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  1. Thanks guys for the input, very good points about the harbour safety and indemnity, but have mailed them anyway - lets see what they say.
  2. I am wondering if a new topic is the way to go with my post but thought I would post it here all the same just to get the "wheels" turning. While training this morning to Suikerbossie we (a friend and me) decided to use the harbor road instead of the bike path. We were turned away at the entrance to the harbor, where it was made clear to us that we need a "pass" to enter the harbor. Now I am all for following the rules but thought perhaps it better if PPA could apply for cyclists to be allowed to use the harbor road to gain access to the CBD, waterfront etc. This way it could be a "blanket pass" for all cyclists who opt for the harbor road instead of the bike path. We all know how dangerous that infernal bike path is. PPA care to comment?
  3. does RR still race? why was he not there?
  4. i think a lot of you have a problem with Lance because he has done so well. I don't know what goes on behind the scenes in that or any team. I think Lance is great and he is doing very well, i expected him to win, but he does not seem to have the edge to do it.
  5. i used to use the steppers quite often as well as a huge dose of running on the tredmills. The great thing about the gym is not so much the benefit from being able to train in a safe, warm environment but more the continuity it generates by way of motivation. I have always maintained that consistency is the key to success, not necessarily only quality, but more the ability to continue your program in a consistent manner. Although i would say that riding on the bike is the best training for riding a bike, being able to sustain a 4am ride every day of the week for months e takes a very disciplined person who enjoys that solice / cold / danger. I couldn't / would'nt do that, for me, having the social interaction of people and pleasant conditions kept me COMING BACK - and thats the secret I usually did alot of the stepper machine, loads of running, a bit of core and some spinning - great fun, loads of ppl and it worked for me - i was not great - but i had respectable results
  6. Hi, not involved in cycling anymore, but will he be allowed to comptete at the tour this year given his history? if so, then why did the tour not allow other convicted dopers back lack of consistency perhaps? or other politics
  7. i always throw extra cheese and chives spices on mine, EXTRA CHEESE greasy as all hell they should throw 10 litres to give it more flavour Popcorn is not for sissies!
  8. how much u weighing now Marius? I am 85kg and loving it
  9. embrace the corporate lifestyle - enjoy office culture its not so bad
  10. tooHot!!!! took the stage! at a canter
  11. anyone had any contact with him? get his side?
  12. thank you for this topic, this came to may attention again in a big way during this weekends ride in paarl. I started in F group and the amount of ppl that do this is staggering especially in the back groups. it is so dangerous and annoying, why do it??? It helps nothing! Please stop it! I agree this never use to happen in the 90's, just reach down, grab your bottle, drink and put it back, the longer your hands are off the handlebars the more dangerous it is so rather just grab, drink and put hands back on bars fast.
  13. heard sumthing quite sad this weekend, the reason why they in no rush to open chappies is becos the owners / whomever manage the tollgates or the tollgates themselves (ppl charged with running the chappies tollgate) make more money from the mountain while it is closed Capitalism!tooHot!!!!2009-01-26 07:20:45
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