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Everything posted by rob_mtb

  1. oh ja, cool colour. nice job
  2. rob_mtb

    Bunny Hop.

    haha, I reckon by now Akrigg's nads are cast iron
  3. rob_mtb

    Bunny Hop.

    It's really doable if your name is Chris:
  4. Why not have it powder coated. Many colours to choose from and the finish is strong and resistant. Most decent panelbeaters can help you out, and best of all your daughter can choose her colour, which will make the bike hers
  5. Everybody knows that road cyclists are the toughest. Hands down. Close second to that would be the guys riding the Epic on 29ers. We all know it's harder to get off the mark on them.
  6. this entire thread gets my vote for lamest thread of the year, and the OP gets my vote for biggest troll.
  7. Wow, did people not go to school in this place? You should know if you used a figure of speech or not.
  8. Well, I'd like World peace and a stamp with my face on it. Only the second part has come true thus far. Yes, I'm a roadie.
  9. awwwwwww, feels like time for a group hug xx
  10. naa, not insulted at all. I don't take anything online seriously in the least.
  11. thanks for editing my post by the way. Rather just delete the post than put word in my mouth next time.
  12. a lot of peoples mothers would disagree with you there.
  13. ok, so who's fault is it that you've not googled basic things like "best entry level mtb", or "what's a good mtb to buy as a beginner"? The interweb is your friend. What would I buy? Well, I wouldn't buy a dual suspension bike for anything under R10k, and that's stretching it. I'd save another R1,5k and buy a cheap, good hardtail like a Silverback. DO NOT buy bikes from sport shops or Makro. Go to a bike shop and go from there. Open your mouth and ask the salesman questions. That's how you learn, and you'll need to learn because knowing about bikes is part of riding them. Then, I'd also use google to look up terms like "oxymoron" before you just assume a person would insult you. Ok bye
  14. Well, since most of us who take DH and freeride seriously train just as hard as a marathon rider, if not more, you can't define toughness by strength. The answer is easy, of course the freerider/DHer is tougher. Hands down. I'd like to see a lycra clad XC'er take on a road gap jump, or a 10 foot drop off. If you define toughness by being able to slog up a hill I'd wager that most DH'ers, if given the same carbon XC bike, will beat most. Unless of course you're also doing hard trail running, plyometrics, dedicated circuits, spinning as well as trail riding.
  15. Hi Corrie, Apologies if you skipped the English class where you were taught what an oxymoron is. Just because the word has 'moron' in it, doesn't mean I was calling you that. An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines contradictory terms. So you saying "It looks like a decent bike and for R2499, doesn't look like a bad buy." this is a gross contradiction, since if you've even done a basic google on bikes and prices you can see that it's a cheap, sub standard bike. Furthermore, since you seem to have not done any research, how what you know what a decent bike looks like? It's the same as cars, boats, houses, shoes, clothes, food and schooling. You get what you pay for.
  16. That has to be the oxymoron of the year! I can absolutely assure you that this bike will be a piece of junk. WASTE
  17. Of course it matters how accurate it is. Torque is a finite, quantifiable measurement. If your wrench goes out by 5Nm that could be the diffs between a seized part or not. Regarding pumps, I can feel the difference in slight pressure changes on my bike. Our cars at home we pump with a compressor and I have a decent attachment. Then I spot check them with a second gauge from time to time. I never pump my car tyres at a garage.
  18. I have an invention that might solve your problem here. It's a fork mounted broom/magnet that clips in front of your front wheel. It sweeps the road and catches anything metallic before you ride over it. The huge bonus is it picks up coins too, so you could very well end up at the Vida with a few rond collected. Do I hear "latte' " anyone?
  19. it's the button. I explored all other options. OP, try my suggestion and let us know the outcome.
  20. Cool vid man. Nice flowing trail. Skipped the double hehe Just a note on the GoPro. If you can get the Chesty it provides a really cool perspective. I find when it's on the helmet the trail feels more floaty and it's hard to see the lines. That's subjective though. The audio in your clip, you'll notice a clicking sound going on when the camera shakes. I had this too and it drove me insane! It's from the top little button shaking. How I remedied this was to stick a little bit of rubber foam with gaffer tape to the button to hold it in place, and then set the camera to start shooting on turning on. Also if you use the open back you get more trail sound and it's awesome. PM me if you want a link to some of my clips to hear/see. Otherwise lekka riding man. I've never gone left. I must check that out. Keep meaning to. Cheers for the tip
  21. or this http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5023/5546918014_8770739fbb_z.jpgthere's even a mirror to see if the lipstick is still on.
  22. maybe those zef wrap around bar ends you used to get. Remember those? haha
  23. WAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!Indeed dude, indeed. You brightened my day so much with this. I owe you an ale
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