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Everything posted by awesme

  1. not sure if anyone have asked yet, which Cyclelab branch we talking here about, As with any big company the service will differ from branch to branch. All dependent on the manager and the staff. G
  2. Even at that VAT rate, compare to SA price, still cheaper, and well if lucky I might get the VAT back at the Heathrow. G
  3. hehehe, and there I was just about to buy the CS400 and now I'm back to start, Hearing everything you're saying and I do like the Garmin. Ok so what type of MAC support does the Garmin's have? nice is the package comes with HR and Cadence included, if i go for the Bundle. G
  4. Hi Because of cost I'm relooking options, (don't make mistake, I do love the Garmin edge 500 look), just cost between everything else. Looking between the CS200cad and CS400, Whichever it is will be via CRC, got a mate that stays in the UK and I'm there in 2 weeks so can just collect from him. safe customs duty's etc. Is the extra features on the CS400 worth it. Does anyone have it? I see the CS400 does not come with the Cadence sensor. any idea bout the cost? I can not see from write ups, interfacing it with a computer, does the cables come with, and then I use a Apple MAC, anyone know if the Polar software is Apple friendly. G
  5. Thats what I especially like bout it, easy to read, G
  6. How does our local stores think to keep us as loyal customers if we can get a computer like this at more than 30% less online. dammmmm, makes me rethink about allot of things, coffee time. G
  7. Ahh found it, Chain Reaction Cycles. G
  8. Excuse stupid question, still new, CRC ? G
  9. You guys serious about the 30 day test, awesome. Just bought my fiance a 18 inch Merida 1-20 500D, it ends with being a tad to high, the cross bar, if this true then I'm asking them to swap out for a 16 inch. G
  10. Hmmm damm that picture looks nice, and like the fact that the other bits are included. You driving a hard bargain, problem for me I said my budget is R2K, but was really hoping to stop at R1500... hehehe damm there goes that idea. Where can I get it, I know CycleLab can probably do it, but they got it listed as R3400. G
  11. Please correct me, it looks like the Cs300 is only the watch unit, everything like the speed sensor, the Cadence sensor and the HR sensor are all additional cost items. G
  12. My phone is a iPhone, not about to carry it with me, or mount on bike, a tumble will end to expensive. G Is there a good online shop you guys can recommend, looking at the Polar CS300 and then Cateye CC-TR300TW atm.
  13. Hi, Would like to keep cost below R2000. G
  14. Hi all Looking at getting computer. Want the basic ride logging capabilities, HR monitor and Cadence, Being able to download to computer will be nice Have been told to look at the Polar CS300, only thing I'm not keen on the wrist based/watch format. Like the screens of the Cateye's Need some advise. G oh btw, it's for MTB riding
  15. awesme

    Meyerton MTB Race

    Could be, only information I got it is late July. G
  16. ooops, Someone from Moderators please correct the label, should be MTB not MTN G
  17. Hi all How about we build up a list of MTB Manufacturers and Accessories, lets list the name and URL's. Bikes Merida - www.merida.com/ Accessories Shimano - www.shimano.com/ G
  18. l also saw that now, will wait till next week then G
  19. Hi all I heard something about a MTB race in late July in the Meyerton area (Just south of Alberton). Who can tell me more. G
  20. Hi there When it comes to tweelies and quads these days KTM is a vey serious competitor. Their quads for one come totally kitted out, there is very little you need to add/customize. but we're digressing, as far as MTB is concerned I'm leaning towards the One-Twenty. G
  21. Hi there Thanks for the pointers, I come from the quad family and have done thousands of Km's, I had a couple of scary off's and I'm walking still because I did no go cheap on safety gear. Helmet is first, quality is valued. Thanks for the pointer on the bike's, was starting to lean towards the Merida. G
  22. Hi all My Fiance and myself are looking at joining some friends that go MTB'ing every weekend, with luck it wil go into some casual races and wknd trips down the road. I've set myself a R10K budget for the bike, requirements I've set also are Full suspension front and back and disc brakes. So far the bikes I've narrowed down onto are the KTM Comp 3.0 2011 and the Marida One-Twenty 500 2011. Who knows these two bikes, hows the specs of each,any other comments Extra little bits that I will also get: Helmet Gloves Shirt Pants Camel Pack. (I'll do clip in's later, bikes come with pedal's that flat on the one side and clip in on the other) Might spend a couple of bucks on a cheap computer to record distance and time to keep track on sweat left behind... G
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