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Posts posted by markgc

  1. Thanks..just trying to prepare mentally..did Sani this year and managed fine..day 2 was testing but fine. Agree, I was probably also fitter and better prepared that time year.

  2. G'day Folks,


    This has been breaking my brain the last few days..


    It's time for a (serious) upgrade, and I can't decide between the race-pace, harder-on-the-arse Epic, or the "I don't climb so well but you should see me on the downhill" Stumpy.. I have ridden the Epic 29er, but have only heard claims about the Stumpy. Anyone care to share some thoughts? I mostly ride Gauteng, Groenkloof-ish rockies and marathon races and am quite good on the technicals, also bit of a bigger bloke @90kgs. (Scared of hurting the big wheels)


    Any opinions/advice/comments welcome..


    so what did you decide in the end ?

  3. The Giant XTC 1 29 Alu frame is 1.56kg


    The Momsem carbon is 1.36kg and will cost you R12,950. For a 200g saving. Thats R64,750/kg - more expensive per kg than say....an Italian sports car...


    Rapide is 1,250g and is "only" R8,000 for a 300g saving. Much better deal at a meager R26,666/kg - about 100x as expensive as my favourite imported "ground on the breasts of virgins" coffee.


    If carbon floats your boat and you feel dead sexy riding it then have at it and blow the cash. If you're after a weight saving then skip a few burgers a month and bang the R8,000-R13,000 in your back pocket. If you're already at <6% body fat then there are much more cost effective ways of losing weight...


    Give us your bike specs and I'll recommend a much better way to save weight...


    You make a valid point..heres what it looks like, fairly standard as it came..

    Changes made so far:

    - Wheelset to Mavic Crossmax

    - Tubeless Maxxis Crossmarks tyres

    - Full XT

    - Spez Henge Seat

    - XTR Pedals

  4. This is a common mavic problem . Freehub needs a service. Probably dirty or bearings/bushes are shot. Easy to do yourself. You will need a 5 and a 10mm Allen key,some aerosol parts cleaner ( Motorex Easy clean is great) and a little bit of light hub oil. If you can get it Mavic hub oil is ideal but not easy to find , I use Motorex semi- bath oil. This is just to oil the freehub pawls and a small squirt in the hub body. While you are at it you may as well check your the hub bearings. you will also need some grease.


    If you need some held I will show you how....it wall take all of 15 minutes max. I am in Parkview around the corner from you. PM me .


    thanks Frank, say hi to Brigid ! cheers mark

  5. Whats wrong here...was freewheeling and it felt like the rear hub was "jumping".. the sound was that of "tyre touching frame" but this was not the case... continued happening.

    Wheels - Mavic Crossmax 29er



    What is the diagnosis?



  6. Don't know where you're based, but if it's in CT, give Recycles a call at 0219486372. Excellent service and great pricing. Getting a Niner Rip 9 from them for just under R14000 - knocked R2000 off the price of the frame and 15% off on the complete build. They can get you most anything at a really good price.


    Tallboy alum goes for about R18000 if I remember correctly.


    thanks, will give them a call.

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