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  1. It definatly makes a difference, no doubt!
  2. For road racing you should use 172.5 or 175 and the 177.5 is and exception for very tall cyclists and 180s are for time trialling!
  3. If it didn't make a difference pro's would not spend 30k on SRMs and coaches wouldn't advise it. Power is the way, it's expensive no doubt but i have a powermeter and I had a heartrate monitor, it extremely different.
  4. Power with heart rate limiters!! Your power is an independant source, you will always push the same power no matter if you have a hangover or a bad sleep. Heartrate is dependant on sleep, what you eat etc etc. Power is easy to do your training with the knowledge that you are not overtraining. Heartrate you can do very bad damage to yourself, especially with the likes of interval and intense training.
  5. I've been sick for nearly 3 weeks now.. Partly overtraining ha ha I'm going to try these out
  6. Nice one. In the u/16 race I got into the break. Averaged 213watts (Powertap SL 2.4)
  7. To race the new DT Swiss rims would be good. I race on a Mavic Open, its heavy but I use it to train. Also rims such as HED, Easton and ZIPP are good.
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