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Everything posted by Hardstyle@MTB

  1. Hi You can get the bundle unit for R2545.00 @ www.buycycle.co.za http://www.buycycle.co.za/images/thumbnails/8/120/Bryton-Rider30-Combo.jpg Main differences between Garmin Edge 500 and Bryton 30
  2. Order your bag with Shipping Included: R3995.00 Buycycle.co.za http://www.buycycle.co.za/images/detailed/8/Scicon_Aeroplus.jpghttp://www.buycycle.co.za/images/detailed/8/6.jpghttp://www.buycycle.co.za/images/detailed/8/1.jpg
  3. Hi R275.99 per tyre and for R75.00 you don't even need to leave the comfort of your computer chair. Buycycle.co.za
  4. For people who use cycling to relax and enjoy themselves and would like to share this experience with their loved ones there is not a better product out there at this stage. Everything is dangerous these days especially if it's piloted by someone who doesn't use common sense and their acquired skills that they developed through years of cycling to safely pilot a bicycle. We have over 50 play parks a variety of save cycling venues to were you can take your kids to get some fresh air instead of gazing into the T.V or walls of their homes the whole day. Should we lock our kids in the home not exposing them to the possibility that their primary care giver doesn't have the common knowledge or decision making capabilities to know where it's saver to cycle or what he should attempt while having a child on board and what not. I vote for my kids enjoyment,incident free since 2009 (on a bicycle) There are a few places where you'll find it slightly cheaper before you calculate shipping or import duties into the price. And they don't offer you backing through the local channels so warranty on the item will take a bit longer. as it needs to be shipped back to where ever, receive approval for warranty and then get shipped back. Enjoy your day fellow cyclists.
  5. Hi What about a set of these Bad boys for only R7,750.00 http://www.buycycle.co.za/images/detailed/8/CosmicWheelset.jpg Mavic Cosmic Carbone SL Wheelset
  6. http://www.buycycle.co.za/images/detailed/7/IbertSafeTSeat.jpg I've been testing the I-Bert carrier for about 2 months now and it's surpassed all me expectations having used the standard rear mounted kiddies carrier before. Pro's: (Compared to Rear Mounted Carriers) * The kid actually experiences the ride and tend not to fall asleep or yell like a possessed chucky doll as the case wth the rear mounted unit. * You have a lot more control over your beloved stead and a lot more confidence. * Your interaction with your kid is better and you actually experience the ride together. * The kid enjoys it and seems more comfortable. Con's: (Compared to Rear Mounted Carriers) * Knee tends to catch at top - corrected by longer stem.Which is a small price to pay for your kids enjoyment. View item at: BuyCycle.co.za
  7. http://www.buycycle.co.za/images/detailed/7/IbertSafeTSeat.jpg I've been testing the I-Bert carrier for about 2 months now and it's surpassed all me expectations having used the standard rear mounted kiddies carrier before. Pro's: (Compared to Rear Mounted Carriers) * The kid actually experiences the ride and tend not to fall asleep or yell like a possessed chucky doll as the case wth the rear mounted unit. * You have a lot more control over your beloved stead and a lot more confidence. * Your interaction with your kid is better and you actually experience the ride together. * The kid enjoys it and seems more comfortable. Con's: (Compared to Rear Mounted Carriers) * Knee tends to catch at top - corrected by longer stem.Which is a small price to pay for your kids enjoyment. View item at: BuyCycle.co.za
  8. Hi Chubba I can build you a custom wheel set with: Cest Rims Hope Pro 2 Hubs DT Swiss Spokes Shipping Included R5300.00 http://www.buycycle.co.za/images/detailed/7/Hope_Pro2_Rear_QR_Hub.jpg My link
  9. Why don't you test Buycycle.co.za, Local internet shop with full backing from the Local suppliers and they source items from Local suppliers that rare not represented on the ste currently. http://www.buycycle.co.za/
  10. We have just recieved a shipment of 29er Stan's Rims with full backing form the local suppliers if anyone is still in need of : 1. 355 29er black rims 2. Flow 29er black rims 3. Arch 29er black rims 4. Crest 29er black rims You can mail me directly on: kevin@buycycle.co.za
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