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Everything posted by Joe!

  1. Sure, ride up a hill. Point is with stationary trainer you can train anytime in safety, with all the stats you need, in aircon environment with entertainment.
  2. I do mostly road and some MTB. Considering powertap for the road bike and did some research. I found the cycleops ipad software most beneficial (its free) and there are great training videos from sufferfest and other great climbs. It measures power based on the trainer resistance, cadence etc without having a power meter, so estimate but apparently 95% accurate. Good enough for me on interval training! I have a cycleops jet fluid pro indoor trainer. http://www.cycleops.com/support/getting-started
  3. The mentality of some motorists ...
  4. I don't see the issue. Some techie made a mistake, they apologised immediately. Move on and get over it.
  5. Erm, no, directors are not always personally liable "for any lawsuits"? Where did you study law? Section 77 of the Companies Act sets out when a director of a company may be held liable for loss or damage sustained by the company.
  6. yeah, great news. hope he sues SAIDS for damages
  7. http://www.iol.co.za/capetimes/impey-cleared-on-doping-charge-1.1742753#.VAAZNPTF_dn yeah, great news. hope he sues SAIDS for damages
  8. Jan (Taljaard) Dagga Bloemfontein se bekende persoonlikheid, 'Jan Dagga', is vanaand kort na 18:00 op sy ewe bekende fiets, met die ‘Jan Dagga’-nommerplaat, doodgery. ‘n Ooggetuie vertel dat Jan in Curielaan deur ‘n motorfiets getref is, nie ver van Builders’ Warehouse nie. ‘n Dokter wat daar op pad verby was het Jan probeer resussiteer. Sy en paramedici wat later opgedaag het, het 40 minute lank alles menslik moontlik gedoen, maar hulle kon nie Jan se lewe red nie. Die ooggetuie sê een van sy bene was onder sy liggaam ingevou en dit het gelyk asof sy knie gebreek is. Die motorfietsryer is afgevoer hospitaal toe. Jan Dagga, oftewel Jan Taljaard, skryf of sy webblad hoe hy aan die naam Jan Dagga gekom het: ‘I am Jan “Dagga” (marijuana), and I smoked dagga, and I went with dagga. In the 1960’s I learned about God. In 1972 I quit smoking dagga. In 1973 I quit alcohol. And then I received the Holy Ghost. From 1973 I’ve been a witness for God. One thing is sure; you can lie to a person but you can’t lie to God. I used to smoke dagga and I’ve been in jail - I was in jail before Nelson Mandela. P.W. Botha, De Klerk, they all know about me. My child was raped, and that’s why I’m going through the world. Jesus wasn’t raped, but my child was raped. My God is not a cheap god. If He was a cheap god then I’d be cheap too. And cheap is rubbish. He released me from alcohol and marijuana and He is the one I want to see. He is the one who carries me through life and the world. People know me and God knows me. The Ghost that lives in me is the love of God. I was married three times - the fist one divorced me, the second one divorced me, and the third one God took - He actually stole her. This numberplate - I was praying for a guy, he was still at school, and when he came out of school after I prayed for him and he made me this numberplate. From then everyone called me Jan “Dagga” - the police, P.W. Botha, all state presidents, ministers, they all know me as Jan “Dagga” - Jan de Wet, Steve Hofmeyr, they know me as Jan “Dagga”. Jan de Wet gave me the opportunity in Welkom to bear witness about my living God. And I bore witness to my living God, not to people. Adam and Eve knew a god and a devil. How many millions of people know a bible but no god? You greet your fellow man with one hand and with the other you slap him. Cain killed Abel - he killed the wrong guy, he should have killed me! I knew no god! It’s easy to say that there is no God but if difficult to be a god. A fool, in his heart, says that there is no God, but my God lives through a fool. I bought this bicycle, I buy all my bicycles. I was medically suspended with pay from the railway service and God blesses me with R2300 per month. I brought my bicycle here to this shop to get it fixed so that other people can also get an income. And I trust in God, with them, and I want to see my God through them. They tightened my handlebar - I don’t want to end up under the cars...’ Karien Jordaan/OFM-nuus
  9. I ride a '48 HD mainly to beat the Sandton traffic, I cycle road & MTB. Not all Harley riders at twats. I love Harleys
  10. Just hope he doesn't learn to dope like many in the team: Riis, Kreuziger, Rogers, De Jongh ... Edit: and CONTADOR
  11. Sagan photobombs Nibali's wife Via @cyclingreporter
  12. Six fastest #TDF: 1. 2005: 41.654 Kph 2. 2003: 40.940 Kph 3. 2006: 40.784 Kph 4. 2014: 40.679 Kph 5. 2004: 40.553 Kph 6. 2013: 40.545 Kph
  13. Did you see this silly MTN SKY advert?
  14. Excellent news, so happy they are dropping TREK! http://www.teammtnqhubeka.com/?news=cervelo-partners-with-mtn-qhubeka-for-2015
  15. I still maintain, Valverde will pounce and Nibbles / Arsetana will fade (unless they get another blood transfusion which their good at sans Armstrong)
  16. @inrng: (Ex) SKY's Jonathan Tiernan-Locke banned for 2 years. A new entry tucked away on the UCI's anti-doping PDF http://t.co/xKHPOux3pz
  17. Not gonna quote the whole story previously posted, but the marks on his bike is his trade mark pistols
  18. If you're a gambling man, these are the odds being given now: Nibali 1/5 Porte 6/1 Valverde 18/1 Van garderen 40/1 I think Valverde is great value for money!
  19. The #framegate conclusion on road cc So, Contador's bike didn't snap underneath him, as many thought has happened, and didn't snap when he crashed either. The photo was of his spare bike that was broken in a crazy team car incident, and the bike he actually crashed on survived the fall with no breakage occurring. http://road.cc/content/news/123757-real-story-what-happened-alberto-contadors-broken-specialized-tarmac-bike-tour
  20. Times up La Planche Belles Filles compared to 2012
  21. Hoping that this guy is just saving himself, luckily he rides Canyon ...
  22. But he is on his own, no team! Where is Arsetana?
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