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Everything posted by martinsnyman

  1. Three guys finished the race because of my coffin sized saddle bag - two guys got a free bomb and the third a brand new tube with slime!!! So next time, instead of dissing the oke, hope he is nearby when you need help - and the day will come!
  2. Those were lekka! Best thing you can do to a USN Spike!
  3. I'm liking this purely because there isn't a fu%$*ng love it !!!!!!!!! button - pity you did not kick him into that electrical fence we were hugging for a while!!!!Priceless dude, well done!!!!!! Forget Superman - you my new hero.
  4. You hate taxi drivers, yet you suggest that one should rides ones MTB like a taxi driver?
  5. isn't a bottle neck a little like a traffic jam? Some people wait their turn and others drive their taxis in the emergency lane?!
  6. I did the 40km trailseeker yesterday and have seen and heard all the complaints. So why not give a few pointers as to how things should be done. This was my first 40km and only my second race as I started cycling about four months ago. I finished the event in just under three hours, but had to push/walk a few times! My question is, whenever I got off to push / walk or take a break, I made sure I stopped as far left as I could and not hinder any cyclists behind me. I assume the keep left pass right rule apply here as well? When re joining the race again I would check behind me and wait for a gap before resuming, trying to get on the bike and in the pedals as quickly as possible! But what is the right way to go about all this? Instead of moaning, why not educate us, the less experienced riders. By the sound of things some guys never had a first race, they started as semi - pro's with a hundred races under the belt and never got in the way of anyone? Any help will be appreciated
  7. Thank you - im running racing ralphs on alex rims - xcd lite is the model
  8. Looking at the entire thread and my problem in general - care to elaborate, add suggestions? I am not trying to go faster by increasing tyre pressure, but rather to avoid "Burping" tyres?
  9. Thanks for the Jags!! Had a nice ride and was great meeting you guys!
  10. Wish I had given you my brand new Giant tube with slime instead of the guy that did not even say thanks when he was stranded at the bottom at the second rocky downhill, about three km's from the end! Not looking for any recognition, but a simple thanks would have been nice - I think?
  11. Thanks to Johan for the Jags and getting some hubbers together!
  12. I had mine before the trailseeker #2, had terrible heartburn the entire race, if you sensitive to heart burn from fruit juice, DO NOT DRINK before the race!!!
  13. Thanks - sounds like good advice, will try this - did a quick ride tonight at 2.5 bar, sheesh it was terrible!! No traction in the sandy patches, even struggled on the gravel next to the road-felt hard even with the dual suspension! Will do another quick ride tomorrow morning and then start deflating at 1bar intervals till I am happy. Thanks for all the help and advice guys, makes getting into the sport we all love a lot easier!!! Looking forward to the trailseeker Saturday! in for 40km.
  14. To unclip I am just twisting my heels outward? Seem to get them out fairly easy - silly question but is this how it is done?
  15. Ok, So I got my bike back yesterday, the tyre reads Schwalbe Racing Ralph Pline (performance line) What I have gathered from all this is that I will be riding at 2.5bar front and rear, at least for a while to allow the tyre to seat properly and will then gradually decrease the tyre pressure. Thanks for all your help!
  16. Hi Guys, I have just bought my first set of MTB shoes and have Shimano m520 pedals. How tight shoughd the release screw setting be? I have it at it's loosest at the moment? Sorry I am not so clued up with the technical terms yet - please could someone help!
  17. Thank you, this is most helpfull! I am doing the trailseeker 40km on Saturday so will take the bike for a few road rides between now and then. Keep at 2.5bar and check the pressure daily.
  18. Bike is currently at the shop, will check when I get it back tomorrow afternoon - thanks, will revert then - I am almost sure it says P-Line???
  19. I am not sure which Racing Ralphs I have, on the tyre it only says performance line. The rims are alexrimms that came standard with my Merida 96 3000. The only other writing on the rim is XCD Lite?
  20. Thanks guys, the conversion was done by my LBS, took it back there to be topped up. The tyre did inflate without any trouble on both occasions, so I am guessing this means it is seated properly - or is that the wrong assumption? I will try inflating to and riding at 2.5 bar for a while when I get it back from the shop.
  21. Hi - I mean the tyre "Burped" - I think, just makes a loud pop sound andthen goes flat !
  22. Soooooo, had my first two rides with the tubeless Ralph's and had as many blow outs! One on Saurday and one on Sunday. Saturday, turned a sharp right hand corner, maybe too much weight on the front wheel - blow out. Sunday - going down the small downhill, river crossing at Groenkloof, too slow - too much weigh on the front wheel - blow out! Is all of this a lack of riding skill, or do tubeless tyres need a while to settle???or should I increase tyre pressure, currently riding at 2bar - I weigh 105kg. I bombed the tyre on both occasions, do I need to add all new sealant, or just top - up? Please help!!! Thank you
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