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  1. hi bike community, Hope someone can help - Am battling to find anyone who stocks the drive side seal for a Hope Pro 2 Evo rear hub. The black plastic ring that 'clips in' when you fit the cassette onto the freehub body. Mine are old and have worn and ovalised over time, so there's drag and play which sucks. I can find them online, but postage is 35 pounds for an item that costs 2 pounds. Link below. https://www.sjscycles.co.uk/hub-spares/hope-pro-2-rear-hub-driveside-seal-hub517/ Please reply if you have any ideas of places that may have; or even if you have lying around in a parts bin, that would be muchos appreciated. Cheers Frank
  2. Typos is plural. Typo's is possessive. The typo is not owning anything. Fail.
  3. Chainrings. Blades. How much does it weigh? How much does it weight? Tubeless. Tubless. Trail. Trial. Is it really worth fighting the less literate about this?
  4. Uh... what are "standard" Mavic wheels? Or any brand for that matter?
  5. Some tire/rim combinations can be easier than others to set up tubeless. But for the most part, the conversion is pretty straightforward. I went the ghetto route on both my bikes, with 2.4 Conti's, one pair UST the other non-UST, on Mavic EN520 rims. Worked like a charm, with a floor pump. 18 months later, the occasional top up of sealant, and still hundreds. Trying to do my friend's WTB Speed Disc rims and a pair of Nevegals (not ghetto; used a legit kit) was like wrestling a bear. Even with a compressor, it would NOT seat, and sealant was pissing out everywhere. Eventually got it to work, but after a long battle that went well into the night, sprinkled with a generous helping of colourful language.
  6. This is my dirty girl: Santa Cruz Heckler 160mm TALAS Factory RLC/FIT fork (had to get non-Kashima upper assembly so I could have a straight steerer tube.. will use that when I move onto my next bike) DHX Air rear shock Formula RX brakes: 180 front; 180 rear SLX crank 1x10, 32T Fouriers chain ring Blackspire Stinger chain tensioner Atherton 740mm Handle bar SLX Shifters Silverado Saddle Mavic EN521 Enduro Rims on Hope Pro 2's (tubeless) Rubber Queen 2.4 front Mountain King II 2.4 rear Shimano Saint pedals One hell of a fun ride! Next step is a DOSS dropper post. That's gonna have to wait till Christmas.
  7. The "experience of browsing the classifieds". Interesting choice of words... you make it sound like a mushroom trip or something In either case (rest of my comment not related to your quote), anything labelled as the 'classifieds' section of a website or other publication immediately puts into context what the aim of that section is: to buy, and to sell. People sell for two reasons: a) to get rid of crap, and B) to turn a profit. Turning a profit requires marking goods up. If someone wants to pay for it, then awesome. If not, they're ultimately forced to reduce their price - regardless of timelines. If this were about helping other people then create a section labelled "Feelgood Fred's helping hands and charity" section.. that way, there's no ambiguity. And the self-righteous people who create or contribute to a topic largely because they couldn't market their goods properly or secure a better deal for their goods, no longer have an excuse.
  8. Just checking in and then remembered how much certain people and their predictability bore me. Hence edited my post.
  9. This would be a whole lot less likely to happen if consumers had the freedom of ordering products from online stores and not solely through an agent. A competitive market drives prices down and creates consumer intelligence around variety and price. Getting rid of the exclusive agent system would go a long way to preventing or at the least minimising this sort of behaviour.
  10. LOL Also a symptom of this forum being dominated by one discipline - XC. The more you ride other disciplines, the more you appreciate different bikes to do what they're actually designed to. As opposed to some knob riding a 160mm Spez enduro, with Chain Guide, at Northern Farms. And then commenting about its 'abilities'. And Patches - you can calm down. Was just making reference to a 'south african' brand guilty of the same behaviour. Morewood make good bikes. In China.
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