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  1. Woke up to a flat wheel, so dogs were the lucky winners of a morning walk :-)
  2. Must be tough to go through all the preparations and then not being able to start :-(
  3. A few riders are active but no progress, would it be a tracker issue?
  4. I've put down 4 Rotties, doesn't get easier :-(
  5. Pity it's not a Z1000 retro, my dad had one decades ago
  6. Love my 390 for commuting but wouldn't want to do weekends or longer trips with it
  7. Spring day means the pool is open for swimming! Should've dusted them off first though as the managed to cloud the water quite badly :-)
  8. What is your FTP? Take a look at the interval programs as well that work on %. If that then remains under 400 you don't have a problem.
  9. I use zwift on my iphone but plugged into an old PC monitor for size.
  10. Dinge wat MOEILIK is om te sê wanneer jy gesuip is 1. Innoverend 2. Preliminêr 3. Verspreiding 4. Kaneelsuikerkorreltjie Dinge wat BAIE MOEILIK is om te sê wanneer jy gesuip is 1. Spesifiseer 2. Anti-konstitusionalisties 3. Passief-agressiewe afwyking 4. Transubstansieer Dinge wat F@KKEN ONMOONTLIK is om te sê wanneer jy gesuip is 1. Nee dankie, ek is getroud. 2. Nee dankie, niks meer vir my om te drink nie. 3. Jammer, jy is nie my tipe nie. 4. O nee, ek kan nie. Niemand wil my hoor karaoke nie. 5. Ek stel nie belang om met jou te baklei nie. 6. Dankie, maar ek wil nie dans nie. Ek het nie ko-ordinasie nie en wil nie soos 'n gek lyk nie. 7. Waar's die naaste toilet? Ek weier om in die parkeer area, op die gras of langs die pad te piepie. 8. Nee, ek bel nie my vriende die tyd van die aand nie. 9. Ek moet nou huistoe gaan. Ek werk môre.
  11. Joeboy69


    My jersey is a Cats one .... :-(
  12. I was happy with ntv.mx. You can choose the sport only or the full package. Basically SkyTV forms the basis but plenty others as well
  13. Hang af van die konteks. As ek vuur maak en klein houtjies wil he, neem ek n stomp en "kap hom" kleiner met n byl. Maar as ek suip en veerpyltjies speel sal my maats skreeu "kap hom" as ondersteuning wanneer ek n moeilike kans moet vat.
  14. Those bowls work very well. My one dog ate too fast, prone to vomit afterwards or bothering the others who were still eating. Using a bowl that is less complex than the picture but same idea and no more issues
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