website for more info. Go to Event Page.
  5. What a great write-up! thanks for a magic experience and a brilliant retelling of the story! You have a gift Carlo!
  6. Chris Fisher (Freedom Challenge Race Director): RIP Johann Rissik it is with immense sadness we say goodbye to a legend of the trail. Johann Rissik aka Prins Albert Angel, died of a heart attack yesterday in Madeira. He helped so many people on the trail, whether it was with a cup of coffee at the end of a long day into raging headwinds or staying up late at night to fix bikes for riders in Prince Albert. Johann completed RASA in 2015 and also took charge as race director in 2016. He was a true legend of the trail and will be sorely missed! Our sincerest Condolences to his family. Please share your wonderful memories of Johann with us. “RIP Johann. What great man.” @raysephton “terrible news. Freedom Challenge angel, Veld Kornet, you will be missed mate.” @martin.dreyer29 “Such passion for the trail and it’s participants!! ” mandy joyce. “I can't believe the trail angel is gone. He was a buddy from 'varsity and connecting with him over the Freedom Trail was magical. Johann - I'll always remember your kindness.” Fiona Coward. “ his kindness and generosity was overwhelming. He will be sorely missed on the trail!” Chris Fisher “Heart breaking news. Shocked. Such a kind human. Will be missed.” Carl Scholtz. “Very sad news. He provided us with comfort, coffee, donuts, rusks and coffee on the bonnet or boot of his merc during Trans Africa, Freedom Challenge and opened his home to us in Prince Albert. Such sad news! Unique person! Very charitable and his love for nature and cycling is a huge loss!” Colin Anderson. “He made Jane and I the best coffee after slogging to the top of a wet Swaershoek.” Gavin Horton. “Terrible news. He was a wonderful person” @gerrit_pretorius “Oh my word. That is devastating and shocking news. I will miss him terribly. What a kind and helpful man. The bike whisperer . A man of honor znd integrity. Sincere condolences to his family. RIP Johann” @ingrid_in_adventureland
  7. Hells bells... short sleeves and short pants! he is also hard as nails!
  8. Thanks for the well summarized update! great to catch up on the action in one fell swoop BUT.... and its a BIG BUT!!!!!!...... Did you have to bring up the weather! Almost too good to be true and don't want to jinx it so let leave that out of the equation until it becomes an issue Keep up the great coverage.. much appreciated!
  9. Followed by some slightly tricky navigation through grasslands and mashy areas for a couple hours... usually at night for most!
  10. Event Name: WCAD Series 5: Theewaterskloof Adventure Race When: 10 November 2012 Where: Theewaterskloof Dam, Western Cape Category: Multisport Introduction The final race of theseries. Lets make a celebratory weekend of it. Come race, chill out and jol. Make the step up fromthe regular 50 and 100km distances. A short course (55km) & Longer andtougher (120km) option. This is a great way to get into the sport of AdventureRacing. Registration: Fri 09 Nov:17h00-21h00 Long and Short course Sat 10 Nov: 06h00-07h30(Short Course only) StartTimes: Short Course start: 10Nov 09h00 (briefing at 08h00) Long Course start: 10Nov 02h00 (briefing at 20h00 on Friday evening) EntryFee: Short course: R500 perpair Long Course: R700 perpair Boat Rentals anadditional R250 per boat incl. PFD and paddles Entry includes 2nights camping. Entryperiod: Entries will be openon 20 September 2012 and close 5th Nov 2012 at 17h00 The first 20 teamsentered will enter a lucky draw for 10 Glider sunglasses (that’s a 25% chanceof winning for slow people) Early entries willclose at 5pm on 5th Nov 2012. Late entries carry asurcharge of R200/team and close at 6pm on 7th Nov 2012 Start/finish: The race will startand finish at Theewaterskloof caravan park. Teamformat: Competitors must racein teams of two and stay together at all times. Mixed gender teams areencouraged and endorsed as the ‘main’ category but male pairs and female pairsalso welcome. Racedistance: There are two distanceoptions. Short course of approximately 55km and long course approximately120km. Both races will consist of the following: Trek, MTB, paddle,ropework/kloofing. Further details,routes, exact distances and sequence of events will only be disclosed uponissue of your maps and course information at race registration. This is the‘norm’ for Adventure Racing so please don’t bother enquiring prior. Raceduration: Short course: 5 - 9Hours Long Course: 11 - 20Hours Navigation: The course is NOTmarked. Competitors are required to navigate their way around the coursebetween Check Points (CPs) by means of map and compass. Maps are 1:50 000topographical paper maps. They are pre-marked with CP’s but competitors need todecide on their own route. Allow ample time for route planning. We recommend noless than 1 hour for route plotting and bring your own stationary, highlightersetc to mark maps. GPS are NOT allowed although foot pods and distance measuringwatches (without gps co-ords.) are permitted. Kitrequired: There is a compulsory kitlist on www.wcad.co.za. Competitors must ensure they are carrying allcompulsory items at all times. There will be random kit checks along the wayand competitors without compulsory gear will be penalized with time ordisqualified accordingly. Please take necessary precaution to keep maps dry.PFD lifejackets compulsory for the paddle. Boats required by competitors unlesspre-booked online. Boat hire is R250 per team. Accommodation: 2 nights campingincluded in race entry. For more info go to http://www.theewaters.co.za/about/camping/ We recommend arrivingon Friday evening to avoid the Sat am sparrows rush and encourage all to stayfor a jol on Saturday night. Entry fee includes 2 nights camping, so stickaround. There will be vids, photos, free beer, a braai including prize givingwhere there will be cash give aways and great sponsored prizes. Party Adventureracing style! Breakfast available onSunday. Pre-bookings only at R35 a head. RaceRules: As per race website:www.wcad.co.za Contact: WCAD - Chris Fisher E-mail: wcad@live.co.za Website: www.wcad.co.za Go to Event Page
  11. <p><a href=" <p> </p>
  12. Check out the videos of previous races to see what all the hype is about! http://advlog.wordpress.com/
  13. Event Name: WCAD Series 4: Palmiet 50/100km Adventure Race When: 28 July 2012 Where: Palmiet Campsite, Kleinmond, Western Cape Category: Multisport Date: Saturday 28 July 2012 Registration: Fri 27 July: 18h00-21h00 Sat 28 July: 06h00-07h00 Start Times: Race Briefing (compulsory for everyone): 07h30 Short Course start: 07h45 Long Course start: 08h15 Entry Fee: Short course: R500 per pair Long Course: R700 per pair Note: this entry fee includes whitewater rafting on the Palmiet river with “Gravity Tours” to the value of R550 pp. Entry period: Entries are open via www.wcad.co.za Early entries will close at 6pm on 18 July 2012. Late entries carry a surcharge of R200/team and close at 6pm on 23 July 2012 Start/finish: The race will start and finish at Palmiet Caravan Park, Kleinmond. This will also be the main transition point where you will leave bikes and kit. Team format: Competitors must race in teams of two and stay together at all times. Mixed gender teams are encouraged and endorsed as the ‘main’ category but male pairs and female pairs also welcome. Race distance: There are two distance options. Short course of approximately 50km and long course approximately 90km. Both races will consist of the following approximate breakdowns in distance: • 20% Trekking/running • 10% Whitewater river rafting • 70% Mountain Biking Further details, routes, exact distances and sequence of events will only be disclosed upon issue of your maps and course information at race registration. This is the ‘norm’ for Adventure Racing so please don’t bother enquiring prior. Race duration: Expected race duration: • Short course: 5 – 9 Hours • Long Course: 8 – 16 Hour Navigation: The course is NOT marked. Competitors are required to navigate their way around the course between Check Points (CP’s) by means of map and compass. Maps are 1:50 000 topographical paper maps. They are pre-marked with CP’s but competitors need to decide on their own route. Allow ample time for route planning. We recommend no less than 1 hour for route plotting and bring your own stationary, highlighters etc to mark maps. GPS are NOT allowed although foot pods and distance measuring watches (without gps co-ords.) are permitted. Kit required: There is a compulsory kit list attached included at the end of this race info and also available at www.wcad.co.za. Competitors must ensure they are carrying all compulsory items at all times. There will be random kit checks along the way and competitors without compulsory gear will be penalized with time or disqualified accordingly. Please take necessary precaution to keep maps dry. Whitewater rafts (crocs), life jackets (PFD’s) and paddles will all be provided by race organizer. If you would like to do the rafting leg in a wetsuit then you will need to bring your own and carry it with you on the entire trekking leg. Please note that at least 1 team member will require a bicycle odometer/distance measurer. Accom: The race will be based at the Palmiet Caravan park and competitors can book camping directly:http://www.overstrand.gov.za/images/stories/palmiet_Large.jpg Race headquarters is closest to Campsite A1. For other accommodation options in the area visit Kleinmond Tourism: http://www.ecoscape.org.za/ We recommend arriving on Friday evening to avoid the Sat am rush. Race Rules: As per race website: http://wcad.co.za/?page_id=23 Queries: Race director: Chris Fisher- 078 702 9178 wcad@live.co.za Entries: Enter via www.wcad.co.za Go to Event Page
  14. get involved in Adventure Racing... it's every kinda awesome! https://community.bikehub.co.za/topic/116611-event-wcad-series-leg-3-50100km-adventure-race/page__view__findpost__p__1666401
  15. Event Name: WCAD Series: Leg 3: 50/100km Adventure Race When: 2 June 2012 Where: Glenbrae Farm, Valley Road, Grabouw., Western Cape Category: Multisport Facilities: camping, bathrooms, kitchen, showers etc. – it is a wedding venue, welcome to just bring a mattress and find a corner within the function hall. Long course: ~95km (55 mtb, 15 trekking, 12 paddle, 5 orienteering) – R650 per pair Short course:~50km(30 mtb, 10 trekking, 8 paddle) – R450 per pair There will be an orienteering leg within the long course, but we will open the route for short course racers on the Sunday morning for free during a defined time period for those wanting to do it. (Note: Both courses still involve Navigation throughout) Boats: will be available on a first come first serve basis, @ R200 per pair. We will try and secure more if limits are reached. Please email wcad@live.co.za to book a rental boat. We do encourage you to try and source your own boats as most boats are faster than synergies and so would give you an advantage. Transition Point: Mofam River Lodge – normally we wouldn’t release details like this as it’s sort of giving away some big clues to the route, BUT there hasn’t really been much racing in this part of the valley before so it’s only really the locals who will be gaining. The real reason for putting it out there is because it is a fanbloodytastic venue and we’re really stoked that the owners there didn’t shoo us away when we revealed our crazy plans. This is going to be a very spectator friendly race, and this is a very comfortable place for family and friends to chill and observe, there will be food/drink service at the bar on the dam during the race. They have some really nice four star accommodation too, and they’ve cut us a nice deal for the race (R450pp bed and breakfast) so please mention the race when booking for the week-end. http://www.mofam.co.za/ Entries: Enter via links from www.wcad.co.za or directly from www.entrytickets.co.za Go to Event Page
  16. What an awesome race! Doing an event of this magnitude seems to put everything else in perspective! Watch our video to see some of the highs and lows experienced by Team Capestorm WCAD Racing during Expedition Africa 2012
  17. <p>see u out there</p>
  18. <p>Event promo clip</p> <p><a href="
  19. Event Name: WCAD Series 2: Voelvlei Dam 50/100km Adventure Race When: 21 April 2012 Where: Silwerfontein Farm, Voelvlei Dam, 30km east of Wel, Western Cape Category: Multisport Date: 21 April 2012 Venue: Silwerfontein Farm, Voelvlei Dam, 30km east of Wellington Starting: 08h00 Sat 21st Race Registration: Friday 20th – Silwerfontein Farm, 20h00 – 21h30 Sat 21st – Silwerfontein Farm, 06h00 – 07h30 Race briefing: Sat 21st – Silwerfontein Farm 07h30 Team categories: Official – Mixed pairs, Unofficial – Open Men’s/Open Ladies pairs Disciplines: MTB, Run/hike, flat water paddle, micro-navigation o All disciplines will require basic navigation o The race will be in a “clover leaf” format, and all transitions will be at the central event hub. o The race is unsupported, (no seconds required) o Maps to be collected during registration o All maps will be pre plotted o No other maps or navigational aids may be used during the race, any teams found to be using Google Maps, Smartphone maps, etc will be instantly disqualified. Boats – You are encouraged to bring your own canoes/surf ski’s/croc’s, etc. There is no restriction on type of craft as long as it is a paddle craft. Team members can paddle their own craft (but remain together at all times) or a double craft. o Hire boats will be provided on request, at an additional cost. (email wacad@live.co.za for more info on boat hire) Entry Fee: Long Course: R650.00 per team of 2 Short Course: R450.00 per team of 2 Race Rules: As per website, www.wcad.co.za Compulsory Equipment: As per website, www.wcad.co.za Race Format: Leg 1 – Micro Navigation/Orienteering (long course – 10km, short course 6km) Leg 2 – MTB (long course – 55km, short course 25km) Leg 3 – Paddle (long course – 16km, short course 7.5km) Leg 4 –Run/Hike (long course – 18km, short course 14km) Accommodation: The following accommodation is available on a 1st come, 1st serve basis on the farm • Self Catering Cottages @ R175.00pp per night – 2 cottages sleeping 7 in total • Converted double Decker bus @ R75.00pp per night – sleeps 10 in total The bus has a gas braai, running water, outside shower (cold) and a flush toilet. NO OPEN FIRES allowed by the Bus Base Camp. All water, food, ice boxes, bedding, lights, etc. needs to brought in • Camping – 100m from the start/finish venue @R50.00pp per night – unlimited accommodation. Running water and ablutions will be provided Accommodation needs to be booked/paid for through WCAD directly via bank EFT To book accommodation, please email us on wcad@live.co.za Confirmation of accommodation will only be confirmed upon receipt of deposit slip. To view further accommodation info, go to www.silwerfontein.co.za For any enquiries, please email wcad@live.co.za Go to Event Page
  20. I am also starting in E but not planning (or capable of) a 2h50 pace. E group did work really well last year but was plagued by accidents!!... especially a big pile-up going through Noordhoek! Hope we don't have the same case this year!
  21. Video from last weekend's race...
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