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Edwin Watson

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Everything posted by Edwin Watson

  1. I will never buy a Polar product EVER AGAIN! I paid R2199 for I have a Polar FT60 watch that cant do most things I wanted to do with it. Unfortunately the Polar FT60 has left me with an empty heart and pocket. I am so upset with my purchase,In fact I am devastated. 1.Export your Heart rate. You are unable to export your heart rate data like most other HRMs can do (inlcuding no name branded watches) to websites like run keeper. http://forum.polar.fi/showthread.php?t=8874 2. Unable to View heart rate at exact points through your exercise. You would think that if you paid R2199 for a polar watch you would be able to view your heart rate thought your workout on a graph showing you exactly when your heart rate was up or down however this is not possible even though much older HRMs can do this. It can only tell you your average and maximum heart rate. http://forum.polar.fi/showthread.php?t=2240 3.Uploading Data from Watch to Website never works as Website is always down. I have been able to successfully upload my training only once, Every other time the Polar website has been down. http://forum.polar.fi/showthread.php?t=22185 4.The Exercise watch has NO Stop Watch?! Fed up with my runs I decided I would just use it to record my breaks in between sets at the gym. The watch has no Stop watch or timer whats so ever. http://forum.polar.fi/showthread.php?p=33924
  2. Yet again,another Danny Macaskill video that is just truly unbelievable! This guy is a flipping king!
  3. Thanks for the shares guys!
  4. If you think thats cool watch his one called "Danny MacAskill Plays Capetown (complete video)" This guy is amazing! I wish I could be able to do 10% of the things he can.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eTMDkbS0fc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5QUC2fIkIY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHLtVhTaZjA
  6. Hi Guys A few weeks back I had my Avid Juicy 5 breaks bled at my LBS,Since then I have gone on about 3 rides about 20KMs each(So not a lot at all) the breaks were not as sharp as before but they worked well and to be quite honest were a bit to sharp before. But slowly my back brake seemed to not work as well. Then last week I went for a ride and my back brake would hardly work, in fact I could pull the brake all the way down hitting the handle bar and it would hardly slow down my bike. I was left having to ride with my front brake only which wasn't fun. Once I got home I took ride around the block to try make out what could be the problem only to find that my back brake was working again?! Does this make sense to anyone? I don't know much about Hydraulic disc brakes so I dont know if this is a common problem or what? I just don't understand how when I was riding down single track the brake seemed to be totally pointless then once I got home seemed to be fine.
  7. There are a lot of people in South Africa that don't really understand how awesome it is to be able to get on a bike and ride,I got to a point in my life where I had enough of trying to explain the true thrill of riding to people who had no idea what they were missing so decided to strap a GoPro camera to myself and try show them from my view.My Video editing isnt great and nether is my riding but one day I hope to truly express the pure rush and enjoyment I experience when riding the single track or flying down dirt roads. Here is my first try at it,I know its not quite there yet! But hopefully its not to far away ether ;)I would recomend opening it in youtube by clicking the youtube logo on the bottom right of the video. If you have a youtube account please Open it in youtube and like the video! You have no idea how much this helps MTBing South Africa My Way-1st Quarter 2011 High Definition 720P Standard Definition 360P Description: Video montage of some of the Mountain biking done across South Africa in the first quarter of 2011. Footage was captured with GoPro 960 at multiple locations Through Forests, over Rivers, under highways, around obstacles, along single tracks, speeding down dirt roads and a lot more. Follow me on Twitter @EdwinWatson Where: Groenkloof Pretoria/ Fountains Valley Pretoria/Hogsback eastern cape/Shongweni Natal/Other Shot with: GoPro 960 with Helmet mount/Handle bar mount/Chest strap. Editing: Original video edited together in Vagas 10 Sound: Empire Of The Sun -Walking On A Dream Activity: Mountain biking MTB
  8. GoPro HD: Post Office Bike Jam 2011 Downhill MTB in New Zealand with Brook MacDonald - Part 1
  9. Just a little fun. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3GribQCg6c MTBing South Africa My Way-1st Quarter 2011 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCkddl4VFKw
  10. Take into account what riding you going to be doing. If you want speed then the scott is the one to keep but if you want a very strong frame with amazing back suspension and being able to ride over things instead of around them then the anthem. Also I don't think the anthem has lock out? That lockout system on the scott's are way cool! Personally I would probable keep the scott although for my recreational riding the Gaint would probable suit me better. That scott is a machine man!
  11. Hey guys thanks for all the comments and recommendations. I bought 2 Mavic crossmark lust UST tyres and put one on the back and can happily report back that its running awesome road both fountains and groenkloof and did a few big jumps and heavily lands without losing any tire air through the side walls!They also hold really nicely compared to my KENDA NEVEGAL tyres before.
  12. Not cool man!When people correct spelling or grammar on a forum or a social network it really pisses me off The only thing this does is chase people away and make people not want to post and build the community! Being a English speaking person I don't want to speak in Afrikaans because I am most of the time laughed at because I cant speak it,its the same concept.
  13. Hi Guys My tubeless conversion keeps burping out and costing me a lot more money than it should be! I recently changed the back rim from getto to stans rim strips. My Back rim is a 26" Macic 317DSICand the tyre is a KENDA NEVEGAL I feel I cant trust the back tyre and I am trying to debate whether to replace the tyre with a UST tyre. Will I be able to put a UST tyre onto this rim? I cant see why not but I am not always right :S I like doing jumps and like to push myself a little more every time so is this a wise decision to change my back tyre to a UST one with this rim? Also what UST tyre would you recommend for my bike?I am ridding a Giant trance x2 so its a l trail bike Using stans sealant. As always and comments will be greatly appreciated!
  14. You dont really need any GPX data for fountains as its like a do what ever you want track. There are lots of little off cuts and other tracks around the area and every-time you go you will find something new(unless you explore a lot the first few times you go) Think of doing fountains as a time to really explore and have fun on your bike,Its not a challenging Course compared to Groenkloof and is really just a time to have some really good fun and not worry about training so much However I have a GPX map of a 18K ride I did where I combined both Groenkloof and Fountains together which I have uploaded to this post but these trails are really marked out well so you shouldn't actually need it and probable better not to grab as its fun exploring and thinking you lost but you actually not However that might be my early 20s talking Safety Fountains is pretty safe,to get to it you have to go through the gate and pay so their are no hobo's or anything in the area but there are workers in there looking after the erea. I think its pretty safe and have not heard of any problems but I did almost drive into a BMW once parked on a trail near the road with a couple in it bonking away but they drove off after that very fast Groenkloof is very safe! Because it is a nature reserve there is no monkey business and the whole place is well fenced so the game dont get out. Edit:It didn't upload my GPX data If you need it PM me!
  15. I agree we all sitting on a bloody forum complaining about bikes being stolen and cyclist's being shot,stabbed mugged,killed but we actually not doing anything! People are getting killed and because of Shops like this its not going to stop! Surly some one on this forum has an idea of how to turn this into a good thing? We need to stand up and stop allowing this to happen at our local LBS's which will slowly drip through to the murderers taking these bikes. We need to ask questions when buying second hand bikes and not think about how good the prices are, unfortunately bikes are so expensive these days that when an amazing deal comes along the buyer is to scared to ask or doesn't want to know why pricing is better than usual.I mean how many of you know that the second hand bike you bought does not have blood on it?
  16. Remember that the camera is on my head so is equally vertical with the surface at all times ;)This side of fountains has more grasslands.The other side is more forestry but also remember we will in the Highveld so we don't have tons of the stuff. I actually think there is a decent place to ride in almost all of our provinces and they all will definitely be unique! I just don't think you can ride in the city like we can here in Pretoria. If you look at my video you can see UNISA on the right of the vid, that's how close to the city you are. And that cant be taken for granted plus Groenkloof and Fountains are guarded so you can assume you going to be riding without any worries of being mugged. from both the sounds of things As AIRMAVRICK said,just go and park at Groenies and then ride along the road towards fountains,along the road you will see a single track on the left and a sign,take it.This will then take up up along the fence to the gate.You go through the gate and there is another single track on the left. You ride this single track all the way to fountains where you then have to go over the road and into the fountains section. On the way out of fountains there is also anouther single track which has a awesome wodden ramp down to the road So they don't integrate due to there being fencing between the two but they have done a good job at making it fun to do it and worth it.
  17. Hey Guys I just uploaded a video onto youtube of myself MTBing at fountains valley Pretoria. I don't normally upload my videos but though I would just upload this one to show everyone who has not gone to Groenkloof and fountains how great it is. This video was taken in Fountains(so not the nature reserve)today,and is just one of the runs/tracks of the many.Its one of my most favourite sections but I hardly ever do it. If you go onto youtube to watch it please just click like Its an unedited video so has no added sound effects or cuts. Info Mountain biking at fountains valley in Pretoria. Riding single track down the the side of the fencing along the M6 all the way down into a grass land then into a bit of forestry over a few wooden bridges and a river and finishing at the end of the valley on a tarred road just before A thorn run. Vally was slippery and wet due to rain. Edditing: Original video,no editing,no added sound/music. Shot with: GoPro 960 from Helmet. Activity: Mountain biking MTB Terrain: Wet | Muddy | slippery | Forests Where: Fountains valley in Pretoria,Gauteng South Africa Coordinates: 25°46'29,44"S 28°11'44.02"E Features: River Crossings | Bridges | Smooth Single Track
  18. What was the bike doing at the LBS? Was it being sold or was it booked in for a service? If its being sold the bike shop needs to be investigated! The shops and people selling stolen bikes need to be brought to book,people are getting killed for bikes and if LBS's are selling these bikes it just shows how easy for the thieves to get them onto the market and sold! This is a very bad story,I for one would not want to be giving my money to a LBS selling stolen goods
  19. Hey guys Today I did my first full wheelie,now I know that might not seem that amazing but I have never really been able to do it. And when I mean wheelie I mean 75 degree angle and most of the time 100 degrees making me fall off the back. Once I got the pulling it up right I couldn't stop trying it but I cant seem to get it up and keep it up for more than 5 seconds or so. The problem could be the rider but I cant cycle because I am doing it on my dual suspension bike and it feels like the back shock is absorbing my balance and when I try pedal it feels like I just move my shock in...Does that make sense? Is it possible to do it on a Dual sus or is it easier? Any one got some tips and tricks? I have a Giant trance x2.Main reason I want to know how to do wheelies is so I can lift the wheel when going through streams and rivers so I go through clean and dry...plus it looks awesome PS we need a Tips and tricks section on this forum for us noobs
  20. I am not a big jumper but surly its better to build up your own jumps with dirt? That way you can build them ride them build them up more/change it a little and then grin from ear to ear that you have built a perfect jump! I have seen these plastic jumps at Sportsmans and for 1 grand I don't think they worth but that's just my opinion.
  21. I know how you feel,there are a lot of good deals for the Small and med bikes compared to the Large ones and large bikes go fast. Don't wast your cash on a bike that wont fit you though rather just wait and be quick on the for sale section and you will get a good bike. Took me almost a year to find a bike here on the hub,that was everyday of searching and watching my RSS feeds for the hub for sale section. It was worth the wait and got a practically new bike for 8 grand cheaper than my LBS was selling it,and that took a year! Wait its worth it
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JrttG2cNIQ Trailer for a movie coming out soon. There some great adrenalin pumping documentaries coming out that are also not related to riding but will make you want to push your boundaries. This trailer bellow is of snowboarder doing crazy things you wouldnt even dream of doing. Its one of my most favourited videos and cant wait for the Documentary to come out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kh29_SERH0Y
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