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Posts posted by Octavian

  1. Lets take a photo of them filming it


    It looks staged to me. It looks like the tail end of the snake, and it looks like a sound mike boom next to the camera. To me it looks like a scene from a movie of something...


    Don't like that they abusing the poor snake though...

  2. Mate of mine did the timeshare thing for the same price roughly. He is kicking himself now though as he doesn't ever get there, so I understand your point of view.


    I like the idea of time share, but I know myself, I'll get tired of the place after two visits...

  3. Every now and then I do give my 5c worth elsewhere if I've managed to plow through the many pages of BS before actually having the ability to have an opinion that has not been aired yet.

    Other than that I'm here for the sh!ts and giggles.


    If you have a problem with that, take it up with someone else, because I'm not interested.


    Geez, my post was only out of interest...just found it interesting..will make sure not to ask you a question again...

  4. Hi Guys,


    Is it just me, or is the Hub displaying weirdly on your computers as well? Almost as it is in a "safe" configuration? All my other websites display normally, and I have tried it on Explorer and Chrome...


    Any ideas why it keeps on doing this?

  5. For future rants, pls call the guys and not just resort to emails and expect miracles to happen.


    I find that actually speaking to someone is more productive than emailing back and forth........ just my 5c


    I did call initially. Anyway it is sorted out now. Thanks to The Hub.

  6. It is a pity you did not just pm ASG.You know full well he is on this site every day

    Always had top class service from their team both in service delivery and comms


    Sorry, but I was gatvol.. And no, I didnt know he is on everyday. Please dont assume what I know and dont know.

  7. ASG is very good and I am sure it is a small error. They have always delivered to me on time with extras so I am sure they will sort it out. (sounds like your error for not pitching up though). Check for them on the Hub and send them all the details.


    If you sick and can't pitch up, then surely they should be willing to help you out in getting hold of your shirt.

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