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  1. No, tax season starts on 15 July, but SARS is doing auto assessments till then. Probably why you have yours
  2. Axle is on it's way to Cape Town. Thanks @117! LIFESAVER!!!
  3. That is AWESOME!!! Just what I need. I'll send you a DM
  4. I have the following issue. My hub was taken apart for a service and the axle shaft was found to be snapped(pic attached). Any ideas on where to find a hub shaft for a Shimano FH-M678 free hub (142 x 12mm) or one that will fit. Apparently Coolheat doesn’t have any stock. Thanks in advance
  5. Have a this rolling chassis up for grabs (an oldy but a goody) https://bikehub.co.za/classifieds/item/hardtail-mountain-bikes/652418/ragley-mmmbop-with-rs-totem-rolling-chasis
  6. It has a cycling option. It has Walk, Run Outdoor, Run Indoor, Bike and Cardio as options. AFAIK you can also connect up a separate heart rate monitor and cadence/speed sensors
  7. To my knowledge you can actually ride your horse in there if you have an activity card, but not ride a bike. Have seen someone riding there on a horse before (I was on other side of the fence)
  8. There are a number of groups in Facebook that I'm a member of that buy and sell older camera equipment. Send me a list of what you have and I'll ask one of the more prolific "dealers" what they are worth
  9. So on the 6 August, I got letter saying it's closed/verification complete pretty much bang on 21 "working" days. I guess I'll have to wait another 21 "working" days before it gets paid out
  10. I'm on 18 "working days" since I submitted my docs. Will see what happens next week
  11. Sorry, I got the external cable one https://www.on-lynecomponents.com/products/lyne-contour-dropper-post-27-2mm-x-105mm-external-v2-0
  12. Got one of these delivered to me on Tuesday. https://www.on-lynecomponents.com/products/27-2mmx105mm-internal
  13. I submitted on Thursday 5 July and I see on e-filing there is a "letter" dated Sunday 8 July requesting the info. If I hadn't gone onto e-filing to check when I can expect the payout, I would never have seen the letter. It hasn't been sent to my email.
  14. I just had to submit supporting documents. Stuff that has already been submitted to them. Luckily I'll get some money out of them this year
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