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Posts posted by M L

  1. Ok so I sold my frame today, want to upgrade to something lighter and bigger, was on a M zaskar and I am 1.85 with a inseam of 92cm.


    I have a budget of +-R5000

    Must be a 29er frame

    Must weigh less than 1700g


    I currently have a straight steerer fork so I will probably sell that and get a tapered, also using shimano xt crank.


    1.) So I am between going tapered (steering benefits) but then I have to replace my fork.

    2.) Going bb30 (weight benefits) but then I have to replace my crank.


    Both the above mentioned isn't the biggest of issues, I can sell them both and buy accordingly.


    My options at the moment:

    1.) Carbon felt frame (then I can keep my fork) it weighs 1500g's but it is a felt - R4000

    2.) Trek superfly with tapered fork so I have to sell mine, weight is unkown - R3000

    3.) Cannondale flash around 1590g, not too clued up on converting but I know they take tapered forks when converted, they also make use of bb30 if I am not mistaken so the crank has got to go - R4900

    4.) Go brand new and get a commencial supernormal with a weight of +-1680g, but then I need a new fork and crank - R4000


    Your opinions/advice please?

  2. I feel very sorry for the okes going overseas this December. The exchange rate will at least increase our GDP, and lots of tourists will be coming to SA this holiday. Going to be dirt cheap for them.

  3. Rims I bought from CWC. Hubs I bought second hand on the hub. Nice thing is that the front hub is through axle so If I wanted to I can later on upgrade my shock to a through axle setup, running QR at the moment.

  4. Daniel I had my custom wheels built at cycle addiction in somerset west. They were ztr crest rims on AM hubs with DT revolution spokes.


    The guys gave me excellent service as well as after sales service and gave me a killer deal on the build itself. I only purchased the spokes from them and have them do the build and they asked me like R600 for that! Absolute steal! So I will highly recommend them.


    Wheels are 4 months old now and absolutely no issues with them.

  5. So I would like to get my first HRM. My budget is around the R1500 mark, don't have any problems with buying second hand.


    What I want:

    I am just looking for a reliable HRM for mtb'ing. I don't like having trouble with electronics, it should work without any hick ups.


    I am not up to date on HRM's, I have a knog for speed and distance and time so do I need those functions as well? I would prefer having a watch rather than another speedometer that measures my heart rate.


    I have heard good things about garmin. Was looking at the garming fr70. Polar I would think falls into the unreliable category?

  6. Karma, bmc and Stumpjumper seems to know their stuff.


    First off...

    1.) when it comes to supps, you shouldn't look on the labels for nutritional value. Go with a trusted and well respected brand (don't be a sheep here). Some people say protein is protein but there is a very big difference in brands. If you buy good protein it gets absorbed in better ways, faster and more efficient. It doesn't get wasted, they also mix their powder with the other essential nutrients that goes along with protein and amino acids.


    The amount of protein intake per day should be around 1.5g's per kg of body weight.


    2.) Taste counts a lot. Buy something that tastes good or you won't drink it.

    3.) Nothing beats a good diet. Yes supplements are over rated and yes they do work, but a good diet with all the foods and nutritional values you need in a day is much better than a bad diet with supplements (don't expect good results if you don't eat right).

    4.) Rest. Over training is probably the number 1 cause for not performing other than not training.

    5.) This is very important. Do not forget about a good multivitamin. It is the most overlooked supplement out there and very affordable.


    On a budget:

    - SSN whey protein (strawberry flavor is the tits)

    - SSN L-Glutamine


    For the rich:

    - Optimum Nutrition whey protein (http://www.bodybuild...e/opt/whey.html)

    - Optimum Nutrition Glutamine (http://www.bodybuild.../glutamine.html)

    - Optimum Nutrition Mens multi vitamin (http://supplementrev...ptimum/opti-men)






  7. What a bunch of show-offs, oh wait it's roadies.


    Anyway, congrats, I'm just a tad jealous.


    btw, who was that joung oke in the green afrgi shirt? Was on a white bike I think. Came past on the uphills with a moerse spoet, even singing as he went up! :eek:, and that with a 5000+ tag.

  8. This is a pretty common problem and one that is easily fixed with the right tool - but only the right tool.


    Your jockey hanger is bent. The bike was dropped on its right side and the hanger is bent inwards.


    Find someone with a derailer hanger straighter and have it done professionally. You could attempt to simply fit a new hanger - they're removable and sacrificial, but the underlying frame structure may also need attention. No use fitting a nice flat new hanger onto a bent frame section. It is always a good idea to carry a spare hanger with you. Hardcore okes wear their spare like a piece of obscure jewellery around their necks on a leather thong.


    Johan, i have bent my previous hanger earlier this year in a race, but this one is new...but maybe that is exactly the problem then, it was a flat hanger fitted onto a bent frame section.


    Will give my repair guy a visit. Thanks for the info (expect for the thong part :P).

  9. I have a 9R gt zaskar frame (alu), and when I close the rear skewer it puts bends the dropout inward. So much that it flexes the RD inward about 10-18mm's. Tested my dad's giant and his doesn't move a bit.


    This flexing is causing my shifting to be out...Any ideas on a way to get past/fix this? I have thought of bending the dropout outward so that when the skewer closes it sits at normal, but this should be a viable solution.


    Do I get in contact with GT? Anyone with the 9R frame having same issues?

  10. If it is the actual rim having a small side for the tire to seat, then I would suggest removing the stans rim strip. Cutting a roll of duck tape in half and running the duck tape neatly 3 times around the rim. Then buy tubeless valves and put them in.


    Those stans rim strips are pretty thick. I can't use them with ztr crest rims. The rim's side wall is just not high enough.

  11. What about the fool that throws a blanket statement without fact, is that a fool or a poephol ?


    I have to admit, I was generalizing about USN products.


    I think they are a company spending way too much of their budget on marketing. I guesse you can compare them to companies like Sony, LG and the like. Yes they sell a very wide range of products, and yes to the average consumer their products are very good. But when you ask a very informed consumer that has a big interest or even hobby in the specific market of some of their products, he will tell you that their product range is useless.


    My view comes from personal experience and lots of school fees. Use it, don't use it.


    As for facts (please note these people are not all just bodybuilders, they have many years of experience with supplements and training, and their opinions are extremely valuable):



    Here's a quoute a guy made in the following thread:


    "If i understand correctly sixstar nutrition is a 2nd lable for muscletech. In the states muscletec is considered a "supermarket brand" and not as highly rated as we might think. I guess it is like USN here. They are the brand that sells the most but their market is with the "uninformed" public. Guys that are really into training and nutrition makes a small percentage of the total supplement market.


    I guess with this in mind you cannot expect much from that brand/lable"


  12. One drinks whey protein after workout and before bed, you can mix it with a bit of peanut butter (to slow down the absorption rate, so it does the same job as casein protein).


    After workout you should eat a banana and a teaspoon of honey. Taking in glutamine (supplement that helps with muscle recovery) and I believe in amino energy. Optimal Nutrition's is the best, but pretty expensive.


    As for USN products.....you okes are being fooled :P.

  13. No need to crucify the poor guy.


    On the topic of races, i have no idea on what the organizing costs are, but i also feel that the people saw an oportunity in the mtb'ing segment. Paying R200 per race, with all these extra day licences and what not even though you are a ppa member baffles me.


    I also feel ripped off sometimes.


    Ps: sorry for the spelling.

  14. ....no shame won't mention that. Well, in my opinion it flexes too much (don't know if it affects the gears). Maybe the bike shop is the option.


    Any comment on x7 vs x9 vs x0?

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