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Everything posted by Gooner101

  1. Hi Cranky, The shop is open for basic trading but they are still waiting for some orders to arrive (Which has been a nightmare getting in, maybe the time of year had a role to play in this) They still have more shoes, helmets, accessories and nutrition coming in soon. (Hopefully this week I am told) I am also told they have a mechanic starting mid December and the workshop will be fully operational. There hasn't been an official launch yet, but as you can imagine you need to open doors as soon as you can. Make a turn past again sometime, i'm sure there will be loads more to see.
  2. Hey They haven't had their opening 'launch' yet. They are open for trading in the meantime while the finalise things. They are also waiting for more stock to arrive (Getting orders in from suppliers seems to be a nightmare this time of year)
  3. Hi SurferChild, Yip, the store is still happening.. Unfortunately there were delays because of the lease but shop fitting is in full force and the opening orders are being placed. (Building etc. had to be done from scratch as the shop had never been occupied before) They are hoping to have the opening early November if all goes according to plan From what I have seen, it's going to look awesome and totally worth the wait.
  4. Some unforeseen delays but it is still very much happening
  5. It's definitely happening still Unfortunately with building plans and having everything approved by the shopping centre it has caused some delays.
  6. Thanks for the feedback! I'm going on 18 months now with the ITB issue. Cycling seems to be ok, but when I hit the road running I can barely make 1km without pain. I wanted to get it sorted before it affects my cycling. I am having it done at Linksfield (Dr Bradley Gelbart), he is in the same practise as Dr Ponky Firer. (Everyone knows that name i'm sure) From what I hear, it's crutches for about 3 days then they encourage some walking? Good luck with the recovery, sounds like you on your way to some pain free cycling
  7. I have been having the same problem, I had 3-4 months off from any exercise and it never helped. I've tried every medical professional out there (Short of surgery), but I am at my wits end and I decided to see an orthopaedic surgeon. I'm booked for next week Thursday. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes if you interested?
  8. Thanks for the feedback I am booked in for surgery next week Thursday. Look forward to the same positive results you had.
  9. There has been a decision to add and open a spinning class in the shop too, so there is some additional building and shop fitting that needs to be done... The plans are being finalised and should go ahead soon. The shop was nothing but a massive room with 4 concrete walls before (No previous shop was in the space) so it has taken a bit longer than expected. As soon as we get any info and dates I will be sure to post them.
  10. As far as I know, the shop needs to be established for some length of time before stocking Cannondale, but it is on their list of brands they will be stocking in the near future
  11. I had numerous sessions of chiro, at one stage I went 2-3 times a week for a month and no improvement... But thanks anyway
  12. That is awesome! Thanks for your feedback
  13. Thanks Grego, good to see positive feedback on the surgery What was your recovery time? How soon could you start any light exercise? I am worried about not being able to get back into training for the 94.7..
  14. As grego12 mentioned above, i think that could be a pretty accurate description of what they do. It effectively does lengthen the ITB which in turn prevents the rubbin/friction on the bone (As you described it)
  15. As far as I know, Surgery involves removing the bursa and lengthening the ITB just enough so that the friction is reduced when the knee is bent and straightened. I stand to be corrected?
  16. I haven't tried the lyno therapy yet (But I have read up on it), I have tried similar methods with the bio (At R400 a session it got quite expensive), with no results. So as you can imagine, I am a little frustrated at the amount of money spent and not seeing any improvement.
  17. Hey Hubbers, Is there anyone with positive feedback on ITB surgery? I am considering going under the knife as a last resort, I have tried everything from physio to biokineticists, stretching, foam rollers, strapping and I have spent a good fortune on all of these to try and resolve the issue.. Almost 2 years later and it's only at it's worst. I even stopped running for 4 months, first time back on the road last week and I barely made 2km. I am back at physio and I see no light at the end of the tunnel. I also have to consider that the 94.7 is coming up in just over 4 months. I am beyond frustrated and would love to run and cycle without pain again. I had a goal to complete the Ironman 70.3 but running 21km is seriously holding me back on my bucket list.
  18. 7 nights in hotels, B&B's and guest houses instead of staying in the tented village, daily massages, transport between hotels and the Absa village, merchandise...
  19. And that's just for a basic entry... Then there are those who enter and choose a premium upgrade... I'm sure that's a hell of a lot more than a basic entry
  20. Well the shop hasn't opened yet... Like most businesses, it doesn't start fully staffed... There is a process to these things and staff need to be hired as required
  21. Unfortunately new shops don't come standard with staff, wouldn't it be great if they did
  22. They are pushing for July, but they will let us know as soon as dates are confirmed.. They certainly have some nice GT bikes coming in, worth the wait
  23. Awesome to see you sharing the excitement a lot of us do too
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