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Everything posted by XTC OKE

  1. the drop down list with all the subjects are GONE!!! Its super irritating
  2. how much did you pay for gold bb cups??
  3. Hi I want to build a set of mtb disc wheels ZTR olympic or 355 rims American Classic Lite hubs DT aero lite spokes or revolution would prefer aerolite! Can someone please give me a price on this build as I am very keen. JB please help with a priceXTC OKE2009-03-18 01:38:21
  4. Pornstar what about a junior team in under 16 tour?
  5. Kyk sy voor wiel 4 U Craig He was too fast... @ Konaman Bigg drop
  6. does anyone of you HUBBERS got feedback on the Schwable Furious Fred Tire??
  7. WOT!!! for an entry fee thats crazy
  8. Just click on this link http://accesstoblockedsites.com/search.php?u=Oi8vd3d3LnRoZWh1YnNhLmNvLnph&b=2&f=norefer
  9. i think they have experienced that road riding can be tougher than mountain.....doubt if you will see them. Are they still riding??
  10. Ronelle?? How is the MTB team doing????
  11. How is Burry Stander and his team doing?
  12. Ive got an Giant XTC so I think both will work as long as its 34.9mm
  13. Jip only 2 blades. Its about 80g lighter!!! Just what pull do I need for my MTb
  14. I want to fit an Ultegra FD on my mtb its an ultegra FD6600 now will this work on a 9sp chain on my bike??
  15. From Songo.info Responding to the question on how it came about that he and Sauser are riding together again, Stander jokingly answered that their other team mate, American Todd Wells did not want to ride, ?so I had no choice?. Commenting on his injury during stage 3 of last year?s Epic which led to the withdrawal of his team, Stander says that he is grateful for what happened. ?I now know how to avoid something similar from happening in the future.? His training includes the basic base phase over the summer with more focus on speed and stamina as he gets closer to racing season. His diet is also not too strict, but he tries not to eat too much junk food
  16. wonder what burry would of done at barberton if he didnt fall?? Hows he doin at Giro?
  17. remember he was still young and reckless....With the new Spez I'll bet you he'll kick it. Watch what he is doing in XC at the moment
  18. I know its abit early! but I hate the Argus Rush!! Who do you think will be the best SA team overall... I know Sauzer aint South African but I still think he and Burry Stander is gonna rule the roosts!
  19. Who do you think is gonna win the first day???
  20. It look stupid just keep the same tyres and get Racing Ralphs
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