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  1. MrFine

    Who remembers?

    I am sure we thought we were more clever using RPN reverse Polish notation.7 Enter 7 x and so on.Good old days.
  2. Now that's one awesome Scott-Terrian.......
  3. Yes their are truly remarkable athletes out their. It sure does boggles the mind especially when you as a runner try compare yourself against them. Pure dedication to their profession.Not to mention pure talent.
  4. At the race briefing on Friday night you were given a topographic map with the route layed out on it.There were four check point with GPS coordinates you had to get to.Basically you got briefed to keep to the ridge of the mountain most of the time.there were also 3 beacons you passed indicating you we're on route.I basically just made a mistake when coming of the mountain.Gained some valuable experience.Awesome views and good bunch of trail runners that most of the time you stay in groups.
  5. Did the Brauhous 45km Mountain trail run yesturday.My first Marathon run.It was a self navigation route.Couple of us took the wrong ridge at breedts Nek making for some instresting hiking up the gorge to get back on route to check point 2.All went well for me until I had to get of the mountain at Elephants Neck in Rustenburg.Took me 3 time up and down to finally find the safe route down.Ended up doing 48km.I was out on the route for 9hours.Lost about 2hours due to navigation errors.This was an awesome race and I sure have gained some valuable experience.Thanks to all the great runners I met and the event organizers.
  6. Good Day All Doing the Brauhaus Mountain Trail run on saturday (45Km).This will be my first full Marathon run.Has any one done this race before.Looking forward to it.Below is the route information Cheers Route information: The route is NOT marked so each athlete will be given a map to assist on their journey. The race will start at the church and will proceed on jeep track all the way up the mountain to CHECK POINT 1 . Here the athletes will have their card punched and will proceed left of the check point back towards BREEDTS NEK where they will go through CHECK POINT 2. Here they will basically go back the way they came to CHECK POINT 3 where there will be water and some basic nutrition. Bearing in mind the athletes MUST carry a minimum of 3L of water as well as enough nutrition for the duration of the race, and the ever important FULLY charged cell phone. At this 3rd check point they make the journey across the magnificent mountain, keeping the ridge to their LEFT to the crescent where they make their way down the Elephants Trunk to CHECK POINT 4 , Dam Wall. There will be flags at the top of the mountain indicating the safest route down . Please don’t be a hero and try to take another route. Use this route!!!. From CHECK POINT 4 the route will be marked all the way to the Brauhaus (aprox 10km) where there will be Ice Cold beer and a hero’s welcome.
  7. MrFine

    Polar V800

    Only opened this thread now so maybe you've done it all ready.When in polarpersonaltrainer just go to list view and select 25 training files at a time and upload to flow.Once uploaded it will be highlighted with a green tick.Took me quiet a while.In flow check your profile and all your statistics will be there.I uploaded from 2010 when I started.1716 training sessions.124d7h14m with 49410km done.Surprising how it all adds up.At least I have everything in one place now.
  8. I'am slavering now.I think shimano will pay you for a review like this.Enjoy all those miles.........
  9. MrFine

    Polar V800

    Thanks SwissVan.You understood the story correctly.No low battery warning,just switches off.The only thing I can think off is the upgraded firmware.I wonder if it is posible to go back to the old version software and see what happens after that.As I said it was working totally fine with the cracked screen.
  10. MrFine

    Polar V800

    A bit of advice needed.I was mountain biking and a slight fall upon which my V800 screen got cracked like a car windscreen.Totally upset with my self and still used it for about 2 weeks.Sent it to Polar and they put in in a new casing and even phoned me if they could upgrade the firmware and put a new stap on so it will look like it comes out of the box.+/- R1000 later I got it back and very impressed with polar. I started using it again and on my first ride it just went dead.Thinking it came back from repairs I recharged and rode the following day.The same happened and it just switches off. Phoned polar and said I must do a factory reset.Did it and still the same.At this time polar asked me to send it back again.They had it for about a week and said there was a software glitch and they had resolved the problem. I got the watch back and guess what it just switches off again.Gave them benefit of the dought and charged it again but with the same results,just goes dead. Phoned them again and polar said the technician will phone back when coming back from the Cycle tour. On phoning me the Monday he now tells me it could have been damaged electronically by my fall. Why did he not tell me that the second time it was sent to them. They say I should settle a claim with my personal insurance.Polar now say they will have to replace the watch in the casing.Nearly R5000 after paying already R1000. I am quiet disappointed with Polar as I have had all their products over the years.RS800,V600,RCX5 etc. I only bought the watch in December . Any advice you think I should take.Thanks.
  11. Shameless season 5 starting on the 17th on edge @ 21h00.Cant wait.
  12. Excellent choice.Super reliable..Awesome ride.Loving mine.
  13. MrFine

    Polar V800

    Export the .tcx file and not the .gpx file so when uploaded to strava it shows everything.Heart rate cadance speed and route.
  14. Can't wait and it's only January.
  15. MrFine

    Polar V800

    Thank SwissVan followed your instruction and synced to flow and all's working correct again.
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