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Posts posted by PUCMAN

  1. Check the classifieds lately?After some brands said they are going for 650lb, suddenly a lot more 29ers are up for sale. A lot of 26ers can still be converted to 650lb if that's the new hip. Companies spend billions on marketing tricks etc. to convince people their product is the next best thing to sliced bread. O I almost forgot , after 2015 Giant is bringing out a flying bike. :whistling:

  2. This is what is freaken me out about this country and its system. I fought against the old regime while i was at high school and university. I was kicked and dragged out of bed, knocked senseless by the then SAP. For what? To see my fellow people get killed like

    flies on the Cape Flats by scum, We get bikejacked,ran over by anything with four wheels. While the government is playing hardball because, they want to let the DA look bad in the WC. Criminals get free meals and tv , while

    my wife and kids live in a fort. Scared to move out of the bedroom. Its time we take back our streets. Aluta continua...................the struggle continues............against a new enemy.Rant on about taking on the system( demonstrations etc.) peacefully. When that is done none of us will be alive to feed the economy and SARS.

    Power to the people and cyclist.

    Ps. Maybe ill be dragged out of bed again tonight for posting how gatvol i am, because Big Brother is watching. Yes...........whats new?

  3. Joined the hub last year. I hear shouts that a person must only be allowed to ad after 100 posts. Nonsens , does it make me

    a bad person cause I don't post allot. Some of the older hubbers with thousands of post are sometimes more likely to screw

    you over.


    Had a couple of ads last year . Some older hubbers after I checked their profiles, offered me the full amount. They did not

    want to drive to me cause my profile said o posts. Okay went to a public place near their home , in both cases they pitched

    up in their newest R1 000 000 cars. After agreeing on a price on the phone they came with a couple of hundreds short on

    that price.


    Point is buyers are also to blame. Secondly to have a thousand posts or more, does not make u a better , more honest

    person than me.

    Yes I learned the hard way and yes I like to read rather than post nonsense all the time.

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