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The Drongo

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Posts posted by The Drongo

  1. i'm with skylark,


    dude, just do what you want. ride the pavement!!

    it's life and death riding with the cars in the road, SA is blessed with some really nice single-track on sidewalks in urban areas, it would be stupid to NOT make use of it.


    if we were debating riding on the sidewalk in say, New York, i'd be inclined to advise against it, but seriously, nothing is cut and dried here in third world africa. rules that make sense in the first world cannot be applied here.


    dont expect a motorist backing out of his driveway to yield to you because you shouldnt be there and he's not expecting you, by the same token you must yield to pedestrians because they are as predictable as headless chickens. all in all, these "threats" make riding the sidewalk so much more fun!




    Couldna, put it better meself.


    'specially the 'headless chickens' bit...........wella saddam!

  2. Experiment with various options... I cant eat PVMs. Used it once at Afriman, and had rarely finished it and had to go behind a bush. Never again. Powerbar works for me, expensive but IT WORKS! ENERGY BARS, unless you're a bodybuilder riding a bicycle, proteien is for bulking up muscle, you dont' need extra!


    Thanks Doc.


    Never chundered a PVM before, but nutty bar ones don't work for climbing 1:3 grade at 40km's ! :wacko:

  3. I use strawberry flavoured Biogen Energy Bars. I just cut them into small pieces before the race, otherwise it takes forever to chew through the bar. Putting the pieces into a small plastic bag also helps, except if you'd prefer to spend the afternoon scraping sticky energy bar pieces out of your pockets.


    O C D much?

  4. Enduren bar for rides longer than 2hrs - nothing if shorter. Contains raisins, oats, cocoa and a few other things (can't remember off hand). Really tasty and easy to eat.


    Like Drongo said, take food with too. A buddy of mine has started taking boiled baby potatoes with for rides instead of taking 'manufactured' food.


    Another option is banana and peanut butter on a sarmie or roll - named the 'Bike Monster special' after an old hubber (who has emigrated)




    At one race some wag asked me if I was a 'farmer'............hahahah.



  5. I never said what the cyclists did was right, but the jerk of a writer clearly is no saint either. I'm just trying to figure out which one is the pot and which one is the kettle....


    Sure. Agreed.


    Jerks! - I never said which....


    The black one?

  6. The writer broke the law by his own admission. He's probably fatter than all the cyclists rolled together


    Oh, and yes, lane splitting is legal on South African roads. Get a grip, and possible a copy of the road traffic act.


    Someone tell me how to get my message to Martin Williams?


    But skipping a red light ain't ! 2 or 4 or more wheels - Jerks!

  7. What is the deal with underpants - do you get special types that go with these or do you go commando? If the latter, I guess you need more than one pair.




    They are striped. Purple and yellow. Vertically.


    And you wear them under white lycra.


    Cycle Lab has them.

  8. Aah - this is the 'Bib'? I this really necessary? Why not just cycling pants?





    The bib is very necessary.


    When you finish a race then you stroll around the mess tents / beer hall / car park with the loopy bits hanging out the back of your broeke.


    Kinda like a G-string blowout.


    Very smooth.

  9. According to statistics, every grammar flame contains at least two errors. Yours is true to form.


    Netiquette lets us overlook typos or inadvertent proof reading failures, but does not mean we must suffer in silence those who cannot format their responses and wont learn to spell. Inevitably, when the opponent's grammar is used as a weapon by the other protagonist, it backfires.


    I'll overlook most things but please don't break when want to brake.


    Hah! I see what you did there..............

  10. In general Joburg will be more expensive than a small town because the cost of living here is higher. Rent is more expensive, labour is more expensive, rates and taxes are more expensive, commuting is more expensive.


    I won't make any comment about the work break down or quality since that varies from shop to shop.


    The cars are bigger, the houses are bigger, the tablets are bigger, the restaurants are plentiful...............should we go on??

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