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Craig Stubbs

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Everything posted by Craig Stubbs

  1. Hi guys. There seems to be a lot of emphasis being put into Enduro these days, and it seems (to me at least) that a lot of the old school downhillers and more experienced riders are driving this and having a whole lot of fun. For those of us who haven't given an Enduro race a bash, what sort of level (skill wise) do you need to be at in order to enjoy (not nescessarily compete for the silverware) at an enduro race? I for example ride 2 to 3 days a week (pre-work hour or so) and a longer ride on weekends, and i do most of my riding around Giba and the likes. I consider myself pretty fit and have developed a few self taught skills with a lot of spills along the way. This however means nothing when faced with a large pallet jump or the likes. It would be great to get some sort of idea (take Giba for example) of what everyday trail section we could complete with some degree of comfort to know what we are getting ourselves into when entering an Enduro? Cheers, Craig
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