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Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

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Everything posted by Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

  1. Anyone. It's an AGM and Tokai MTB is an open group. No membership criteria.
  2. Understood dude, it can get tiring. If you're ever up fr just plain shooting the breeze, no politics whatsoever (I'm generally too winded to hold any sort of discussion whilst riding anyway) gimme a shout. I'll be glad to chase you down on your Scott...
  3. ? http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070217031446/muppet/images/3/35/Ewbooks-tightrope.jpg
  4. It was more of a graceful arc over the higher edge of the bridge, with the head making contact with a few roots and teh wet, muddy stream bed. But I digress.
  5. You can choose a proxy to vote on your behalf, as long as you tell that person who you want to vote for.
  6. That entire thread (that I generated) was removed just after this screen capture was posted. I was busy responding to a new line of questions when I was alerted to the removal and my inability to respond to a "deleted thread" EDIT: It also seems to me that either I have been booted off the page, or the entire page has been deleted due to the incriminating details on there and the damage that it would do to the "campaign"
  7. good mate of mine still won't go near that bridge as a result of his off there...
  8. I REALLY need to get back into comics. Anyone in the Ct area know of a good, reliable and top quality outlet? NOT electronic. It's just not the same.
  9. The thing with the manhole covers is that they're probably being stolen for scrap...
  10. Cool. Fair enough bro. Just know that as per my long ass winded 3 volume post, it was all coming together anyway. Yes, the existing interim committee needed to be ratified, which meant the AGM needed to happen ANYWAY. But that's beside the point.
  11. That's just the thing Duane. Your post makes it seem as if the AGM and a new committee are the reasons that those changes / circumstances are coming or could come about. That's simply not true. The fact of the matter is that all that you wanted is actually coming. The NPO will be the singular body allowing us to report properly on the finances. The funding committee is already in place and ready to send funds through as soon as the NPO has been established. The professional trail builder is lined up for when the EMP, burn and rationalisation has been completed. The calling of the AGM will not change those facts, nor bring them about any quicker - they're already in place, just waiting for this to blow over before being confirmed and finalised. To say that these "breakthroughs" will happen because of the AGM and if "the right people are voted in" is disingenuous and totally misleading.
  12. He is Tim I am Myles Mayhew. But then pretty much everyone here knows that...
  13. Seems my explanation of the current and precious dynamic has fallen on deaf ears...
  14. Okay – what I want to say to all of you here is WHEW. Yes – discussions (can we call THIS thread a discussion!?) got heated, but IMO this was all due to happen anyway. I’ve spoken to Flowta, Deon & John’o today, and maybe they now have a bit more info than what they had before, but for the most part we all want the same thing – Tokai to be a proper MTB destination, which we as Capetonians can be proud of. People HAVE been hurt as a result of this, and the way it was done could have been better but the bygones are, well, shall we say, gone by. As for all of you sorry saps (yes, I’m including me on this characterisation as well) the process was this: - Form TMMTBF (Table Mountain Mountain Bikers Forum) comprising the following bodies: 8]o Table Mountain Bikers 8]o PPA 8]o AMARider 8]o Tokai MTB All this argument seems to have been to get more representation into the body of Tokai MTB, so that there could be “better trails” and “more representation”. Nevermind that the snake trails (in their current format) were an interim measure to alleviate pressure on the DH trails, at least until the EMP / Trail Rationalisation / Burn had been completed and we had enough scope & budget to enable a proper, “professional” trail builder to come in and tell us what to do and handle the design process, then leave us plebs to do the low-level maintenance (trails to be consulted on were Snakes top to bottom except Rinkhals – needs a full EIA due to the amount of dirt we need to move from an already “reclaimed site”; DH4, Climbing trail linking all trail heads and a couple of others) Also nevermind that the DH & XC reps are hardly not representative of the riding fraternity. Within Tokai MTB at the moment you have the following people on the INTERIM committee: - Deon (Chair) - Me (vice) - Dan Dobinson (XC Rep) - Gary Barnard (was due to be DH rep but due to personal reasons was only really able to commit to coming on pretty much now) Vince Muir was offered the position of DH rep but turned it down late last year after a rather public exit from Tokai. The way forward from when the Forum was started was agreed that Tokai MTB (headed by Deon) was to make use of the donation given to Tokai to get a vehicle, and a dedicated work force to continue low-level maintenance on the existing trails. Then the logging started. And this is where all the dis-satisfaction started as well, as it ruined a good couple of the best trails on the mountain (no argument from me there) What Deon had to do then was get approval for the re-opening of a temporary replacement for those snake trails, so as to alleviate the pressure on the DH trails (which were being inundated with XC riders dragging their brakes around each corner, and riding UP them) at a time when Tokai had unprecedented rain levels, in a freshly logged area. This devastated any attempt to build a trail during the winter months, and a couple of weeks into summer. The direction and general lay of the trail was discussed with Vince & Duane (at the time the reps for DH, unofficially) and Deon was given the go-ahead to put the temporary trail in place. A week later, once the trail had just been opened (blazed only, just the logs & branches moved and the general direction mapped out) there were already calls of “lack of flow” and “too pedally”. This was to be expected, given that the trail hadn’t been completed (there were still massive amounts of dead undergrowth on the trail, as well as soft “fluff”) and the trail went on. This became the norm, and regardless of whether people rode them just the once, or just 2 times following their initial opening, the trails “lacked flow” and were “too pedally”. The trail was always going to be an interim measure though, so a bit of pedalling wasn’t supposed to be a bad thing. It wasn’t mean to be a DH trail, after all. But the comments continued, and attempts to increase the flow were tried (opening up corners, small reroutes and so on) and the trail became a bit faster, far more “flowy” and more enjoyable. But not to everyone. Not everyone likes to pedal, it seems. These are just the interim trails though, remember, and the process from here on out was the following: - Continue with low level maintenance & safety alterations (divert on Vasbyt to cut out DH / Vasbyt crossing for example) - Wait for EMP, Trail Rationalisation, Burn - Contract Bennett Nel to design and build replacement (permanent) Snake Trails & DH4 & Climbing Trail (Boulders extension all the way top to bottom linking up all trail heads) once approval for each had come through - Organize appropriate material for build (not easy – Parks don’t want us to bring in material due to possible contamination, but they don’t want us to use material on the mountain. It HAS to be of the same soil type – we do have clay in places but it’s buried – but it also has to be totally in keeping with the surrounding environment. No concrete. No normal soil. No foreign bodies. No foreign plant material. Etc etc etc) - Build and then revert to low level maintenance All the time, funds were being raised in order to make this a reality. But in order for funds to be raised, a proper body had to be formed. In the beginning, it was recommended that we use AMARider as the accounting and auditing body as well as have them hold the bank account, as they are well-versed in these matters. But inefficiencies crept in, and by late last year, when more and more interest was being expressed in the fundraising initiative, a decision was made to separate the bank account and TOKAI MTB from AMARider from an accounting & auditing perspective. This is when Deon, together with a motivated donor and financial expert, determined that the best course of action would be to set up an NPO (non-profit organization) in order to run Tokai MTB more efficiently from a tax and accounting perspective (seeing as the majority of income was to be donations – an NPO is tax efficient in this respect) and that process took a while to conduct. That brings us to present day – the NPO is not yet formed, as the funding committee together with Deon and Parks had witnessed several worrying aspects of a couple of dis-satisfied users on the mountain, and were worried about the continuation of the NPO should the committee change So – with this AGM coming up, what can we expect? Well – for one – a proper representative panel, formed by riders, for riders. It is important to note that there are also positions for Chairman, Vice Chair, Treasurer and so on. At the moment, however, there IS a panel of riders, representing the riders. Dan Dobinson and Gary Barnard. They can hardly be called out for NOT being a part of the riding community, and are well versed & respected in their own rights as riders. Dan Dobinson has fantastic tourism and PR credentials, and Gary Barnard has tried and tested Financial Management capabilities – giving them both the opportunity to be both reps and fill other positions on the committee. Me? Well I’m just a sap. But one that tries to help the process as far along as possible, intervene where necessary and get the information out when I can and when I have it. I’m also “in charge” of the volunteer movement. To quite a success, I may add. Deon, well he is the driver behind this. His relationship with Parks & the fundraisers, not to mention his ability to maintain the trails, cannot be called into question. That role is not to be sniffed at. It requires hours of arduous work, management and drive. So – again – what can we expect? Well – for one, maybe a different Chairman. Maybe a new rep or 2. Maybe a different Vice Chair. Who knows? What will be certain is that there WILL be a dedicated, High-Level trail designer appointed as the Trail Designer, for all of us to work and learn from. Bennett Nel, maybe. Probably. Mark Gordon isn’t an option (he’s in the Garden route at the controls of several JCB’s) and Hylton Turvey is in Karkloof. But there will be someone. All I ask is that for those coming, they think long and hard about who they would like to represent them. Riding prowess and international trail exposure doesn’t necessarily translate into knowledge of what other riders want, or what the Park can handle given its unique (yes, they are unique) challenges with soil, rain, management and so on. So – be thoughtful in your nomination and voting. Vote properly, with your head, not your heart. Who will further your needs as riders? Who, as your chosen Representatives of DH & XC, will hear your complaints if you have them, and bring them to the attention of the Chairman and Vice Chair, who in turn needs to have enough of a relationship with Parks to motivate the changes / additions properly, and with enough of a relationship to ensure that Parks Listens? Who has the relationship with Parks, who has the skills needed to spread the information, and who has the riders’ best needs at heart? That is all I ask… Because Tokai, like it or not, is OURS. And we all want to make it BETTER.
  15. Please read what I'm posting next. It IS long, but I think we should all read it... Myles.
  16. Hence the edit... Damn fingers. So to confirm - Deon, myself, Dan Dob. Gary would have been coming on shortly, but had wanted to come on sooner but couldn't (personal reasons)
  17. Indeed. YOu get crap professional trail builders, and great ones. We, the mortal few, are teh average ones who just want to carry on learning from those better than us. Which is why we were going to be calling Bennet in to consult on the future trail design, once the burn had happened. Not our fault that the guys decided to log and destroy the surrounding slope, and that a temporary "relief trail" ha to be put into place to take pressure off the DH trail. Those "relief trails" are the Snakes in their current format. Yes, they are pedally. Yes, they are sandy (was going to be fixed but now the clay has gone to Cecilia Forest) but they are temporary trails, there until the burn has come and gone and the resultant landscape has been assessed for future trail design. THAT is what Bennet was going to be called in for...
  18. Nope. Wasn't in the minutes... Ah. I see Deon beat me to it...
  19. Then I have conflicting information. The build day was still going ahead as of last week Thursday (when I met with Deon) on Friday it had been called off. Deon was at the meeting with Meurant, Rob, John'o, Richard, Vince, Gary Trepes. AFAIK the moratorium was NOT called back then, or the build day would never have been confirmed. As for the personal stuff, I don't think so. I think a few people are still working through their feelings on this, being only 3 days old and all that. There is probably a lot of misunderstood sentiment here as well, as well as things that could have been said / portrayed / put across in an entirely better way so as to avoid this SNAFU that it's turned in to. At the end of the day, the AGM is happening, changes are going to be made, but the head stakeholder is going to remain the same and the challenges will remain as they are today. No change in the procedure that MUST be followed, or the work that needs to be done. No change on the restrictions imposed or the conditions we (as trailbuilders - I'm including ALL of us here) have to abide by. As for questions - no such thing as a bad question (as Marko35s said recently) and we can only argue / answer / debate / discuss as best we can. If a bit of emotion creeps in, we're only human. I only hope that the new committee (whoever they are) can retain the good relationship with Parks, an continue on the way that the park was ultimately going to go to - an MTB destination. Which was Sandra's intent, actually. To make Tokai THE MTB destination in the WC. It just takes a bit of time, and the conditions we have (soil type etc) and the red tape we have to get through means it takes that much longer...
  20. Could, yeah. But the end result is the same. Someone called Meurant, and told him that they wanted a moratorium on any and all work in Tokai until the 18th. That prevented us doing some planned maintenance and safety alterations to a bit of trail where the DH & XC trails crossed. Over the past few weeks/months/years (but more increasingly lately) there have been quite a few close calls there. Plus - to call a moratorium on EVERYTHING? What motive? Why? Argh. So much drama!
  21. I did say "something along the lines of" - which generally means that the text inside the quote cannot be guaranteed to be entirely accurate. And no, I was not next to the telephone when the person made the call... Nor was I the person on the other end... Oh - Edit: The only people who can attest to the accuracy (or lack thereof) of the quote which is not a quote are the 2 parties involved. Meurant and the other person. Neither of whom are Hub members.
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