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Posts posted by Octavian

  1. Who else would you put as the captain? Morn steyn or Pierre Spies?


    Oh god no! I think we need to be bold there and appoint a youngster there that will still be around during the world cup. It seems jean got the nod only because he is the oldest. I think when Bismarck is back, perhaps he might be the most suited...


    Regarding the captaincy I don't think you can be to harsh on Jean. If the coach is not fielding the best team and his game plan is not in order you cannot blame the on field captain. I think it is really unfair that he has to answer all the questions after the game


    Fair comment about Jean. Maybe I am a bit harsh. Just don't get a good feeling about him as a captain though....

  3. My read about the springboks is that meyer's bulls playing style is outdated and won't work in current day playing styles.


    A huge difference when Lambie and Goosen came on. Finally some guys that knew how to run.


    Meyer needs to stop being so arrogant and needs to catch up with trends or springbok rugby is in big trouble again. Atleast under Pieter de Villiers the springboks were exciting to watch...


    Jean de Villiers is also not a good captain. To say that we are "getting there" in the post match interview after we conceded 20 points in the second half to lose the game, tells me that he is not cut out as a captain...

  4. Thats disgusting!!!

    I dont think i will be able to eat dinner tonight after seeing that.


    Edit: Question is though... what were you searching for that you come across that?


    A mate sent it to me. I got it while sitting in a board meeting... I shouldn't have opened the link.... I had to excuse myself to go laugh my ass off outside!

  5. Hahahahaha. Dear mother of all that is unholy in this world, after all that talk of rimjobs, ass ramming and asprin112, this is starting to sound like a functional marriage.


    Still no closer to getting my name fixed though o_0.


    Dongle, i will endeavour to catch my hot, semi naked SWAMBO (she who always must be obeyed) washing my bike and send that to you as reward for assisting with this pressing matter.


    Ass ramming in your marriage???

  6. Yeah sure the Girls have the ability to know right from wrong, yet they still chose to drink. Why?


    There are many reasons that stuff like this would happen and i don't think we can directly blame the girls. They are clearly looking for attention that they probably not getting at home for whatever reason.


    Problems like these can be prevented with good Parenting. Unfortunately not everyone is blessed with a Happy Home.


    Based on commentary Azonic was one of the lucky view...his household is also perfect even now...

  7. I used to also pit parents against each other...I once hit myself on the head with the back end of a screw driver and showed my mom the bump, telling her that it was my step dad that hit me on the head.... That poor dude didn't last long...he shouldn't have tried to take the place of my dad...

  8. Don't leave marks...


    My folks were scared of hitting me. When I was about 11 I decorated my whole room with Childline stickers! Not that my folks gave me a hiding often, but I made them think twice whenever they wanted to. A couple of calls to Childline drastically lessened the hidings...


    Thinking about it now, I must have been an absolute terrorist to raise...

  9. Think straight man, the glue got to you! We are talking about children not knowing how to behave!

    What does this have to do with misbehaving adults (paedophiles, criminals, drug addicts)?


    Were YOU born with a insticinctive knowledge of where the boundaries were? Or did your parents & mates taught that to you. Maybe even donnered it into you if your skull was too thick to grasp what was required of you?


    Some people were born perfect, didn't you know???? They never do anything wrong and their lives are perfect. Their kids will also be perfect and will never ever do anything wrong.

  10. Like falling pregnant? They've been doing that for decades, if not centuries!


    If children act outside of the norms of society, who do you blame? Asked differently, who is suppose to teach them how to act 'within the norms'?


    In this case the parents and this **** that was raping them...


    How one can say these kids are to blame is truly shameful...some people shouldn't procreate...

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